Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1081: The four masters gather together, the first seat of Yue State

"I came to China for tourism. I was fooled by the Internet, saying that this place is very romantic. When I really came here, I didn't expect it to be so chaotic..."

The girl was scared and cried.

Ye Yang comforted the girl for a while and told her not to come to such a place alone again.

Beautiful girls are talking about civilized national security. In most places, it is very dangerous.

Of course, the same is true for beautiful boys.

After chatting for a while, I learned that the girl was from Guizhou Province in China, a Qiang people, and her Chinese name was Liu Zhuoyao.

She was attracted by the foreign beauty advertised on the Internet and came here for tourism.

Ye Yang shook his head. Some bloggers on the Internet are sometimes really harmful.

Promote things, only promote one-sided things.

If you want to praise, don't say anything bad, if you want to criticize, don't say anything good.

It makes people very extreme now, but they don't know that the real world is always two-sided.

There is good and there is bad, and good and bad depend on each other, which is the essence of most things.


Ye Yang thought about it and felt that it was not safe to leave the girl alone outside, so he left her the address and told her that she could go to the manor to find him if she had any difficulties.

After all, they are compatriots, so we should help each other if we can.


Liu Zhuoyao nodded repeatedly. What a glorious figure Ye Yang is in China now?

I don't know what kind of blessing it is to be able to talk to him.

Not to mention that the other party is so friendly now, she was very excited and felt that she was robbed today!

Even if the bag was really lost, it was worth it!


At this time.

In an underground casino in Hu City.

It is usually very lively here, with loud gongs and drums.

But today, it is very quiet.

You can't even see people making noise.

All the idle people have been cleared out!

The boss is an old man who is sitting on the fishing platform, holding a fishing rod, fishing for fish in the waterscape bonsai.

It is called a bonsai, which is more than ten meters in size. It is a small lotus pond when placed outside.

This is enough to show the large space and luxurious furnishings of the casino.

"Mr. Jin San is here!"

"Mr. Ruan has arrived."

A loud laugh came from the door.

A big man holding a pure gold spinning bead in his hand strode in with a deafening sound.

"When you arrive, accompany me to fish."

Mr. Ruan was calm, his old eyes narrowed, as if his eyes had long since withered and disappeared...


The big man with the gold bead laughed and sat next to him, full of murderous aura and scared away the fish: "I am really good at killing people, not fishing."

He curled his lips.

Gold is very heavy, and the two golden balls are spinning in his hands, which shows his strength.

"Why are the other two dawdling?"

"Too far away."


The big man nodded: "Mr. Ruan, you are the closest to the polar bear, do you know what happened?"

"I don't know the inside story, but there is no doubt that Ye Yang did it."

Mr. Ruan said.

"Who invited us here?"

The big man, Mr. Jin San, asked in a low voice.

"Someone who knows the inside story."

Nuan Ye shook his head, indicating that he didn't know much either.

Just when Jin Sanye wanted to ask something.

"Fan Ye and Li Ye are here!"

Two figures walked in with dragon-like steps.

One was dressed in ordinary clothes, with ordinary looks that could not be found in the crowd.

The other had a pointed mouth and a mustache, dressed like a profiteer.

"Who invited us here? The four of us are here, but he still hasn't shown up. Haha, what a big air!"

The profiteer Li Ye sneered: "Even if he is the number one in Vietnam, he dare not neglect us like this!"

Nuan Ye raised his eyelids and glanced at the profiteer Li Ye: "The fact that they can invite the four of us at the same time proves their ability. It doesn't matter if they wait a little longer."

Outside the door.

There are many guards.

They all looked at the inside in awe.

The five gangs of Yue State correspond to the five great heroes, and together, they are called the Five Brothers of Yue State.

Now that Polar Bear Lin Lai Dongfu has died, the other four of the five are in the room.

They are the four uncrowned kings of the gray world of Yue.

"The four who can gather together must be very important."

"It is probably related to the death of Lin Lai."

"It has been predicted that the destruction of the Arctic Group will inevitably plunge Yue into a storm. Is it finally starting?"

"Are you discussing how to divide the Polar Bear's heritage?"


The thugs all have fiery eyes. After all, if they divide it, they will definitely have a share.

Most of the territory in Hu City belongs to the Arctic Group. After all, this is the opponent's base camp.

And Hu City is the most prosperous city in Yue.

They have been salivating for a long time...


In the house.

"No matter what the identity of that person is, how do we divide Hu City?"

"Each of us should come up with a plan."

The four are discussing fiercely how to divide Hu City.

A figure suddenly appeared in the room.

The faces of the four changed drastically.

There were many thugs outside and strict surveillance. How did the other party suddenly appear here?

Is it a ghost? ?

Just one person, one appearance, made the four men feel extremely dangerous!

They looked closely.

The person came with a silver mask and a black robe, and his exposed eyes were full of evil.

"Hu City is nothing but some leftovers, only hungry dogs will fight for it. You are respected as the five leaders of Yue State, are you so shallow?"

The man raised his mouth and spoke very harshly.

"What did you say?"

Jin Sanye slammed the table angrily, and the golden ball in his hand was about to be thrown out.

"The man introduces himself."

Ruan Ye has experienced the most, so he will not be easily angered.

"The head of the Yue State of Black Source!"

The silver-faced black-robed man pulled a chair and sat down, saying lightly.

"Black Source... I have heard of this name a long time ago, but I didn't expect to finally meet the real person of this mysterious organization today."

The four elders looked at each other in fear.

The Black Source is a very large organization with influence across Asia and is very mysterious.

They have great ambitions and are considered a group of lunatics. Their leaders are usually invisible.

However, it is said that they suffered a huge setback in China a few days ago. Today, Ye Yang appeared, and the head of the Yue State came forward and invited the four elders to gather here.

The four guys didn't believe that there was no connection between the two things.

"Compared with what the Black Source is trying to do, the division of underground property in Hu City is really leftovers."

The profiteer Li Ye sneered: "It's a pity that your things have nothing to do with us, and we don't want to get involved. So, what is your purpose here!?"

"I'm here to save you."

The head of Yue State raised his arms, like a big charlatan.

"Okay, put away your tricks, we are not people who can be brainwashed by charlatans like you, say it quickly!"

Several people obviously don't want to be too involved with the Black Source.

The members of this organization are wanted and hostile by almost all relevant countries. If they are involved in such things, it will be a big trouble...

(Second update)

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