Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1082 Natural Allies?

"You must still not know what kind of existence the real Ye Yang is."

The leader of the Yue Kingdom in black robe and silver face said calmly.

Mr. Jin and others looked at each other and nodded. They had all heard of this name, but after all, they had no contact with each other, and they didn’t know what Ye Yang was capable of. They only heard that even the internationally renowned The financial groups are extremely afraid of him.

"This is the real him."

The leader of the Black Source Yue Kingdom placed a pile of information on the table: "You guys take a look first."

Jin Sanye snorted coldly. In order to show his bravery, he was the first to pick up the information, glanced at it, and said lightly: "It's just like... huh?"

As soon as he read the first line, he couldn't go on.

It was as if there was a heavy iron block in his throat, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Every time his eyes scanned down a line, the pressure on his body increased countless times. The pressure brought by that piece of information was more than ten thousand!


"Is he actually such a person!?"

The four Yue guys put down the information and their expressions became solemn.

At first, they just felt that no one could do anything to them on their own territory.

Lin Lai Dongfu died simply because he was too stupid and had to take the initiative to provoke Ye Yang and seek death.

But now after reading the information that Black Source had manipulated, they no longer think so...

"Why did this Ye Yang come to Yue country!?"

The four members of the Yue Kingdom all looked at the leader of the Yue Kingdom, hoping that he would give them an answer...

"You wouldn't say that he came here to target us, would you?"

"Of course you won't let him come here just once, but that doesn't mean he won't kill you along the way."

The leader of the Yue Kingdom said calmly: "You have also seen that he hates evil and wants to eradicate you, the five members of the Yue Kingdom, for a long time. To him, these are just convenient things!"

"Then he thinks too highly of himself!"

Mr. Jin Sanye sneered: "Everything here is our territory. The most evil being in the country, he will press him to death if he says it? How arrogant!"

They all felt that Lin Lai Dongfu's death was just because he was too crazy and unprepared.

If they really use all their strength to deal with Ye Yang and the four gangs unite, in the country of Yue, no one may be able to defeat the other!

After all, I haven't heard of Ye Yang having any industry in Yue.

No matter how powerful it is, it is all due to influence from other places.

"Do not impulse."

Mr. Ruan said lightly: "As far as I know, there is a deep feud between Black Source and Ye Yang. Now that this period has appeared, people have to suspect that you want to use our hands to remove Ye Yang." Sir, if you want me to make a sword, you are looking down on our city."

The leader of Yue Kingdom raised the corner of his mouth.

"You don't have to believe it, Lin Lai Dongfu's ending is your ending."

He just finished speaking.

Mr. Jin Sanye received the call. In an instant, he became furious and stood up: "How dare he really do this!?"

"What's wrong, Third Master?"

The profiteer Li Ye asked.

"One of my malls was selected, and it was done by Ye Yang's men."

Jin Sanye said angrily: "Does he really think he is invincible?"


When the other three guys heard the news, their expressions all darkened.

Now it seems that what the leader of the Yue Kingdom said is not unreasonable.

Master Ruan looked at the masked man, and then at the other three elders who were panicking. His failing eyes sank, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

"Let's talk about the real purpose of coming to us."

Now these big guys are all in danger.

They were just mouthpieces before. If they really collided, they might not dare to fight Ye Yang. After all, everything behind this man was too mysterious. Even in their own territory, they were not sure of victory.

"I said, I'm here to save you."

The leader of Yue State spread his hands: "I have no quarrel with Ye Yang, but Black Source has quarrel with China. He is an important part of China, so I want him to die. Black Source will provide you with all help, including advanced guns. Ammunition and detailed planning guidance.

This is your only chance.

I hope you can be smart and seize your future. "


The four guys looked at each other.

With their strength, they are absolutely unable to fight against Ye Yang, but if there is a behemoth like the Black Source supporting them, they may not be able to fight...

After all, to be able to be targeted by Asian countries, still alive and well, and exist for countless years, its strength must be extremely terrifying.

"You are destined to be our friends."

The leader of the Yue Kingdom smiled slightly: "As long as you do this once, in the future, you will be Black Source's most solid allies in the Yue Kingdom, and your strength and relationship will truly reach the sky. By then, even the bright side of the Yue Kingdom, I won’t suppress you either, you will be the real king!”

These words are more likely to strike the ears of ordinary people.

But in the ears of people with real energy and ambition like the Five Guys of Yue, they who were already tempted were even more shaken...

Climbing a big tree is the fastest way to stand taller.

"I did it! It was Ye Yang who wanted to destroy us first! If we don't fight back, it will be unjust!"

Mr. Jin Sanye slammed the table, stood up, and shouted angrily.

"Not only can we solve the current crisis, but we can also have a bright future. I will also have a hand in this matter."

Profiteer Li Ye also nodded.

Mr. Li and Mr. Fan have always advanced and retreated together.

Now three of the four have joined.

The chief of Yue State cast his evil eyes on Master Ruan.

"Haha... the general trend has been established, I will naturally follow the trend."

Master Ruan nodded.


The chief of Yue State directly filled the cup with wine: "Cheers for our interests."

After everyone drank the wine in the cup, the chief of Yue State left, and before leaving, he stated that various resource support would arrive soon...

Master Jin San, Master Li, and Master Fan had a heated discussion and were extremely excited.

If they really formed an alliance with the Black Source, an ancient and huge organization that has dominated Asia for many years, the future would be unimaginable!

Hu City is really just a little leftovers!

Everything bigger and broader is waiting for them!

Only Master Ruan opened and closed his eyes, and had no interest in speaking. Obviously, he had his own little thoughts in his heart.

These days, Ye Yang took Liu Zhuoyao to travel in Hu City.

The girl was originally traveling, but she was so beautiful that if she didn't stay with him, she would definitely be surrounded by wolves. After Liu Zhuoyao expressed that she wanted to play with him, Ye Yang nodded and agreed.

After all, meeting is fate.

I will help my compatriots from other countries if I can.

I visited all the places such as Tianhou Temple, Guzhi Tunnel, and Da Nan Literature Park.

I ate and drank and had a lot of fun.

"The decoration here is really different from that in China."

Liu Zhuoyao looked at the decoration of the park with emotion. Is this the impact brought by cultural differences?

(First update)

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