Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1083: Hu City Grand Theater, a meeting that shouldn’t exist

The maritime culture of Yue is very deep.

The famous Tianhou Temple is the super large Mazu Temple.

This most famous amusement park also has a marine theme, with large sculptures of various strange marine creatures, which made the group from China feel refreshed.

After walking through the water world, there are also many species unique to Vietnam in the zoo, which is more than ten acres in size. It is very enjoyable after a tour.

After playing in the amusement park, it was already dusk.

Minggui Hotel.

The most luxurious restaurant in Hu City.

Considering the consumption level in Hu City, the food here is ridiculously expensive.

But in Ye Yang's opinion, it was just ordinary.

I had a lot of fun today. I asked for the wine in the store and opened it. I ate nearly one million Hua Xia coins in one meal.


Liu Zhuoyao originally thought that it would be very comfortable to travel with a handsome man, but she never expected that the consumption in these two days would reach this level...

But Ye Yang didn't care about this at all. Seeing her expression, he just said that meeting her was fate, so don't pay too much attention to it.


Liu Zhuoyao nodded, overwhelmed by Ye Yang's grandeur.

She clutched the wine glass, feeling that there was nothing she could do in return.

After all, the consumption in these two days, even if it is AA, is enough for an ordinary Chinese girl to earn in a lifetime...

"What's the plan for the evening?"

Ye Yang asked Xiao Xiaozhu.

If Yu Momo is not with him, Xiao Xiaozhu will become the temporary secretary instead.

"Go to the Hu City Grand Theater."

Xiao Xiaozhu said.

That is one of the most famous attractions in Hu City. If you don’t go there once, you will really lose a lot.

Ye Yang nodded. He had no ability to appreciate opera, but it felt good to go arty once in a while.

Hu Opera House, a typical Gothic architectural style, is a multi-functional theater specially used for hosting artistic performances.

Its interior decoration and exterior reliefs are built in accordance with the French theater style of the late 19th century. This opera house existed in 1900 and has a history of more than 100 years!

The exterior of the building is beautifully decorated, with various reliefs and patterns on the exterior wall. At the top of the giant arch on the front are two female angels with wings on their backs holding the holy harp.

"The two columns under the arch represent the two mythological goddesses. The French designers were also involved. The shape looks like holding up the door with both hands. It looks like it was made by those romantic figures."

Xiao Qingxuan said.

"You actually do research on these."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"Hmph~ Being a killer requires knowledge of all countries and walks of life. Do you think I can only fight and kill?"

Xiao Qingxuan raised his head and said like a master.

Ye Yang couldn't help but laugh out loud, but remembering that the songs she sang were all extremely niche songs such as Gypsy and Bohemian, he began to believe this statement a little bit.

It seems that Xiao Qingxuan's little head does contain a lot of knowledge, and he should be more knowledgeable than many liberal arts Ph.D.s who only study hard.

After entering the theater, many people from the Yue Kingdom who claimed to be aristocrats, those who came to visit, and those who considered themselves to be foreign aristocrats sat down.

The art form of opera is inherently linked to the word aristocracy.

In the early years, nobles wanted to prove their identity by watching this kind of drama, and ordinary people wanted to have some relationship with the nobles by watching the pattern.

But whether they are ordinary people or nobles, most of them will fall asleep in their seats after watching the pattern one night.

It's just that ordinary people sat down and were mocked by the nobles.

The nobles sit behind the curtain, and ordinary people cannot see them sleeping soundly, but only know that they have elegant taste.


Liu Zhuoyao has a relatively high receptivity to operas. She is an outlier, and she watched with great energy.

Ye Yang watched for a while and then started to doze off.

As soon as he yawned, Xiao Qingxuan patted his shoulder and handed a note to Ye Yang.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and unfolded the note.

He thought for a moment, then got up and went to the seat next door.

The opera is divided into two floors, with booths on the second floor.

"You're looking for me?"

Ye Yang looked at the next door.

There is only one old man.

The old one is out of shape, and it seems like it will hang up when you follow it.

If he wasn't still breathing, he would have thought there was a mummy sitting there.

Ye Yang sat directly next to him: "What's going on? It's so mysterious. Are you afraid that there are ears on the wall next to me?"

The old man chuckled and said, "My name is Ruan Qingshi, and he is one of the Five Guys of Yue. Due to special circumstances, I dared to come to see Mr. Ye. It is my great honor that you can come to see me."

Ye Yang glanced at the other party.

He really didn't have a good impression of the so-called "Fifth People of Vietnam". They were all gangsters who committed all kinds of evil and no one was good.


Ruan Qingshi selectively talked about what happened yesterday.

Ye Yang thought for a moment, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it a black source?"

He had long known that the other party had been thinking about him and had been looking forward to him leaving China so that he could settle things in one fell swoop.

But he still came out.

Although the opponent's lair in China was destroyed, this organization was like a tarsal maggot, still causing trouble in China secretly.

Absolutely disgusting.

He just wanted to show the other party's head and then cut it off completely!

An organization that has been able to offend all countries in Asia for so many years and still survive so well and with so much vitality has an extremely strong ability to hide itself.

It is an extremely terrifying force. Venomous snakes are not scary, but the ones lurking in the dark are.

Ye Yang has been ordering Hurricane to investigate this organization, but the other party hides too well. He has long planned to wipe out the other party by going abroad.

Now he finally has the chance...

"Did you bet on me?"

Ye Yang asked: "You should have read my information and know that I don't like people like you. Why do you still bet on me? Moreover, the Black Source of Yue Country plus you four gangsters are fighting at home, and the chance of winning is very high. No matter how you look at it, you shouldn't be here tonight."

Ruan Qingshi smiled slightly: "Mr. Ye will know in the future. There will be a big change tomorrow, but we have arranged everything. We came to Mr. Ye in advance tonight. First, we show our sincerity, and second, we want you not to expose yourself too much tomorrow and leave everything to us."

"Who are you?"

Ye Yang asked.

"After tomorrow, Mr. Ye will know everything."

Ruan Qingshi stood up and bowed to Ye Yang: "The Black Source has been keeping an eye on us these days in the name of support. I came here in person to show my sincerity. But the night is long and dreams are many. I need to rush back as soon as possible and cannot explain everything in detail."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

Now his strength is indeed not afraid of any monsters and demons, just waiting for the good show to be staged tomorrow...

(Second update)

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