
After the Grand Theater ended, Ye Yang returned to the tropical manor with his bodyguard sisters and Liu Zhuoyao.

"Tomorrow is the day when Wang Xiaocong's real estate project opens."

Ye Yang's eyes wrinkled slightly, does the other party want to take action on this day?

It’s really disrespectful...

His eyes turned cold.

Although Ruan Qingshi said that 'they' had arranged everything, he did not completely believe the other party, so he also sent out several messages and made necessary preparations, just in case.


Liu Zhuoyao was very tired after playing all day. After drinking and watching the opera in the evening, she felt so sleepy that she fell asleep.

She might see bloodstains from swords tomorrow, so he didn't plan to take her there.

She is just an ordinary little girl, and this kind of scene will not be a good memory for her.


The next morning, the sky was blue, and it was soon time for the property to go on sale.

I don't know how many people are waiting outside.

After all, a house in Hu City is as hard to grab in Yue as a house in Magic City is in China.

If any house in the city center of the city were to change hands, one would never know how many people would rush to snatch it up.

There are few rich people, but in bustling cities, there are many rich people.

With the myth of China's real estate market getting rich, countries in Southeast Asia are following suit. Many people who are aware of China's internal changes want to buy a house quickly to increase its value.

The country of Vietnam has set off the craze for buying and speculating houses that China experienced in the early years. In recent years, house prices have risen a lot.

Therefore, as soon as Wang Xiaocong's real estate project opened, a sea of ​​people gathered outside, all trying to grab the house.


A top-end Rolls-Royce Hui Ying was parked outside the venue.

Many people's eyes were attracted.

Many wealthy people gasped.

That's the Rolls-Royce Phantom!

It was previously said that the entire Rolls-Royce company only built a few privately customized models. The only one that was confirmed to have been sold was sold for more than 90 million many years ago...

Today, the value of this kind of car has already exceeded 100 million! ! !


Ye Yang walked out of the Rolls-Royce Huiying.

This car was bought after he came to Vietnam.

Not much, just over 130 million.

The azure-blue sapphire-like body and retro model perfectly match the temperament of Hu City.

Where to drive what kind of car.

If you were to drive a Lamborghini in Hu City, it would look a little weird.

"It's that great man from China!"

"Ah? Who is that? I don't know..."

"I think I've heard of him, but it's the first time I've seen his real face. It turns out he's so handsome! I thought a financial giant who could compete with international consortiums must be in his fifties."

"Isn't he a movie star? How come he became a financial tycoon?"


There was a lot of discussion in the field.

But most people know that just with this car here, this young and handsome young man is not something they can compare to.

Many people moved out of the way knowingly and invited Ye Yang in.

Only those who have obtained the in-app purchase qualification are eligible to enter.

This time Wang Xiaocong opened up one hundred in-app purchase qualifications. Of course, people like Ye Yang who got a building in advance were naturally included.

"I'm envious! It's not easy to buy a property in Hu City now. There's nowhere to spend the money..."

"Yes! You may queue up to grab a building, but you may not be able to grab one!"

"Are the big cities in China like this a few years ago? It's really difficult..."

"Hmph, after all, you are still not rich enough. Those who are really rich and have status have obtained the qualifications for internal testing and are sitting in it! I don't know how many times more comfortable than us!"

"Okay, don't stand and talk because your back hurts. Why don't you stand outside with us?"

"I'm different from you! I'm from a poor family!"


Ye Yang naturally didn't pay attention to the interlude outside, and just walked into the venue calmly.

Wang Xiaocong had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Ye Yang coming, he greeted him: "Brother Ye!"

Ye Yang nodded.

Everyone present came together to greet him.

Most of them rely on connections to buy houses. Ordinary people who are better than ordinary people. Wang Xiaocong, a real estate developer, is a super boss in their eyes, let alone Ye Yang, who is flattered by Wang Xiaocong. He immediately Knowing it was the boss, he rushed up.

However, there are also some people who have some status, they are just guys who came to get a house, sitting on the chair and eating melon seeds, without getting up at all.

Another person saw Ye Yang arriving and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "We're finally here."

"It's just a developer, but he really thinks of himself as a boss."

Some people here with their own backgrounds sneered and mocked when they saw Wang Xiaocong and Ye Yang being greeted by others, but no one welcomed them.

"That's right~"

Next to him, a woman wearing sable fur echoed.

The climate in Vietnam is very hot. Although the New Year has just passed, wearing this indoors makes you look like a super nouveau riche.

When the people present heard this taunt, they all looked at these two people in surprise.

"Aren't these the famous super nouveau riche couple in Hu City?"

When the economy recovers, many wealth myths will be created. Many people do not necessarily get rich because of their knowledge or ability. They just happen to be in the spotlight and have no ability themselves.

Ordinary people look down on such people, and old nobles feel ashamed to associate with them.

Therefore, they can only rely on themselves to make their presence felt, and they are like to confront people when they see them.

"This is the son of the richest man in China. He comes to my Yue country to do business, which is not comparable to you nouveau riche!"

Someone said.

"Haha, the former richest man? It's not good recently. What can people do if they always rely on me? After all, they are just the second generation!"

The nouveau riche man sneered: "Whether he can survive in my Yue country depends on whether we, the local rich people, give him face?!"

"If you don't want to buy a house, please get out. There are so many people waiting in line outside to buy it. You are not needed!"

Wang Xiaocong frowned and shouted coldly.

"Haha, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger! Even if your father came to my country of Yue to do business, he would not dare to talk to me like this!"

The nouveau riche man crossed his legs and glanced at Wang Xiaocong and Ye Yang with contempt: "I can come here to give you face! You are arrogant, you can't even go out to welcome me, but you go to welcome this kid.

You really can't tell the difference between the important and the unimportant! Do you really not know who you really need to rely on to do business in Yue in the future!"

"How dare you!"

Wang Xiaocong was laughed at by the nouveau riche's Pu Xin: "Who do you think you are? I think you are also an unknown ant in Yue. I don't even know who you are. You still compare your importance with my brother Ye? In front of him, you are not even dust!"

"You fart!!!"

The nouveau riche couple stood up together, their faces were bloodshot.

(First update)

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