Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1086 Targeting Ye Yang?

"I hope I didn't alert the snake!"

The Vietnamese military boss frowned, glanced hard at the guy on the phone again, and then paid attention again.

This operation involves a lot.

Naturally, they set up spies at the scene, and the scene of the sable girl looking for trouble quickly reached their ears.

on site.

The sable girl and the upstart boy fled, causing everyone present to burst into laughter.

"It's really funny that you dare to challenge a big boss with just this little strength."

"Ha ha……"

"But Mr. Ye is too strong. Didn't you notice that the woman called the person on the phone "honey"? There must be a lot of connection!"

"Well, it's time to start trading next, right!?"

"I hope I can grab it..."

The ordinary people who came to buy a house were talking about it.

Ye Yang and Wang Xiaocong were chatting and laughing casually. Naturally, they did not need to handle the various matters present personally. They were just here to calm down the situation.

Soon, it was time for the opening ribbon-cutting session.

Ye Yang stood on the stage and cut the red ribbon, and the audience cheered.

They are all here to buy houses.

"Okay, the opening has officially begun!"

The host announced: "Everyone line up!"

Everyone obeyed the rules and lined up calmly.

The first to be processed are those who have obtained the qualifications for in-app purchases.

At first, everyone was friendly. After all, they had obtained the qualifications for in-app purchase and were not worried about not being able to buy a house.

Until I got to the last in-app purchase seat.

The man with the mustache raised the corner of his mouth and said directly: "I want to buy a building!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened.

one building! ?

Not a room, not a unit, but a building! ?

How much does this cost! ?

Everyone gasped.

Wang Xiaocong's real estate is a high-quality residential area, and the price per square meter is close to 30,000 Chinese coins!

In Hu City, Yue State, it is also top-notch.

On average, one hundred square meters is equivalent to three million, a building with six units, each unit has 15 floors, and there are two units on one floor.

That's a building with 180 households, which works out to almost 5.6 billion Chinese coins!

In Vietnam, anyone who spends so much cash to buy a house is definitely a top boss! ! !

This sentence attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Yang and Wang Xiaocong also raised their eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, sir, because the real estate market is tight, even in-app purchase users can only purchase three units."

The sales lady smiled apologetically and said.

"Haha, really?"

The bearded man slapped the table: "You call this discrimination!"


The whole place fell silent.

Anyone with a bit of vision can see that this man is looking for trouble...

Ye Yang had already shown terrifying energy just now. How dare this man make a scene?

What confidence do you have? !

If they knew and heard of the upstart just now, this man with a mustache was not famous at all! ?

A guy who appears out of nowhere...

Everyone frowned, feeling a little weird and didn't know why.

Wang Xiaocong frowned: "What kind of discrimination?! Rules are rules! Nothing can be done without rules. Are you challenging my rules!?"

"Rule? What a rule!"

The man with the mustache sneered: "As far as I know, the first person to break your rules was the man next to you, right?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm going...could it be that I'm here for Mr. Ye!? What a courage..."

Sensitive people have sensed the direction in this man's words and were shocked.


Wang Xiaocong frowned.

"If the information I got is correct, the man named Ye next to you took over a building in your community! Where is your rule of limiting the purchase of three households at this time!?"

the man questioned.

"You know a lot!"

Wang Xiaocong sneered, it seems that this person came prepared!

"Brother Ye is my benefactor. This building was given to him by me, not by him! Do you still have any objections!?"

These words made everyone's eyes widen.

They work very hard to buy a house and save for many years before they can afford it.

A whole building is given back and forth as a gift among these rich people? !

This is too scary!

They all have big mouths.

It's one thing to hear about those heroic deeds on the Internet, but it's another feeling to see it happen in front of your own eyes!

They all felt extremely envious.

"Haha! You Chinese people still follow the rules?"

The mustache sneered: "If you are a friend, you will get a house as a gift. If you are not a friend, you will have to impose purchase restrictions!"

Wang Xiaocong couldn't stand it anymore. This man was just here to cause trouble. His speech was unreasonable and messy. There was no need to argue with this kind of person.

"Where's the security guard? Get me out!"

"Haha, if you can't explain it, do you have to use violence? This is your Chinese habit!"

The mustache spat: "It's so cruel and unkind! You don't do things according to the rules! If you don't like it at all, you will use violence!"

He stood up and kicked over two security guards who came up to persuade him to leave.


Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He was not angry at all, because he knew that the mustache today was just a clown who was put on stage, and the real mastermind was still behind the scenes.

If he gets angry even when an ant pops up to collect treasures, wouldn't it be a loss of face? ?

"You guys did the same thing to the polar bear boss, didn't you?!"

The mustache man no longer covered up and shouted.

Everyone present changed color.

In Hu City, the word polar bear is too heavy!

Among the five bosses of Yue Country, polar bear Lin Lai Dongfu has the strongest power in Hu City, leaving a psychological shadow on the people.

"Mr. Lin Lai is the rule here, but you don't follow the rules at all. If you don't like it, you kill him!!!"

The mustache man was so angry that it was hard to tell whether he was acting or really angry.

"It seems that you miss that old dog Lin Lai?"

Ye Yang looked at him with interest.

Wang Xiaocong laughed: "This matter has nothing to do with us. If you slander again, I will send you to reunite with your Mr. Lin Lai! You are making trouble in my place! You are a bit too much!"

"What a big tone! I want to see which guy dares to be so presumptuous in my Yue Country!"

A cold voice sounded.

There was a commotion outside the venue.

Everyone made way for the outsiders to come in.

There were two teams of armed, aggressive thugs.

The man who was surrounded by the thugs was strong and muscular, holding a golden bead, with scars on his face, looking coldly at the stage.

As soon as he stood still, someone exclaimed.

"Mr. Jin San!"

"One of the five bosses of Yue State actually showed up in person!"

"It's really rare! This kind of successful and fierce boss showed up in person!"


"I can't stand it anymore, come to help!"

Just as everyone was amazed, there was another loud shout from outside...

Everyone's eyes were shocked and looked over.

The man who came had a goatee and a treacherous face. He was surrounded by a group of thugs and had a strong momentum!

"One of the five bosses - Mr. Li!!!"

(First update)

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