Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1087 You are not worthy

"Another super boss is here!"

"Could it be that the other two of the five bosses will also be here!?"

"That would be a rare spectacle in the world!"

"Well... I think it was the death of the polar bear that touched the nerves of these people. In order to protect their status and reputation, they came out to seek revenge!"

"Yes, I think so too!"


Everyone present was talking about it.

The five bosses of Yue State are really too famous. In the hearts of the people, they have left a huge psychological shadow. Now that two of them have appeared together, these people immediately dare not stay here.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

These bosses are targeting Ye Yang!

They are going to make trouble!

Although there is no evidence to prove that Wang Xiaocong and Ye Yang killed Lin Laidongfu.

But all kinds of rumors and speculations say so.

If the two terrible forces are to compete, there must be bloodshed. How dare they, ordinary people, get involved?

They all ran away on the spot...

However, they did not run far. They watched from afar outside the area they thought was safe.

After all, it is human nature to join in the fun.

Attracted by them, many passers-by also joined in.

As soon as they gathered together, Fan Ye's team came surging from afar.

"Fan Ye, one of the five bosses, has passed the imperial examination!"

"Could it be that today, the remaining four bosses really have to gather together!?"

"It seems that the rumors are true... Ye Yang must have killed the polar bear, which touched the nerves of the other four bosses, and they want to make trouble today! Prevent Ye Yang from being divided and defeated!"

"It stands to reason that Mr. Ye is from China, so he won't go to such lengths to kill the other bosses who have no grudges against him, right?"

"Haha, it's hard to say. The five bosses are of the same blood and are respected as the five bosses. They will definitely feel sad when the rabbit dies. Even if they dare not really do anything to Ye Yang, they will definitely be punished. Otherwise, why are they the five bosses of the Yue country underworld?"


Everyone nodded and understood the motives of these people.

If it were other industries, they would just endure it.

But they are gangsters, and today's battle of accusation is inevitable even if there is no external force involved.

The proposal of the Black Source is just to go with the flow, so that the four guys will be more confident and can work together faster.

"Why didn't Ruan Lao, who is the oldest, most powerful, and most unfathomable, come?"

"Someone saw his team on the road!"

"Here they come!!!"

Someone exclaimed, pointing to the distance.

"Ruan Lao's team is a bit...huge!"

Someone muttered to him.


Everyone opened their eyes wide.

The momentum was so fierce that it was almost comparable to the sum of the thugs brought by Jin Sanye, Li Ye, and Fan Ye...

This is too terrible!

Jin Sanye and the other two also looked at Ruan Lao's team in doubt.

"This old guy is really a hidden talent. He can actually pull up such a large team."

"Haha, I have long felt that he is not simple, but it's good. The more people today, the better. The polar bear was killed in the morning. Who knows how many armed forces Ye Yang brought out? Since this old man Ruan brought so many people, let him go first in a while, hehe..."


The three big guys exchanged glances.

They understood each other tacitly.

The pressure from Master Ruan was too great!

As one of the five underworld bosses of Yue State, Ruan Qingshi far surpassed the other four, which frightened the others.

It was just the right opportunity to beat Ye Yang, weaken Ruan Qingshi by the way, and get the protection of the black source.

It can be said that it was a three-pronged approach. They were already happy.


At this time, the four still alive among the five bosses of Yue State stood together, with thugs like clouds behind them, looking extremely intimidating.

Everyone in the distance was shrinking their heads, feeling extremely scared, but their nature of watching the fun made them suppress their fear.

"This momentum is too strong!"

"This scene is enough to be called the best in the past 30 years in Yue State!"

"I think it's the first time in history... What has caused the four gangs to come out together and come out in full force?"

"The cross-border war with the Chinese Xiangwan underworld, almost all the gangs on our side participated in the war."

"Hehe, don't mention that matter, that is the scar that our Yue underworld is most reluctant to reveal, be careful that they will come back and stab you!"


The Yue underworld lost miserably that time, and they all felt ashamed.

It has become a taboo since then.

Don't let others talk about it.

Today's scene obviously reminds people of that time decades ago...

It was also against a big boss from China.

I don't know who will win and lose this time?

The Vietnamese people present were in a complicated mood.

They hope that the gangsters of Yue will be defeated, or even destroyed, so that they can't do those things that hurt the world. After all, the prosperity of the gangsters in a place is always accompanied by the suffering of the local people.

They also hope that the gangsters of Yue can win, because although Yue is a small country, it also has the ambition to dominate, and once mobilized all the people! It's just that it was repeatedly taught a lesson by several big countries in history, and then it became honest. They can't win on the battlefield, and the gangsters have lost to China one after another, and they will feel extremely ashamed.


In this way, some people in the crowd hope to win, and some hope to lose.

Even a fierce quarrel broke out...


Ye Yang nodded: "Is this the so-called change? This scene..."

He glanced at the four gangsters of Yue State one by one, looking at their complacent expressions, thinking that they were already trapped, and sneered: "It's a little too small!"

When these words came out, they fell into the ears of everyone, no less than thunder!

Such a big show is one of the few rare times in the history of Yue State's underworld!

This kind of horrifying show was evaluated as too small by the other party! ?

How confident is this? Or should I say...arrogant! ?

But they could not see a trace of arrogance in Ye Yang's eyes, all of them were calm and told the truth, which undoubtedly made them most ashamed and angry! ! !

"Ye Yang! You are too arrogant! This is not China! You act too recklessly and perversely! We are the same as the polar bears in the five gangs, you are doing extinction and not talking about morality, we will take you in again today!!!"

Jin Sanye roared angrily.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Mr. Jin San, then shook his head.

"What do you mean!?"

Mr. Jin San was originally full of vigor, but now he was confused.

"You don't deserve it."

Ye Yang said indifferently: "With a few rotten fish and shrimps like you, you dare not attack me. Tell me, who is behind you? Let him come out to see me."

His voice was light, but the confidence and contempt from the heart in it made Mr. Jin San furious to the extreme! ! !

(Second update)

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