Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1088: Two-faced Ruan Qingshi?

"What did you say!?"

Jin Sanye was instantly furious.

For so many years, no one has dared to look down on him like this!

Not to mention, now the four masters of Yue are gathered together!

Even if the top masters of Yue are present, you have to think carefully about your words!

This Ye Yang is a little too arrogant!

"Fuck, did I hear it wrong?! The four masters of Yue are standing together, and Mr. Ye actually said that they are not worthy!"

"What kind of confidence is this!?"


Everyone exclaimed.

As the people of Yue, they are naturally very afraid of the four masters, and sometimes they are even more afraid of them than the government.

"Haha, Ye Yang, you are too arrogant! I didn't believe it before, but today, seeing you so arrogant, I believe it. You really want to wipe out our five masters!"

Jin Sanye laughed.

"Originally, I asked you to apologize and swear in public, and it would be fine today, but with your attitude now, even if you bleed today, Huaxia can't say anything!"

"Not bad!"

Both Li Ye and Fan Ye spoke up.

They claim to be powerful in their own area, but when have they ever been looked down upon like this?

Even if Ye Yang is a super boss in China, he is not worthy of being so openly despised in their territory!

The information provided to them by the Black Source is not complete and has been tampered with.

They do not think that Ye Yang is invincible in their territory.

"It's okay to apologize and swear in public?"

Ye Yang sneered: "You guys are really used to being domineering. On the day when my friend opened the market, you disrupted the other party's business and pointed out my name in public. It is already a humiliation. I didn't ask you to die to apologize, but you still want me to apologize?"

"It seems that staying in Yue for a long time has made you used to sitting in a well and looking at the sky..."

He shook his head, as if these four people did not exist in his eyes.

These four people claim to be big bosses, but in his eyes, they are just ants.

This is not because of his arrogance, but due to his actual strength.

Whether it is Lieyang No. 1, photon weapons, or hurricane power, the power of China in Yue, any of them is not something that these ants can shake!

If they attack themselves, it is either because these people are too ignorant, or someone is protecting them behind the scenes.

And the biggest possibility is the Black Source. After all, he had received news before that the Black Source had been waiting for him to leave China, and the benefits would come as soon as possible. This kind of organization that dares to go against all the countries in Asia has nothing to dare to do, and nothing that it can't do.

Of course, he has offended too many people.

Maybe it is a consortium, an enemy country, a shadow emperor... It's all possible.

"You have been closed in China for a long time, and you just came out to see the world. You are completely unaccustomed and don't know what a gang is!?"

Mr. Jin was extremely angry.

In all these years, it was the first time he saw someone dare to look down on them so much.

"You have been avoiding my questions. It seems that I can only arrest you and use punishment to make you speak."

Ye Yang shook his head, as if he was talking about something that had become an established fact.

Several people were furious.

Only Ruan Qingshi smiled slightly.

"You are arrogant!"

"It seems that you have to suffer a little before you can stop being so self-righteous!"

Mr. Jin San took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Ye Yang's thigh. His face was full of evil, ready to shoot at any time.


Wang Xiaocong was in doubt and stood beside Ye Yang.

It was too unsafe outside China. How long has he been abroad? He encountered such scenes of fighting...

Is this doing business?

This is simply risking his life!

It's too scary...

"If you don't do it again, I will do it myself."

Ye Yang didn't even bother to pay attention to Mr. Jin San, and his eyes looked directly at Ruan Qingshi.


Mr. Jin San, Mr. Li, and Mr. Fan have been in the underworld for so many years, and they are very sensitive to such conversations.

Could it be...

"Master Ruan! You!?"

They all thought of that possibility: "Could it be that you betrayed us?"

Ruan Qingshi shook his head: "You should never, ever walk on the same road with the Black Source..."


This time, the three men confirmed Ruan Qingshi's inclination, and instantly murderous intent burst out.

"Kill him!"

They had long disliked Ruan Qingshi. The old man was not dead, but his subordinates controlled the largest forces and territory. It was too scary!

Kill him first and then quickly! ! !

They jumped up, their eyes were red!

But they found that the surging group of thugs brought by Ruan Qingshi had already surrounded them!

As soon as they raised their hands, they fell into a passive situation!

"Bang Bang!"

I don't know which side fired the first shot!

Super melee, start!

A melee of thousands of people, blood exploded instantly.

Even the people watching from a distance were scared to death, that was a real gunshot! ! !

Fearing that blood would splash on their bodies, everyone was fleeing in panic.

"Brother Ye, what should we do!?"

Wang Xiaocong was trembling, his legs were weak.

This scene was not comparable to the one in Lin Lai Dongfu's villa that day. If things go wrong, hundreds or thousands of people will die! ! !

"Don't panic."

Ye Yang shook his head. He had guessed eight or nine out of ten about the current situation. If 'they' referred to the people he was thinking of, those people would definitely not dare to put Ye Yang in danger.

Sure enough, this side just started.

In the melee, the guns originally pointed at Ye Yang, their gunmen were all sniped!

Even Jin Sanye was no exception, his entire arm was almost blown up by the large-caliber sniper rifle!

He fell to the ground, howling madly, the pain was too terrible...

Instantly, countless armed helicopters flew over the horizon.

Hovering overhead, special police descended from the sky, holding bulletproof shields, turning into a shield formation, tightly protecting Ye Yang and his party inside.

Another team protected Ruan Qingshi.

Various police cars and military vehicles drove in.

Yueguo spent a lot of money this time!

Almost all the official armed forces that could be mobilized near Hu City were mobilized.

Even a few tanks drove over.

In front of this steel overlord, the gangsters who only had a submachine gun at most lost their fighting spirit in an instant.

All surrendered.

It was almost one-sided, like cutting wheat.

Ruan Qingshi's thugs all wore red coats and green hats today, so they wouldn't be accidentally injured.

"Ruan Qingshi! You're a great Infernal Affairs player!!!!"

Li Ye had planned for someone's whole life, but he didn't expect to be played hard this time!

It's very likely that his future life will be ruined.

After all, he knew what this big scene meant.

They should be finished...

"Two-faced, betraying us! You're shameless!"

Fan Ye also shouted.

Ruan Qingshi shook his head and looked at the three people sadly: "You don't know where you went wrong until now..."

(First update)

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