Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1089: All the big guys show up, with their own intentions

A car drove in.

Everyone gave way, even the tanks! ! !

Obviously, the person in the car was of great status!

A man in white military uniform got off the car, and everyone was in awe when they saw him.

"The God of War of Yue!"

"The first person in the Yue army!!!"

"It turned out that he has arrived! This is too grand..."

"Oh my God..."

The panicked people in the distance were relieved to see that the situation was settled so quickly, and they watched from afar again.

Seeing the person getting off the car, they all exclaimed.

This person is famous in Yue!

He is the first person in the Yue army, whether in fame, strength or power, he is the first. Everyone in the contemporary Yue people knows him!

It turned out that this person came forward to host this big scene today! ?

Ruan Qingshi also nodded slightly and retreated behind that person.

"Legendary man! Ling Ziyue."


Ling Ziyue walked to the front of the stage, ignoring the cheers and exclamations of the crowd along the way, and even the shocked looks of the three people including Jin Sanye.

He walked directly in front of Ye Yang and stretched out his arm: "Mr. Ye came to visit my Yue country, and we failed to treat him with state etiquette. It is our fault!"

Everyone opened his mouth wide.

"Isn't he a wealthy man in China? Why is he treated with state etiquette!?"

"No matter how rich he is, Mr. Ling Ziyue shouldn't say this!?"

"It seems that the person who cut the ribbon at the lunar base in China a few days ago is also called Ye Yang. Maybe it is the same person..."

"It is the same person! He has achieved controlled nuclear fusion! Maybe it is because of this that General Ling respects him!"

"I don't think... Mr. Ye should have another identity."

"Hiss... It's not impossible to say so!"

The onlookers were shocked by this scene.

The controlled San Lao was also confused.

They were so arrogant just now, but they knew that facing Ling Ziyue who almost controlled the whole army now, the so-called gathering of the four masters was just a joke.

After all, the arm cannot twist the thigh, and the black will always be black. Once the light shines, it will melt away.

The difference between absolute power is too great...

Otherwise, black will be white.

However, such a powerful and unapproachable person was so polite to the rich Chinese man in front of him? He even said that he would treat him with national courtesy! ?

This? !

Could it be that Ye Yang was not arrogant at all, but regarded them as ants from the bottom of his heart! ? !

No! ! !

They couldn't accept this fact in their hearts...

"The black source... lied to us!?"

They all thought of this in their hearts, but it was too late to regret it.

This Ye Yang must have another identity!

Ye Yang smiled slightly and shook hands with Ling Ziyue.

"Do you think that only you, Ruan Qingshi, have a big boss behind you! Even if you are Ling Ziyue, you can't do this to the three of us!!!"

Jin Sanye shouted angrily.

He lost too much blood and lost his judgment. Obviously, he didn't understand the situation in front of him.

Soon, four more cars followed.

Four top bosses of Yue State got out of the car. Although they were not as famous as Ling Ziyue, they were all top people in a certain aspect of Yue State's officialdom.

It made people gasp.

"The five top figures behind the legendary five bosses are here today!!!"

The people of Yue sighed.

Their despair of the underworld is not only because the underworld is rampant, but also because of the five people behind them...

The underworld is afraid of light.

But if the underworld and the light go together, not only will they not compete with each other, but they will complement each other.

The resulting misery can be imagined...


The three bosses who were controlled all had light in their eyes, and they looked at the four people who came.

One of them is even the big boss behind Lin Lai Dongfu. At least this one must be against Ye Yang, right?

As for the other three, they are the highest umbrellas for the three of them. I don’t know how many benefits they have received from them over the years.

Today, they must come to rescue them.

In terms of identity alone, none of the four people can compare with Ling Ziyue.

But if the four big bosses show up together, Ling Ziyue will definitely not be able to take action by force! ! !

They saw hope and kept calling the names of their protectors...

"Shut up!"

"Do we know each other?!"

"You have committed a serious crime! We are here to arrest you and bring you to justice!!!"

"You don't know how to live or die. I indulged you a little before, and you really don't know the taboos. You dare to touch any taboos. This time you can't be spared! It's just right to catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Although the four people colluded secretly, at this time, they were all righteous and awe-inspiring, with a tone of eliminating evil for the country and eliminating evil. People who didn't know the inside story were really moved by the four people.

"The big guys in my country of Yue are not as bad as the rumors say!"

"Yes, yes! I am so touched!"

"Is it finally time to settle accounts with the five gangsters?"

"We have been oppressed by them for too long!"

"Finally, we will see the light!!!"

Many Vietnamese people in the distance shouted happily.

"Haha, I don't think things are that simple. These five gangsters may have just violated some taboos and will be slaughtered. The next batch of five gangsters will soon appear..."

"You are too conspiratorial! How can the world be as bad as you think!? Haha!"

"Oh? Little kid, you are too young, you haven't experienced anything at all... Do you know that I have lived for such an old age, the term "Five Masters of Yue State" has been around for a long time, but how many generations have passed to bear this title?"

The speaker was a white-haired old man, he sighed: "Have you ever thought... except for Ruan Qingshi who is too old, the other four masters are only middle-aged at most? That's because... only Ruan Qingshi has never been replaced in the successive generations."


"Hiss... Is there really another hidden story behind today's events?"

"This!? Will there never be a sunny day!?"


The people who were cheering just now all lowered their voices...

The big guys ignored the discussion of the people in the distance.

Ling Ziyue waved his hand directly: "Take them away!"


Jin Sanye, Li Ye, and Fan Ye were dejected, and they understood the situation completely. It was obvious that all the bigwigs of Yue State had reached a consensus. Their biggest backer had now become the one who buried them personally...

This was really a sarcasm and a slap in the face for them.


After everyone was sent away.

Ling Ziyue invited again: "These people are disrespectful to Mr. Ye. We would like to invite Mr. Ye to deal with them together!"

Ye Yang raised his mouth: "Your intention is not to drink, I am afraid you want to ask me about the black source?"

Looking at the subtle change in Ling Ziyue's face, Ye Yang knew that what he thought was right...

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