Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1093: Even though he is not in China, his power is still unshakable

"How is this going?"

Ye Yang asked.

Looking at the servants of the villa and manor who came to clean up, it was obvious that these people were accustomed to this kind of scene.

"In the past few days, this is already the seventeenth time. They are really brave and not afraid of death!"

On the wall, the ace brother jumped down and saluted Ye Yang.


Ye Yang was having so much fun these days that he didn't even notice what had changed.

"These are killers from other organizations, or killers working alone. They are here to murder you, boss."

Xiao Qingxuan also clapped her hands and walked over.

"Why are there so many all at once?"

In China, with all the layers of protection, it would be difficult for these people to even get through customs, let alone get in front of people like him.

He had too many enemies. Before leaving China, he had already foreseen that these things would happen.

But he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen seventeen times within a few days...

"You really miss me so much that you want me to die!"

Ye Yang sneered.

"According to investigation and interrogation, it should be because Black Source recently put you, boss, at the top of the must-kill list."

Xiao Xiaozhu also walked over from the other side.

"Oh? Is it the one on the hit list that they hired Hurricane to assassinate me a few days ago, but instead exposed one of their branches?"

Ye Yang laughed, not feeling that the crisis was coming, but actually finding it interesting.

"Boss, do you plan to return to China next?"

Xiao Xiaozhu asked.

After all, the dark web and various killer organizations have recently been stimulated by Black Source's must-kill list...

It will definitely get crazier from now on.

However, with the ability of hurricane, it is possible to achieve near-perfect enlightenment. For example, in the past few days, these people have no idea that Ye Yang has gone out to travel across the country.

They all rushed to Tropical Manor.

Hearing this, Ye Yang sneered: "Originally I wanted to go back, but now that the other party is so provocative and impatient, my going back will not have the effect of luring the snake out of its hole."

He simply didn't have to worry anymore and just wandered around the country of Yue.

From time to time, I was invited to attend local high-level gatherings, business salons and other activities in Vietnam, which made Black Source so angry that I gritted my teeth! ! !

"The killers who rely on these organizations and work alone may have no hope."

The eyes of the leader of the black fountain were cold and cold.

As far as he knew, in the past few days, the assassins and people from all walks of life who had failed to assassinate Ye Yang had suffered nearly a hundred losses, and all of them had gone without return!

"We could be wrong."

A silver-faced councilor whispered.

"What did you say!?"

Someone asked angrily.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean... we used to only think that he had official status in China, but now judging from Ye Yang's performance, he knows the rules and situations of the underground world and the gray world very well!"

The silver-faced councilor said.

"what do you want to say in the end?!"

The doubter frowned.

"I have a vague feeling... that he has another extremely powerful force outside of China! This force must be very terrifying and powerful enough to protect Ye Yang abroad!"

The silver-faced councilor stood up and deepened his analysis: "The documents reported for the branch that was recently destroyed showed that a few days before they were destroyed, they had contacted...Hurricane Security."


"You mean?"


Hearing this name, all the council members of Black Source could not sit still.

Although China is tyrannical, it relies on its status and will not go abroad to deal with them.

But if Ye Yang really has the power of hurricane in his hands...

That would be a nightmare for them! ! !

"Yes! I think it's very possible! Why haven't I thought about that before..."

"How is it possible! Ye Yang has spent countless days abroad from birth to now. How can he master hurricanes!"

"Perhaps the situation is not as pessimistic as we thought... Ye Yang just has a close relationship with Hurricane, or Hurricane just owes Ye Yang a favor!"


Everyone was relieved.

In the complex battle of world forces, Hurricane is definitely a very special existence.

He doesn't participate in any competition and is very low-key.

But relying on its own terrifying strength and incomprehensible depth, it frightened every force.

Looking at more than 200 countries in the world, except for the five permanent members, who dares to say that they can ignore the most strange and powerful existence in this gray world?

Because the hurricane does not compete for dominance and is very low-key, no one has ever seen through its depth.

All he knows is that the several killer organizations or 'security companies' that once opposed him have all disappeared in the long river of history...

When testing hurricanes, the end result is always a muddy cow drowning in the sea...

"No matter what, we must face up to this possibility and investigate in depth!"

The leader of the black fountain pointed his finger at the back of the chair, his eyes flashing with thoughts.

"This Ye Yang is already perverted enough. He holds power and wealth, and has enough force to defeat top boxing champions. How can he be so powerful in the black world? Is he still a human being!? He is less than twenty-five years old. !”

Some people sighed.


Since the speculation, Black Source has fallen into shadow.

The No. 1 must-kill list storm soon faded away...

Wave after wave of organizations and individual killers fell and were destroyed. The news could be suppressed at first, but later it became completely unsuppressable.

"Alas, the first place on the Black Source Must-Kill List has a bonus of 100 billion US dollars. In addition, the Black Source can also satisfy this person's three wishes.

But this money, you can get it but not spend it! Forget it."

"Many people have died under this bounty..."

"I dare not touch it again!"

"Whoever goes is a fool! Money is something outside of the body, life is the most important!"


A word gradually spread in the killer world...

Ye Yang cannot be killed, and you will die if you touch him! ! !

Just like this, half a month passed in a flash.

Ye Yang traveled all over Yue State, and the storm of the first must-kill list was almost completely suppressed. No one dared to come to die...

The eight ace bodyguards are here, let alone these guys coming to die in batches.

Even if they come together, they can't get within a hundred steps of Ye Yang! ! !

The storm caused by this incident was so big that the whole killer world was shaking.

The people who are most closely connected to the assassin world are the nobles of various countries. They naturally know the process of this incident...

"This Ye Yang is really scary. He dares to kill the first killer of the black source alone. He really has the confidence!"

"If I were him, even on my own territory, I would not be able to do this!"

"It's so awe-inspiring..."

This secret storm that is not seen by the world and will not be known by the general public has made many nobles in Southeast Asia witness Ye Yang's terrifying power...

Even if he is not in China, his majesty cannot be shaken! ! !

(Second update)

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