Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1094: The Crazy Balor Consortium

"This Ye Yang is really lucky! I couldn't kill him so many times!"

"Haha... It seems that this black source is number one on the must-kill list, and its deterrence is nothing more than that!"

"It's really hateful..."

Many of Ye Yang's enemies, after learning that Ye Yang was on the top of Black Source's kill list, were eagerly waiting, hoping that this wave could take Ye Yang away.

There were also many people who muddied the waters and offered to assassinate Ye Yang themselves, hoping that the assassination would be more powerful.

However, the result undoubtedly disappointed them.

Now the assassination crisis has completely subsided.

And Ye Yang is still alive and well, enjoying himself in various ways in the country of Yue, attending various activities, and every photo of him with a smile on his face seems to be mocking their incompetence and ridiculing their powerlessness.

The craziest among them is undoubtedly the Balor Consortium.

They are carrying hundreds of billions of euros in bets!

Now, the construction of Ye Yang's lunar base has begun. Their rocket has only just completed its second launch. It is not known when the construction materials will be completely transported to the moon!

They are almost certain to lose!

Once it loses, it will be a loss of 800 to 900 billion euros!

There are not only more than 600 billion euros of their own money, but also the money of Ye Yang’s enemies and the major financial groups and plutocrats who want a piece of the pie.

If they lose, their anger will definitely be directed at the Balor Consortium!

Even the European leader, Sesis Balor, felt scared!

That's more than 600 billion euros in cash!

Even if they are the four leading consortiums in Europe, this is an extremely heavy amount of money!

Once it is cashed out, the flow of funds in many industries under his name will suddenly be blocked!

Therefore, they now want Ye Yang to die the most.

Apart from the black source, they are the ones who make the most noise in the black world.

"It seems that even Black Source can't kill this Ye Yang. What a waste! It claims to be compared with the largest black organization in Europe - Fallen Source. I think it is really weak! Asian ones are really weak! !”

A member of the Balor Consortium sneered.

"Haha, if it is No. 1 on the must-kill list released by the Fallen Source! No one can survive for such a long time!"

These council members all said with hatred.

"The source of corruption is the biggest poison in Europe. It has caused us more trouble than Ye Yang. Don't start speaking for such anti-human things just because you hate Ye Yang!"

The conscientious member scolded.


The several council members who were reprimanded snorted coldly and stopped talking.


"We must not let this storm go away completely! Let's add the last flame to him!!!"

A white-haired veteran of the Balor Consortium wearing black and gold robes spoke.

"That's right! We can't let this storm go away! We need to keep this fire burning! And it will get stronger and stronger until it burns Ye Yang to death!"

All the members in the audience echoed.

"Oh? Elder, do you have any suggestions?"

Sethis Balor asked. He is the current helmsman of the Balor Consortium, but if it is really because of this bet that the consortium loses 600 billion euros in property, plus he bears the hatred of other consortiums... …

He will definitely be punished by his family, falling from the clouds to hell...

"Wealth moves people's hearts, money can make ghosts grind!"

The elder said coldly: "If they can't be moved by hundreds of billions of dollars, then add more chips! Let the killers all over the world go crazy! Let them kill that Ye Yang! Let him die without a burial place!!!"

His voice was so cold that it sent shivers down your spine!


Seth nodded, hesitantly.

"There is no need to hesitate. China was able to land on the moon quietly and even start building a base directly. It must be because their technological level exceeds ours. There is no doubt that we will lose this space race."

The white-haired veteran in black and gold robes was extremely clear-headed and rational: "Instead of losing 600 billion euros at that time, it is better to spend 300 billion directly to kill this gambler and make this debt a headless debt! Save 300 billion euros, Very valuable to the consortium! ”


"I think what the elder said is very reasonable!"

“I also support the elders’ resolution!!!”

All the council members stood up and said repeatedly.

Sethis still has some illusions, thinking that the Balor Consortium can win. The so-called moon ribbon cutting before may be just China's bluff! ?

But now it seems that if the interruption continues, it will be disrupted!

He frowned: "But if this is the case, then Ye Yang must be able to guess that we did it. We are different from the black source. They are hiding and we are revealing. If you adopt this method, you will not only be ridiculed, but the consequences will be very serious." serious."

The black-gold and white-haired veteran stood up: "My dignified Balor Consortium is one of the leaders in Europe! The majesty itself is inviolable! This Ye Yang has repeatedly treated us as nothing, and deserves to die! Let's see who dares to laugh at us! "

He continued to pace and stood in the hall: "As for fear of his revenge? Does he still want to kill the people of our Balor Consortium in Europe? I forgive him for not having the ability or the courage!!!"


Seth was still a little hesitant.

They are behemoths in the world of light. Once rumors spread, it will have a great impact...

"If Ye Yang was just an ordinary businessman, it would be fine, but he has those two identities. If he is really destroyed by us, China will go crazy!!!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience fell silent.

Indeed, no matter how powerful a person is, the most terrifying consortium in the world, the Balor Consortium, will sneer at him.

But behind Ye Yang, that is the whole of China!

One of the three major countries in the world!

Almost unlimited energy!!!

Provoking them is definitely not a good choice...


Everyone hesitated.

"As long as there is no solid evidence to prove that we did it, what can China do!"

The elder sneered: "Even if we take a step back, if the matter is really exposed, let me bear all the blame! I will fight for the Balor Consortium with my last drop of blood!"


Everyone present was moved.

"Then... it's settled!"

Sesis Balor knocked on the table with a firm look in his eyes.

Soon, in the black world, a piece of news swept the entire world...

Someone in the black market offered 300 billion euros for Ye Yang's life!!!

Now, as long as Ye Yang is killed, he can get the 100 billion US dollar reward from the black source, plus the 300 billion euros offered by the mysterious man!!!

This head is too valuable!!!

Enough to drive almost all killers in the world crazy!!!

(First update)

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