Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1096: The Storm is Over


Silence, a long silence.

Only the faint sound of words echoed in the lobby of Balor Manor...

After a long time, someone finally said hesitantly: "How about... we take back this 300 billion euro reward?"


Many people present were coughing and feeling embarrassed, but no one really stood up to oppose this proposal.

There was only one veteran of the Balor Consortium who supported this proposal iron-heartedly and was even willing to risk his life to take the blame.

Now he is really dead.

No one in the entire Balor Consortium is willing to pay with their life for the assassination of Ye Yang.

The consortium will pay a compensation of 600 billion, and that's it. At most, their property will be less than before, but no one wants to die.

With so much money, they can still live a wonderful second half of their lives...


Vaguely, the chatter became louder...

Sethis Balor looked around in disappointment at the council members of the Balor Consortium in the lobby.

The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty are all hesitant now, not daring to say a word...

He knew that withdrawing the reward had become inevitable.

"I see."

He nodded.

Somewhat tired.

This Ye Yang is really too unfathomable. In any aspect, as long as he touches it, the other party seems to have power beyond common sense.

Whether it was the business war at the beginning, the hacker war later, the space race later, or the current assassination.

As if the other party is a perfect person, without any shortcomings, nothing can kill him or defeat him...

An endless sense of failure and frustration arose in his heart.

Unlike ordinary people who often suffer setbacks, Sethis, as the helmsman of Europe's leading consortium, has never felt this kind of frustration since he was born.

This feeling made him confused and scared.

"However, before withdrawing, we still need to hold the other party accountable, and it cannot be withdrawn today. Otherwise, it will be confirmed that it is the fatwa issued by our Balor Consortium."

Some elders saw the pressure on Sethis and asked him to step down.

The councilors in the audience also breathed a long sigh of relief, at least their lives must have been saved...

"Just do it!"

Sissis sighed, stood up, patted the gilded seat, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the lobby.

He is too tired...

He began to realize.

Perhaps it was a fatal mistake to mess with Ye Yang from the beginning.

The Balor Consortium is used to being proud. Ye Yang was just teaching an incompetent junior of their consortium a lesson, and the fault was with this ineffective guy first.

Even if it is right or wrong, he and Ye Yang are fighting over the princess of Lubao. It is just a jealousy among young people. The Balor Consortium should not get involved!

Step by step, the Balor Consortium paid an increasingly heavy price for its pride...

"These 600 billion euros cannot be saved."

His face was solemn and his heart was sad.

This would be a terrible blow to the Balor Consortium...


Accountability for the Balor Consortium will come soon.

Ye Yang sneered, made the matter public directly, and asked sternly: "Has the Balor Consortium already admitted that you issued the vendetta order? Otherwise, when your elders were shot dead, the first person to think of accountability has nothing to do with this matter. What about me?”

This rhetorical question left the Balor Consortium speechless.

Many people were watching the joke, and they couldn't help but laugh jokingly.

However, many discerning people also have a premonition that this matter is coming to an end...

Both sides are almost clear-cut.

This means that both sides are ready to give up.

After all, there is no evidence for the secret vendetta, and it cannot provoke a big dispute. If it is revealed openly, it will be a disaster that will affect the entire world. No one wants to see this scene.

as expected.

In the following days, there was no news of anyone being shot dead from the Balor Consortium.

Three days later, in the dark web, the 300 billion euro reward for Ye Yang disappeared silently...

There is a tacit understanding between the two parties. Although everyone knows it well, they can't take it seriously.

This matter has come to an end for now...

These days, in the world of international killers, countless people who have been famous both inside and outside for many years have fallen, and have been forever dimmed from the killer list...

This is a catastrophe.

Everyone is frightened.

After the reward of 300 billion euros disappeared, the killers' heads that were overwhelmed with blood gradually cooled down.

Their hearts were throbbing.

Looking at the already dilapidated killer list, the top 100 names, surnames and code names were more than half gone. How many of those nameless ones had to die! ?

They were all afraid, frightened.

All the killers put away their minions, completely positioning Ye Yang as an unkillable person. There was a terrifying force surrounding him. Any killer who went there would never come back...

From that day on, Ye Yang completely became a taboo in the killer world and could not be mentioned.

The Hall of Black Fountains.

The people at the helm and in the mask all had their veins jumping.

I thought that the intervention of the Balor Consortium was a great opportunity, but to my surprise, Ye Yang survived! ! !

They are all unwilling, angry, and regretful! ! !

"Ye Yang!!!"

In the black source hall, this roar echoed endlessly...

"Add more money! Keep adding money!"

Not long after, in the black network, although the Balor Consortium stopped, the Black Source added another 100 billion US dollars.

Ye Yang's bounty remained at a terrifying 300 billion US dollars.

However, this 100 billion US dollars did not cause any waves.

Although the killer put his head on the belt to make money, he would not really go to die knowing that he would die.

This storm has completely ended...

Tropical Manor.

Ye Yang specially raised some large carnivorous waterfowl such as crocodiles in the pond.

Even so, the dead people these days cannot be eliminated.

Even if it is cleaned every day, there will be a bloody smell in the pond.

It can be seen how many people have died in the past few days.

The killers who usually hide all over the world have recently appeared in groups.

Even the eight trump cards have not had an easy time these days.

Because, not only the trump cards of Hurricane are powerful, there are too many talented people in this world, and they have been attacked one after another, even the eight trump cards have been injured.

Fighting against the wave of assassins from all over the world who heard the news is far from as simple as it sounds...

"The frequency is obviously much lower today."

The ace boss threw a lifeless female assassin directly into the pond with a cold expression.

"It's almost over. They have been scared to death these days."

Even Xiao Qingxuan was exhausted.

Later, even they couldn't stand it anymore, and most of the forces in Yue Kingdom were transferred from Hurricane to guard the vicinity together to ensure that there was no risk of failure.

"Fortunately, these people rarely act together, and the boss is very efficient in solving problems. If it was like the "Blood Night", even we might not be able to stop it."

The ace boss sighed.


When it comes to the ultimate taboo in the killer world, the ace bodyguards all show a strong fear on their faces...

(First update)

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