Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1097: The Moon Base is about to be officially put into operation?


That bloody night happened because of a sky-high reward.

However, the person who received the reward that time was not as lucky and strong as Ye Yang.

For a long time, he was unable to stop the momentum of the person who issued the reward.

A few days after the reward was released, the killers of the black network began to unite, leading to the most terrifying night of blood in the history of the killer world.

Many terrible assassination organizations have joined forces, and even the Lone Rangers have joined.

Afterwards, the sky-high price of the reward was divided equally.

The bounty on Ye Yang's head this time, in terms of amount alone, was much higher than that time. If Ye Yang hadn't killed the veteran of the Balor Consortium with blood that day, Balor would have let out the wind that he would withdraw the reward the next day. The consequences are simply unimaginable...

As for Black Source, it has no credibility.

A bounty of 300 billion US dollars was released. Even if Ye Yang was really killed, he might not be able to get the reward. After all, the black source was hidden too deeply. They really didn't want to fulfill their promise and no one could find them.

Therefore, due to various coincidences, this storm did not turn into a "bloody night" in the end.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.


"Hmph! It seems that no matter how much money is spent, these killers will never take action again. Those who are willing to take action against Ye Yang have already taken action."

The leader of Black Source sighed and sat back: "Change the amount of the first sure kill back to 100 billion US dollars. Anyone who is willing to take action will do it, whether it is 1,000 or 300 billion. The amount is no longer the minimum amount. An important indicator..."


Somewhere in the world, the head of a killer organization looked at the changes on the big screen in front of him: "Has it changed back to 100 billion US dollars?"

"Then do we still want to organize this event?"

Someone asked below.

"No need, this kind of thing has only been successful once in history. The risk we need to take is too great, and we will be destroyed at every turn. If it's just 100 billion US dollars, it's not worth it."

The leader shook his head and rejected the proposal.

Such conversations also occur in the headquarters of many assassin organizations.

"This Ye Yang solved the problem too quickly. Alas... Now the momentum has declined, and it is impossible to use this momentum to promote another bloody night..."

Some are relieved, some are regretful.

Some people want to make money, some want to save their lives, but what everyone thinks is no longer important now. After all, the storm is over.

Few ordinary people paid attention to this turmoil.

Because the dark web, killers, and bounties are too far away from the world of ordinary people, they are completely out of reach.

On public social forums, what is hot these days is the news that China sent out a few days ago...

China's lunar base will be built soon! ! !

In a few days, a ceremony to open the base will be held, and... at the same time, the launch of another major space program will be announced! ! !

Everyone is looking forward to it! ! !

"The construction of the moon base was realized so quickly!? How is this possible Smecta!?"

Someone exclaimed: "I don't believe it! China must have stolen our technology!!!"

"Baga! It's actually stronger than our Big Day Empire!"

"I can't believe's not a smoke bomb, or someone is fabricating news and spreading rumors, right?"

"I think it's possible!"


The news released by China is always very calm and step-by-step.

But the content of the news is shocking! ! !

Many people can't believe it, and many people don't want to believe it.

However, these people all thought of the same thing in the end...

"I'll go, if the news from China is true, doesn't it mean..."

"Ye Yang is going to win the 900 billion euro bet!?"

"'s too scary!"

"The Balor Consortium is in trouble!"

"It won't just collapse and disband, right!?"

"Don't underestimate these super consortiums, money is just pieces of paper to them!"

"Haha, don't brag them too much! One to two hundred million may be small money to them, nine hundred billion or euros. Even if such a top consortium takes it out, it will probably be in danger of collapse!!! "

"Well, it's true... Although their assets are huge, if they want to come up with such a terrifying amount of cash, they have to sell off their properties, otherwise their cash flow will be cut off!"

"You poor people are still guessing how much money the world's top financial groups have? Anyway, I think the top ten international financial groups are invincible! This money is nothing to them!"

"Go and play with your consortium grandpa! Why are you showing off your IQ here!"


The Balor Consortium, which is at the eye of the storm, is also in a gloomy mood.

"We just withdrew this reward, and the other party announced that they will build a successful moon base!?"

" too embarrassing."

"A little regretful."

"Haha, if you don't withdraw, will you go up next?"

"Forget it, I don't want to die."

"You're not bragging, are you? Ye Yang is under too much pressure and wants to tell us that they have succeeded. It's useless for us to offer a reward."

"It's also possible. After all, the other party issued a statement and we withdrew the reward on the same day."

"Oh, I hope it's a smoke bomb..."

All the members were on the verge of tears.

Of the 900 billion euros, 600 billion euros were contributed by their Balor Consortium. This is indeed a terrifying burden for them.


However, they also know that this is unlikely.

After verifying in many countries and through many methods, the live broadcast of the last ribbon-cutting ceremony on the moon must be true!

Since the other party dared to release the news of the lunar base, it proves that it is not far away...

"How is it possible! It has only been a few days since they cut the ribbon last time?"

"Anyway, I don't want to believe it..."


It's not their fault.

It has been too fast since the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

It has only been less than a month. Even if you build a base on Earth, you don't know if it can be built in a month, let alone on the moon.

Who would believe it! ?

After hearing the news, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Is it finally built?"

He stood up.

It's time to go back to China!

The next day, he boarded the F1000 with the beautiful sisters and Liu Zhuoyao.

In China, the security issue is not so serious, and several ace bodyguards dispersed.

This time, the plane landed directly in Beijing.

After all, the lunar base officially started operation in just two days, and there must be an important commission waiting for him...

(Second update)

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