Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1098: Farming on the Moon?


He came to the Haiyuan.

A group of bigwigs had already been seated waiting for him.

After Ye Yang sat down, the meeting began.

“The lunar base will be officially put into operation soon.”

Admiral Dong Anbang stood up. Of course, the military must be involved in this matter.

“The reliability and safety have passed the test. What we mean is that when the lunar base is opened, the planting plan of blue gold rice will also be started.”

The matter of blue gold rice is no longer a secret among the top Chinese people.

This existence that is enough to change the human era at the most fundamental level involves too much. When it is exposed, it certainly needs a superpower as a backing to truly defend it.

Otherwise, this kind of thing is simply not something that any individual can keep.

All countries and forces will covet it! ! !

"I agree."

Ye Yang nodded: "The information drawn from the lunar ruins and the Changbai Mountain ruins is too incredible. I vaguely feel a sense of pressure and urgency. The sooner these things are arranged, the better."


The bigwigs present all nodded.

They have the same feeling.

As long as they are normal people, they will know in their hearts that humans can never be the only civilization when they see the boundless universe.

But the other civilization that has been confirmed to have existed is the 'pre-civilization' on Earth, which is still unexpected.

"All the 'pre-civilization' equipment in the Changbai Mountain ruins has been transported out, but it is too old to study and trace its origin, but after some structural analysis, it is enough for our technology to leap forward."

An old academician said.


Ye Yang nodded.

However, he was not happy. He knew that this so-called "pre-civilization" was ahead of modern society in terms of technology, but it was not much ahead...

Such a "pre-civilization" completely disappeared when facing the Great Filter, leaving only scattered relics on the earth, which were not discovered until today.

He continued to unlock black technology, and the solution of difficult problems such as nuclear fusion in recent years has promoted the progress of basic science. Maybe there will be another technological explosion next.

After that, the technological level of human civilization and this so-called "pre-civilization" should be on the same level...

"I don't know what the reason for the Great Filter is...Will it be a kind of civilization disaster that will automatically appear when technology develops to a certain level?"

He shook his head. If that is the case, maybe the Great Filter is just around the corner...

"No matter what happens in the future, don't be afraid.

No matter what difficulties we face, we will eventually overcome it. This is the confidence and foundation for the continuation of my Chinese civilization for 5,000 years!"

A big man said in a deep voice.


Everyone's eyes were firm. They are the backbone of China and the pillars of mankind. The future may be in their hands.

Ye Yang looked at them and was deeply shocked.

When the sky falls, there are tall people to support it. Unconsciously... he has become one of the tall people.

Yes, if even he doesn't have the heart to win, then when the big screening really comes, who can he count on to face it?

He also stood up and saluted solemnly facing the land of China outside the window...

That night he rested in Hainai, and the next day he came to the spacecraft launch site.

China's title of construction maniac is not a false name. When the first spacecraft was proven to have no problems, the subsequent ones were just copied and manufactured, which was not difficult.

In addition, the construction was at all costs and the highest level. Within a month, the second and third spacecrafts were built.

What he is riding now is the Universe 3.

China's first batch of spacecrafts, the first series, are naturally qualified to be named after the universe.

"The four directions and the upper and lower parts are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe."

The concept of the universe was proposed as early as the time of Guiguzi's teacher Shi Jiao. This sentence can be said to fully display the great talent of the Chinese sages thousands of years ago who transcended the world.

It is also a sentence that Ye Yang has always liked very much.


The Universe 3 landed on the moon.

In the past month, there are spacecraft that can realize the exploration of the moon at will and travel back and forth between the earth and the moon at will.

The speed of scientific research on the moon is unknown how many times faster than before.

In just one month, the results of the discovery can be said to be explosive, more than the accumulation of many years before...

Ye Yang stepped on the lunar surface wearing a modified version of the space suit.

The modified version of the space suit is not as bloated as before, it fits well, and looks like a military version of the aerospace style, which is very good-looking.

This is a special space suit modified according to the lunar surface environment.

Behind him, there are many people from the Blue Gold Research Laboratory following. After they really landed on the moon, they were all very happy.

After all, on Earth, no matter how much research and simulation, it is still Earth after all.

Only by planting blue gold rice on the moon can we see its real data and potential assessment. This excitement and sense of achievement are priceless to them!

"We are definitely the first group of Chinese people to plant crops on the moon!"

"Wrong! We are the first group of human civilization!"

The accompanying personnel were also very excited.

This is a major event that will be recorded in history forever in the future!!!

They all look forward to the international public hearing their wonderful expressions when they can farm on the moon...

You must be extremely shocked and horrified! ?

Just thinking about it, they couldn't help but rub their hands... They were full of anticipation! ! !


This is not the first time that a live broadcast has been broadcast on the moon.

The camera crew no longer had the nervousness of the first time. Instead, they were arranging equipment and exploring the lunar base in leisurely time.

"General Ye! Please come in!"

The base has been completely built, and the so-called launching ceremony is just a formality.

The person in charge of the lunar surface base brought Ye Yang into the base. After entering the base, there is no need to wear a space suit. There is a simulated ecological environment inside. It feels similar to the one on the earth, except that the gravity is smaller and the body is as light as a swallow when moving. .

There are residential areas, eating areas, exercise areas, entertainment areas, and reading areas.

Of course, the most popular area is the experimental area.

"We visited the base in Europe a few days ago. The materials haven't been shipped yet. We don't know when the construction will officially start. How dare you compete with us to see who can build the lunar base first?"

A construction scientist couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Ha ha……"

When they mentioned this, they all smiled. At first, even members of the project team did not dare to say that they would be faster than Europe. Now it seems that they are simply not the same dimension...

"The next step is our biggest highlight..."

The person in charge of the base raised his hand, and the glass wall in front of him changed from shading to transparent mode. Outside, a lunar farm appeared in front of everyone in an extremely shocking scene...

(First update)

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