Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1099: Anticipate the Enemy

"Is this our lunar food field!?"

Someone was shocked...

"Isn't this too shocking?"

"That's right..."

In front of them is a deep crater on the moon. The entire crater is filled with reclaimed land. I can't believe that while building the lunar surface base, these construction teams also did such a thing at the same time.

"When I see a foreigner soon, he will probably be frightened."

Someone said.

"That's right."

The people traveling with him nodded in agreement.

Soon, the time for the live broadcast will come.

Compared with the last time when materials were piled up, a modern science base now appeared behind Ye Yang and others! ! !

"China is really amazing! In one month, they were able to build such a base on the lunar surface!"

"Haha, what's so great! I, Dahan Mingguo, just didn't want to do it! Otherwise, it wouldn't be a matter of minutes?"

"I think it's more reliable for you to apply for China's lunar base to be a World Heritage Site."


"It's so shocking! This is a scene that only appears in science fiction movies!"

Gang Shen: "Maybe it's a science fiction movie!? After all, there is a 900 billion euros bet behind it, which is enough to tempt anyone to fake it! China is no exception!"

Here’s a big challenge for you: “Haha, do you think everyone is as poor and crazy as you!?”

Pegasus Meteor Fist: "It's been so long, and all kinds of evidence and data from multiple sources have proven it to be true. How can you, a very smart person, still doubt it? When all the scientists in the world are put together, are they not as good as you, a civilian pseudo-scientist?"

Gangshen: "Haha! You are too naive! This is a scam! Sooner or later, one day you will be able to prove that I am right! Then you will all have to worship me!"

Snake Monster Jack: "That's okay! Everyone is drunk and you're sober alone? Just stay where it's cool!"

Gangshen: "I am right!"

Doraemon and Shizuka: "Ah, yes, yes, yes~"


Many people are also doubting the authenticity of the live broadcast. After all, in everyone's perception, the construction of China's lunar base surpasses their understanding of modern science...

This is absolutely not something that can be done in this day and age.

“It’s not really a science fiction movie, is it!?”

"The people upstairs are not from the Balor Consortium, are they? They are spreading rumors there so as not to lose money!"

"Uh... slipped away!"


Ye Yang can also see the live barrage, but it's a bit delayed.

He smiled slightly: "I know everyone is doubting our authenticity, so we decided to confirm it!"

With that said, he got on the lunar rover.

The lunar rover goes away, Mercedes Benz all the way.

"Where are we going!?"

"Can it really be confirmed?"

Ye Yang was leisurely looking at the boring lunar surface scenery outside in the lunar rover.

The major forces in various countries are well aware that they have professional equipment to detect whether the Chinese lunar base really exists.

But they all remained silent and did not testify for China.

Then he can prove it himself.

The lunar rover stopped, and he jumped off the lunar rover, focusing the camera on the front.

"Ah this!?"

"Oh! God! What are these scraps of metal!?"

"Baga! Do you want to prove this?"

"What does it prove? There is a bunch of messy materials on the moon, Smecta!"


The barrage surged.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "This is the material transported by the European United Super Rocket. From here on, it will be Europe's lunar surface base."

"I know you don't believe it."

He waved his hand directly, and several golf carts came from a distance...

There is something like a detector strapped to each car.

"This is the American lunar probe, this is Europe's own lunar probe, and this is the lunar probe provided to us by Russia."

Only Russia provides it itself. As for the first two...

Of course, Ye Yang directly 'kidnapped' him with a lunar rover.

Today, the United States and Europe have no bases on the lunar surface, only detectors taking photos on it.

Now, it's all done by him.

"Did you take all the photos?"

Ye Yang looked at the camera: "Now, go ask your respective space agencies who are silent at the same time! Let them release these photos!"

The Russian photos were sent out the next moment.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Where are the American and European ones!?"

"Still not releasing it... They don't acknowledge the existence of these photos."

"Haha, why don't you admit it? I don't think so! This is a scam!!!"


Before the quarrel started, a piece of news from the dark web became popular on the Internet...

Galaxy Black Hole, one of the nine legendary hackers in the world, broke through the firewall of the European and American Space Agency out of personal curiosity and retrieved the confirmation photos! ! !

The photo was posted on the forum and now it has been revealed!


Although I knew this was 80% true, when it was completely confirmed, people around the world still opened their mouths and felt extremely shocked!

"China can now freely move around on the moon! Although we were able to walk on the moon a hundred years ago, we are now being caught up in the later stages and left behind!"

"It's amazing!"

"Oh, I'm envious... I also want to go to the moon! Maybe I can see aliens!"

"What kind of brain circuit is upstairs? Can you come back alive after seeing the alien!"

"Nothing to say, my great China is awesome! Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

"Calm down, calm down, this is nothing for us Chinese~ We Chinese have been there thousands of years ago, and now we are just going back to take a look! If you don't believe it, we still have the story of Chang'e flying to the moon as proof!"

"Ah!? Really! Isn't that a fairy?!"

Some foreigners don't know about Chinese myths and legends, and for a moment, they were really frightened, their eyes widened, and they said that this is really a mysterious oriental power!


"Okay, it's time to go and see our base."

Ye Yang nodded, clearing the doubts on the ground, so that when the Balor Consortium owes money, they won't refuse to pay. Although these big consortiums are so rich, they are actually very stingy.

When they have to pay money, they are not happy.

Every time they have to fight a lawsuit and a tug-of-war.

Whether it was proving the fairness of the university evaluation with the Salers Foundation, or the hacker data attack and defense war with the Balor Foundation and the Sanxing Foundation.

He has learned to be smart now.

Before the matter is finalized, the evidence is hammered directly, so that they have nothing to deny, and then the money will be much easier to get.

Soon, the lunar rover returned to the front of the Chinese base.

Compared with the pile of materials just now in Europe, the sci-fi Chinese lunar surface base instantly made the world's people feel the huge gap between the two...

(Second update)

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