Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1100 Blue Gold Rice Project, Announced

"This is our gym! You can do any exercise!"

"The next thing we come to is the reading room! If you feel too busy at work, you can come here, wander among the sea of ​​books, relax yourself! Give yourself a mental spa!"


Every time they arrive at a new area, the barrage will erupt with countless exclamations, expressing their appreciation for the modernization of this base.

“The more I watch it, the more it looks like a science fiction movie!”

"I originally thought it would take at least a hundred years for such a scene to be realized! I didn't expect it to appear in front of me like this!"

"It's incredible!"

"Originally, I thought working on the moon base would be very lonely, but now it seems that this space can accommodate many people! And there are various rest areas, which is no different from living on the ground!"

"I'm really envious...stay away from the world, live a leisurely life, and do experiments on the moon with like-minded colleagues! It's simply my dream life..."

"Don't say anything anymore. I'm going to apply for a green card from China. Maybe I can go to the moon in the future!"

"Haha, China's green card is the hardest to get in the world. I think you should stop having delusions. People who are not truly high-end talents will not be accepted."


Discussions online are getting more and more heated.

Originally, countries were no longer enthusiastic about aerospace.

After all, in the early days of aviation, many history-making actions were always taken, which touched the hearts of people from all over the world.

But in recent years, there haven't been many breakthroughs, and they have all been sending out rockets step by step.

Some countries estimate that they will not be able to launch rockets independently in another hundred years, and they have resigned themselves to their fate.

This time, it should be aviation-related topics that have attracted such a big wave of attention in the world for the first time in many years.

Similar topics have appeared on the hot search lists in various countries.

Countless people are amazed.

However, not everyone has the ability to watch live broadcasts. After all, some countries in the world do not yet have mobile phones, and many countries do not have widespread Internet access. Most people cannot use the Internet above 4G to watch live broadcasts and videos as they wish.

This is the current status of human civilization...

In the same era, those born in a superpower and those born in the most backward primitive country have completely different perceptions and feelings about the world.

If you go to a primitive tribe in South America or Africa, you may even think that you have traveled back hundreds or thousands of years...

In the most high-end laboratories, research has begun on the origin and destruction of the universe.

The most primitive African Hadza tribe does not even know what money is and still uses bows, arrows and spears to hunt for a living.

This is not a joke. Ye Yang once watched a documentary about this tribe, and he felt quite emotional at that time.


Live broadcast for a long time.

After all, the base is built very big.

China has the ability to build two emergency hospitals with a capacity of 1,000 people within ten days.

As long as there are enough materials, and today's technology is more advanced than back then, in a month, this base can be built into what can be called a small castle.

Ye Yang has never seen what the previous civilization looked like when it was at its peak on the moon base, but thinking about it, it's not that far off in comparison...

Finally, they came to the glass curtain wall at the end of the base.

The curtain wall opens and the white refracted light of the sun comes in.

Through the lens.

A huge lunar crater slowly appeared in front of everyone's eyes...

Craters on the moon are common.

However, what appears in front of us now is beyond everyone's expectations...

"This!? This place has been sorted out! It looks like..."

"Cultivation of farmland..."

"That's right!!!"

"Do you really want to!?"

All Chinese netizens stood up with excited expressions. Looking at the scene in the big tiankeng shown on the screen, the natural impulse in their blood was stimulated...

“Do you want to farm on the moon!!!”

"Didn't I say before that farming on the moon is completely unfeasible?"

"It seems that this technical problem has been overcome by our scientists, right?"

"I'm going to farm on the moon! If I can really see it, I will have no regrets in this life!"

"I really want to eat rice grown on the moon!"

“Is the food crisis finally going to be completely resolved?”

"This is a big step for mankind, which is a bit inaccurate! It is simply epoch-making!!!"

Building a base on an alien planet is very important, but after all, the materials must be provided by the mother planet, and it cannot be regarded as a true inter-planetary civilization.

Being able to farm on an alien planet is a sign that civilization can truly flourish on an alien planet!

This is epoch-making! ! !

"Is mankind going to enter the double star era!?"

Countless people were sighing and couldn't believe it.

I thought that China's establishment of its own base on the moon would be the most shocking news in the history of aviation in the past fifty years.

But unexpectedly, they actually made an even more shocking move!

They want to farm on the moon! ! ! !

Achieving a true binary civilization in one fell swoop...

Everyone was stunned, opening their mouths in front of the screen and shaking their heads in disbelief.

What a bold mind this is! ? What a pattern and confidence! ?

They couldn't help but feel respect and awe from the bottom of their hearts.

In front of the glass wall.

Ye Yang also silently looked at the fertile soil in front of him...

Here is the first seed of the starry sky dream that has blossomed in the true sense since the birth of mankind...

"Yes, in addition to the official opening of the lunar base today, China will also announce to the world the lunar planting plan!"

He announced the news in a deep voice.

After the European base is built in a while, the matter of this tiankeng farmland will also be exposed. Instead of being guessed and various conspiracy theories, it is better to show it openly today.

Let the world be shocked and sigh!

Now that the world is paying attention, it is just the right opportunity to tell the existence of blue gold rice. It will definitely take some time for the real civilian blue gold rice to enter the market. During this time, let the Chinese people digest this news.

Lest it be surrounded by various rumors and cause chaos like the genetically modified food back then.

"It's true!"


"We really have to farm!!!"

"We are going to eat rice from the moon!"

"How can the moon's environment grow food? It's nonsense! Ye Yang is too good at nonsense!"

"I don't believe it anyway! It must be a gimmick! It's a gimmick here to scare us!"


The reactions of various countries are different.

After all, this news is too shocking. Looking at the scene at the lunar base, it doesn't seem like a joke. Ye Yang is clearly confident!

"Everything has a first step. I believe that within a year, everyone will be able to eat the blue-gold rice grown on the moon!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and his voice was full of charm.

(First update)

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