Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1101: Many Disasters

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

"I can't wait, do it faster, do it faster!"

“What does moon rice taste like!?”


Many people are looking forward to it.

But many people came out and made vile remarks.

"Haha, there is so much radiation on the moon and the environment is like that. It's not certain whether we can grow food. Even if we do grow it, we will definitely not be able to eat Smecta!"

"Yes, yes! Even if it is grown, it will be filled with all kinds of radiation. If you eat it, you will definitely have health problems! You will get cancer, so work hard! Our empire will definitely disdain to eat it!"

"I think you are just sour. Anyway, we want to try it, Ula!!!"


Countries have different attitudes towards Blue Gold Rice, but many people are just sour about it.

In fact, they also really want to eat rice from the moon.

High-level officials from all parties also held an emergency meeting.

American Conference.

"I think there are no conditions for growing plants on the moon, let alone food plants like rice!"

There are scientists expressing their opinions.

"Yeah... How is it possible to grow food on the moon? We can't even do it under some of the poor conditions on the earth, let alone grow it on the moon!"

Most common scientists are shaking their heads and are not optimistic about this.

"Although China is vast, they don't have much arable land. They have a large population and a huge demand for food. Now that they are on the moon, it is understandable that they want to grow food on the moon. But I think it is just wishful thinking."

The seven-star general snorted coldly with his nose shaking.

"I think so. If there is only a small amount of food, it means nothing. With China's population, at least we need to transport back food worth 100 million people!

Even if their aviation technology now surpasses ours, it is probably only by a small margin! How is it possible to transport such a huge weight of food in a short time? "

The person in charge of food in the United States also shook his head, thinking that this was simply a fantasy and a fantasy.

"They really want to do this. Not only will they cultivate a medium-sized country-level arable land on the moon's surface, but they will also have a super fleet to transport food between the earth and the moon. This is without considering the cost of transportation. discussion.

With all due respect, this is nonsense! "

Those in charge of transportation are also not optimistic.

"What if they want to immigrate to the moon! Occupy the moon!? In this case, before we can achieve large-scale transportation, the entire moon will belong to China.

In this way, regardless of land area or strategic space advantages, China will cause a dimensionality reduction blow to us. "

The head of the strategy department is very imaginative.

They are best at dreaming up various conspiracy theories every day.

"I think it's very possible!"

The seven-star general nodded: "This is too dangerous! We must launch an international protest to prohibit China from sending people to the moon on a large scale!!!"

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now. The other party said it was blue gold rice. Do you have any thoughts on this term?"

The leader of the United States frowned and asked.

"What else can you think about? He can't even grow it. Even if he does, there are risks in eating it. The genetic mutation of food caused by the space radiation environment may make their so-called 'Blue Gold Rice' highly toxic. Woolen cloth!"

"I think so, but seeing how confident China is... maybe their technology has already matured..."


Such discussions are taking place among major forces around the world. After all, China has done something too big this time.

All countries feel endless pressure.

This ability to build a base on the moon at will is no less than a weapon of nuclear weapons level. No other country has it now, only China has it...


The next day brought pressure from all quarters and numerous demands and requests.

Some want to send scientists to the lunar surface base for exchanges and studies, some want China to reveal core technologies, and some require China not to allow large-scale immigration to the moon...

To name a few.

Ye Yang, the man at the center of the storm that caused all this, was leisurely taking a bath and doing spa in the moon base.

He stretched as he looked at the information that was pouring out of the electronic screen in front of him.

That's the benefit of being part of a superpower.

If he had done these things by himself, he would have taken the trouble by now...

But now, all the subsequent troubles caused by this world-shaking incident will be solved by professionals from all walks of life, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

"Blue and gold rice has been sown, and various data are better than predicted!"

Naturally, the people from the Blue Gold Rice Laboratory followed suit, reporting with great excitement.

“Following this trend, the first batch of real ‘Blue Gold Rice’ will be harvested within a month!!!”

The experimenters all shook their fists. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the essence of human beings. Any improvement in any aspect will promote the upgrading of civilization.

The evolution of history is reflected in the changes in the people's clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Planting rice, eating cooked food, wooden houses to reinforced concrete houses, from riding horses to taking trains...

According to scientists, this is the most romantic and greatest thing in the universe.


Ye Yang nodded.

The maturity cycle of blue gold rice is very short.

It should be related to the special environment of the moon.

After learning that blue-gold rice can grow normally on the moon and everything is going according to plan, Ye Yang's purpose of coming to the moon this time has been fully realized.

He boarded the Universe III and embarked on the journey back.

"The Balor Consortium has waited for you for a day to raise money, but don't let me down..."

He looked at the earth getting closer and closer outside the window, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

900 billion euros in bets.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a precedent for mankind...

Even with his current status, such an amount of money makes him excited and look forward to it.

Such a large cash flow is enough to promote many top projects at the same time.

For example, the large high-energy particle collider that China has always been thinking about can also start construction...

He stretched himself.

Begin to plan for the future.

Thinking about it, he seemed to feel something, and looking at the message sent in, his brows slightly clustered.

"A 9.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean. The crack is over a thousand miles long. From the coast of South America to the Solomon Islands, all of them can feel the strong tremors. The number of casualties along the coast of South America is being counted..."

"9.3 magnitude?"

A bad premonition flashed through his mind...

You know, the largest earthquake in human history was only 9.5 magnitude.

He looked at the blue planet in front of him. Recently, it has been really calamity-ridden...

(Second update)

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