Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1102: The Balor Group’s clever plan?


Soon, after Ye Yang dealt with all the beginnings and ends of this trip to the moon in Beijing, he returned to the Magic City.

Yundingshan Manor.

“Has there been any news from the Balor Group?”

Ye Yang asked.

Yu Momo smiled slightly: “We have been trying to destroy it these two days, but there is no response from the other side. It seems that they want to play dead…”

Ye Yang nodded.

“The Balor Group, one of the four major European and ten major international groups, probably never thought that there would be a day when they would play dead and refuse to pay their debts?”

He thought with a little amusement in his heart.

This kind of bet is not something you can refuse to pay if you want to.

However, such a huge amount of money is not so easy to get.

These are what Ye Yang thought when he participated in the bet agreement.

However, he had a 100% chance of winning this aviation competition, so he agreed to it. Anyway, it was just to win 900 billion euros, which was a good deal anyway.


"I have made several plans. Boss, take a look. Which one is better?"

As a personal secretary, Yu Momo must do his best to promote this gambling agreement.

The boss's money!

No one can blame it!

Ye Yang glanced at the three agreements, each one more ruthless than the other.

"Use them one by one until the Balor Consortium agrees to pay back the money."

Ye Yang ordered.

Luckily, he was careful and confirmed the authenticity of the lunar base on the moon. Otherwise, with the current attitude of the Balor Consortium...

If the world had not seen this scene while it was hot and confirmed its existence, the Balor Consortium would definitely start to spread all kinds of rumors and not pay back the money.


Yu Momo smiled slightly.

After finishing the business, Yu Momo put his face on Ye Yang's chest and said softly: "Ye Yang, you've been gone for a long time, and you didn't come back to see me. I miss you~"

Ye Yang's waist was numb at Yu Momo's voice. He touched her soft hair and smelled her warm fragrance: "Isn't this coming back to see you?"

He lowered his head and kissed Yu Momo's forehead.

Of all the girls around him, Yu Momo has paid the most, but she never said anything.

There are too many variables in this trip to Yue.

Before he went abroad, he knew that the Black Source would definitely be dishonest and there would be bloody disasters, so he didn't bring Yu Momo with him.

He only brought two powerful beautiful bodyguards from the Xiao family sisters.

He himself couldn't predict what would happen on the trip to Yue. One was for Yu Momo's safety, and the other was that his business really needed her to stay here.

"I'm sorry for putting you in trouble during this time."

He asked Yu Momo to sit on the chair and give her a massage.


Yu Momo narrowed her eyes and hummed comfortably.

"Boss, you are so good!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "You are so tired, do you want to relax your whole body?"

"Hey? Relax your whole body?"

Yu Momo looked at him. With the tacit understanding between her and Ye Yang, there was no need for too much explanation.

She followed Ye Yang from the day he started to gain momentum. Her words, actions and eyes were enough to understand each other's mood.

She raised a charming smile at the corner of her mouth: "Okay~"

During this period, both she and Ye Yang had experienced a difficult time, and they urgently needed to relax.

The two massaged each other and felt the long-lost physical and mental relaxation.

This relaxation lasted until the early morning of the next day.

Yu Momo couldn't hold on and fell asleep first. Ye Yang kissed Yu Momo's sleeping face, and then turned over and went downstairs to have breakfast.

He is now proficient in Chinese martial arts, and his blood is as strong as a dragon. A genetic warrior, his cells are strong.

Both in terms of spirit and physical fitness, he is strong to the limit of human beings.

Fighting for seven days and seven nights without feeling tired, this is far from his extreme.

The breakfast was simple. He was used to eating delicacies from land and sea, so the chef of the state banquet specially prepared ordinary meals for him.

Fried dough sticks, soy milk and tofu pudding.

A typical simple breakfast in the Northeast.

However, the raw materials of fried dough sticks, water and beans for soy milk are all the best in the world. The cost of searching for materials for this breakfast is tens of thousands of yuan, not to mention that the chef of the state banquet personally prepared it.

It seems simple, but if it is really sold in a top restaurant, it will cost about 100,000 yuan.

After listening to the introduction, Ye Yang nodded. 100,000 yuan is indeed simple.

While eating tofu pudding, he watched today's hot news.

Yesterday, the news that the Balor Consortium refused to communicate and wanted to default on the debt was sent out. Now, it has been hyped up in international forums.

The heat is about to reach the top.

The reason why it has not reached the top is because the Balor Consortium itself has an influence on the media and uses its money to suppress the hot search.

If it were not for the news disclosed by Ye Yang, this hot search might have been really suppressed by the Balor Consortium.

But Ye Yang's money power is not weaker than that of the Balor Group. For him, suppressing the hot search is useless.

Soon, the Balor Group couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing that the hot search couldn't be suppressed.

They could only discuss the repayment...

The Balor Group Manor.

"Humph! Ye Yang is so heartless! He just won the victory, and he's acting like this! Forcing us to pay back the money! He's such a mean person!"

"That's right! He has no vision! It's not like we won't pay it back!"


All the councillors were angry. They actually knew that they could not keep the money. It was useless to delay. Sooner or later, they would have to give an explanation.

However, they did not expect that Ye Yang would push them so hard!

He hardly gave them a chance to breathe!

"Ahem, if we had won, we might be even more ruthless than him now."

An honest councillor said.

"Enough! You are the only one who has a big mouth! Why are you turning your elbow outward!"

"That's right! I think you want to betray the Balor Consortium!!!"

Some councillors were furious at the time and wanted to put a hat on the honest man.


Cesis * Balor hammered the table with anger on his face: "What a disgrace to quarrel! Let's talk about paying back the money!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Cesis, you agreed to the bet at the beginning, we wouldn't have lost! Now we have to pay 600 billion euros! What do you think we should do!?"

Someone questioned.

The scene was quiet, and many people watched this scene with gloating.

The loss of 600 billion euros for the consortium is a huge loss.

I am afraid that Sesis will not be the head of the consortium for long...

"Okay, wasn't it you who proposed the bet? You forced President Sesis to agree! You were the ones who shouted the loudest along the way! Now you turn around and blame President Sesis!? You are such a mean person!"

The honest councillor stood firmly on Sesis's platform, and it seemed that he could not see that Sesis was about to lose power...


The person who had spoken against Sesis before shut up angrily.

"I have a good plan that can satisfy the world's gossips and save my consortium from having to pay back the money!"

An elder stroked his white beard, and thunder struck out of nowhere.

Everyone looked over...

If this is possible, it would be great! ! !

(First update)

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