"What's the trick, elder?"

Someone asked repeatedly.

"Kill with a borrowed knife."

The elder said calmly.

"We even posted a reward of 300 billion euros. There were so many killers in the world that I don't know how many, but they couldn't kill him. In the end, they all came back defeated and the storm subsided. Is there any knife that can cause more chaos than this? Where’s the sharpness?”

Everyone frowned.

I feel that what the elder said is really meaningless.

"Hmph, of course it is the sharpest knife that ranks it first and must be killed."

The elder sneered: "If Ye Yang has been staying in China, they will definitely have no choice. Last time in Yue State, they were uprooted before they became popular. As a result, their power in Yue State was also weakened, and they could not have any influence on Ye Yang. threaten."

"So, what if this time, we let them know in advance that Ye Yang is going abroad and know his whereabouts?"

The elder said calmly.


Everyone looked over and had to say that the question raised by the elder was very to the point.

"The other party will definitely spare no effort to kill him. Black Source's biggest enemy in Asia is Ye Yang, and he will never show mercy."

"Yes, I think so too."

"Although I say that, the black source is too deep for us to contact us...and Ye Yang also knows the risks of going abroad after this time. Even if we lure the snake out of the hole, he may not be able to agree. "

Someone raised an objection.

"No, I think he will definitely come out."

The elder sneered: "My plan is to invite Ye Yang to a non-Chinese country to discuss compensation together with all the major forces involved in the gambling this time. Otherwise, there will be no discussion about the gambling!"

"What he is doing now is nothing more than building public opinion. As long as we show our willingness to solve the problem, we will block the whole world. At that time, if he wanted money, he could only follow our suggestion and go outside China to negotiate with us. !”


Many members of the council looked at each other and said that the elder's plan was very clever.

"Either we don't pay back the money. Or, if he wants money, let him take the risk and go abroad! How wonderful! Haha..."

"I think he is scared out of his wits this time and may not dare to come out. This is destined to be a dead debt!"

"Oh, I do hope he comes out. Each of the four major anti-human forces in the five continents is unfathomable, and the power they hold is extremely terrifying. If there is a plan in advance, this Ye Yang will definitely die! By then, this pair of gamblers , Only then can we truly have no debt!”

"That's right!"

"I want him to come out too!"

Many council members have great confidence in the black source.

The source of blackness in Asia, the source of depravity in Europe, the source of destruction in North and South America, the source of greed in Australia.

They are the four most terrifying forces on the dark side of the world.

They all have infinite influence and energy, but they are all deeply hidden. The four major forces have caused headaches for all countries in the world.

After all, these four dark forces have the ultimate goal of destroying social rules and destroying all countries in the world.

The enemy of everyone.

As one of the four leaders in Europe, the Balor Consortium must have fought against the sources of corruption in Europe, and naturally knows how terrifying these dark forces are.

Therefore, they firmly believe that as long as the black source knows Ye Yang's itinerary in advance, it will definitely kill Ye Yang on the road!

"Then how can we let the Black Source know?"

A council member asked.

The elder of the Balor Consortium sneered: "Do we still need to tell them?!"

Many council members were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed out loud...


The next day, the Balor Consortium, the Sayles Consortium and other consortiums participating in the bet all issued statements.

Invite Ye Yang to the Kingdom of the Sun for a gambling compensation discussion meeting.

"What are we still discussing?! We're going to the Kingdom of the Sun! There's a conspiracy at first sight! I don't know what you're thinking if you don't pay the money honestly!"

"That's right... I also feel that these consortiums seem to have a purpose behind them!"

"Compensation is good! That's 900 billion euros! How can we pay compensation honestly? We must meet and discuss it in detail! I can tell you have never done business!"

"How big is the business upstairs? Just commenting on others!"

"Haha, my Shaobing stall has a chain of three Shaobing stalls in our city!"

"Shaobing stall? Your surname is Wu, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Hmph...be careful when your wife feeds you medicine in the future~"



Even netizens felt something was wrong.

Ye Yang naturally knows the intentions of the Balor Consortium. This is a conspiracy!

If you don't go, the other party can naturally say that he gave up the negotiation and will not compensate.

Go, now that the news is all over the Internet, Black Source must have known about this for a long time, and will definitely intercept and kill him on his way to the Kingdom of the Sun. Perhaps, it is not just Black Source...

Yu Momo naturally saw this and looked at Ye Yang worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. Is it possible that because of a mere black source, I won't step out of the country for the rest of my life?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Since they want to play, then play with them to the end!"

"After all, this Balor Consortium has done me a big favor!"

"How to say?"

Yu Mo blinked his eyes. He was still worried about Ye Yang, but he actually thought so?

It’s okay not to scold the Balor Consortium for being shameless, but you have to thank them! ?

"Now they only think about the Black Source and want to kill me, but they don't think... I also want to destroy the Black Source."

Ye Yang stood up, looked out the window, and sneered: "I was still worried about how to find the other party. Now, it's just a trick!"

If he had revealed his whereabouts himself, Black Source might still be suspicious.

But this news was released by his arch-enemy Balor Consortium, and Black Source will definitely come to intercept and kill him without hesitation!

Because such an opportunity is rare...

"Make arrangements, follow the schedule, and go to the Kingdom of the Sun to see these defeated generals!"

Ye Yang ordered.


Yu Momo looked at Ye Yang with full eyes. This man shone with strong self-confidence, no matter what its source, it was dazzling.

He himself is contacting the hurricane.

The Chinese military had already contacted him, and Dong Anbang's intelligence was very good, so he naturally analyzed the possibility of the black source interception.

"There is no need to make such a big show. The other party will definitely choose to intercept and kill on the high seas. With our identity, armed attacks on the high seas between China and the Kingdom of the Sun will inevitably cause unnecessary discussions and suspicions."

Ye Yang shook his head and said that the Chinese military did not need to be really involved in this matter.


Dong Anbang had long known that Ye Yang had many secrets. Seeing that he was very confident now, he no longer pressed him: "You must pay attention to safety. Compared with your safety, a mere 900 billion euros is really insignificant."

(Second update)

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