Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1104: Set sail towards the sun

"I know."

Ye Yang nodded and smiled.

After hanging up the phone.

Ye Yang looked in the direction of Japan and sneered: "Black Source? This should be the final battle between us."

The other party knew his identity and naturally knew the power he could mobilize.

So, if they wanted to kill him, they would definitely do their best...

As long as the other party sent enough people, there would definitely be flaws.

Perhaps, they could do it in one go, and this time, they could directly solve the root of the black source once and for all...

There is still some time before the agreed date, and he has returned to his daily life as a rich man these days.

Play games, eat delicious food, and deal with key things every day, then go out to find a girl for a date.

Do whatever you want, go wherever you want, and meet whoever you want.

Happy and beautiful.

Hhouse Cafe.

"Have you made any new discoveries recently?"

Ye Yang looked at the girl in front of him and asked with a smile.

Bai Xiaojing shook her head: "Astronomical research is not so easy to produce results... But with your investment, our observatory is already the largest private observatory in Asia! Many colleagues envy us!"


Ye Yang nodded. He was still very concerned about the observatory: "I have reported recently that the observatory may be restructured, officially invested in expansion, incorporated into the public-private joint operation system, and will become the world's top observatory in the future."

The world's largest radio telescope in Guizhou, the Sky Eye, was amazing when it was first built.

Now that the emergence of pre-civilizations has proved the existence of other civilizations in the universe, of course, more investment is needed in space exploration and the construction of space telescopes.

Huaxia plans to build four more world-class super space telescopes of various types in various places.

The Magic City Observatory has a very good foundation and can be transformed the fastest due to Ye Yang's initial investment, so it has also been incorporated into the plan.


Bai Xiaojing was full of emotion. When she first met Ye Yang, the observatory was about to be abandoned and closed down.

Ye Yang not only did not let it go bankrupt, but even developed it to the current level. In the future, it is very likely to become one of the world's top astronomical bases...

For an astronomy fanatic like her, this is simply the biggest reward in the world!

"Love you!"

Bai Xiaojing jumped up and gave Ye Yang a deep kiss.

When they first met more than a year ago, the other party was still a reserved science fanatic, but since the first time, she has let go.

This made Ye Yang secretly complain, wondering if this kind of female academic bully is reserved and cold to others, but so enthusiastic to those who open their hearts...

After the deep kiss.

Bai Xiaojing looked at Ye Yang: "I heard that you will go back to the Sun Country in two days?"

Ye Yang looked at her in surprise and smiled: "Why? Our science fanatic actually has time to check the hot search news?"

"It's because this is your news... I'm too lazy to read other news!"

Bai Xiaojing said coquettishly.

This is not a lie. Generally, astronomical researchers usually stay by the telescope, observe spectral data, or perform complex astronomical calculations.

He often stays up for three to five hours, and has no time to watch entertainment news on weekdays.

Not to mention a science madman like Bai Xiaojing.

"Well, I am indeed going to the Little Country to collect money. Nine hundred billion euros~"

Ye Yang said with a smile, and did not talk about the black source, not wanting to make the other party worry.

Bai Xiaojing's heart is pure, without too many twists and turns, knowing that these things are harmful to her.


Bai Xiaojing nodded: "Is it Kyoto in the Sun Country?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "Tokyo, Tokyo."

"I also have a cousin there, who is studying for a master's degree at Waseda University, studying geological activities."

Bai Xiaojing said with a smile.

"One studies astronomy, and the other studies geology. They are worthy of being sisters!"

Ye Yang gave Bai Xiaojing a thumbs up.


Bai Xiaojing nodded, and was praised, very happy!

"If you go to Waseda on the way, give this to her."

Bai Xiaojing handed a folder to Ye Yang, which felt like a disk: "If it's inconvenient, forget it..."

Transnational mail is more troublesome, so she just asked casually.

Ye Yang smiled: "I always like to walk around when I arrive at a place. Waseda is a world-renowned university, so of course I have to go there once."

He put away the file disk,

"Okay! Thank you, Boss Ye!"

Bai Xiaojing nodded.

After drinking coffee and having a candlelight dinner, Ye Yang sent Bai Xiaojing back to the observatory. Next to the observatory, Ye Yang built some employee apartments, all of which were apartment villas. Not to mention the employees of other observatories, even the white-collar workers of Apple would drool at the benefits.

Bai Xiaojing's villa is of course the largest.

Because it was too late, Bai Xiaojing stayed in the villa directly with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled: "Looks like I have to study astronomy all night again."

"Why? Astronomy is not interesting? Or is astronomy difficult to learn?"

Bai Xiaojing wrinkled her nose, very cute.

"Of course it is interesting, but after studying astronomy for so long, it's time to change the taste. How about studying biology tonight?"

Ye Yang scratched her little nose and picked her up horizontally...

The sky was full of stars, the sun set and the moon rose, rising and falling, ups and down...

In one night, the stars moved and the water flooded Jinshan.


Because they were leaving for the Sun Country the next day, it was not too intense.

During the day the next day, Bai Xiaojing could still tidy up his clothes.

"I have to leave."

Ye Yang held her soft and boneless little hand and kissed her forehead.

"Be careful..."

Although Ye Yang did not show any abnormal behavior, women's intuition is always strange. Bai Xiaojing felt that Ye Yang's farewell this time seemed different from the past...

"Yes, then I'm leaving."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and turned to leave.

Looking at Ye Yang's back, Bai Xiaojing's eyes flickered with a trace of worry.


Dalian Port.

This time, Ye Yang was negotiating with the Balor Consortium and others on the gambling compensation on his own behalf, so he naturally could not take the official ship.

So, he directly brought the Monaco Street over.

The value of Monaco Street is close to 10 billion. After it came into Ye Yang's hands, it was constantly modified. Now its value and sturdiness are incomparable.

It can be called a real small fortress on the sea.

"Are you ready?"

Before boarding the ship, Ye Yang called and asked.

"Don't worry, boss, it's foolproof."

The calm voice of the Hurricane Army Lord came, giving people infinite peace of mind.


Ye Yang took the girls on board, and Monaco Street, facing the direction of the rising sun in the distance, officially set sail...

(First update)

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