Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1105 The Smell of Gunpowder


Somewhere in Asia.

In the hall, the head of the Black Source received the news and suddenly raised his eyes.

"China Dalian Port, that Ye Yang, has already set off!!!"

"He actually dared to come out!"

"Do you really regard my black source as nothing!?"

"It seems that these two victories have gone to his head! This time, he must be allowed to see the full power of our black source! One strike will kill!!!"

"Too arrogant! No scruples at all! Not only did he give us enough time to prepare, he even didn't even hide the travel information! Haha..."

"This is so in line with his usual arrogant nature. This young man is too arrogant. Today is the day he will die!!!"


The masked councilors of the Black Source were all angry and roaring.

Ye Yang cut so much flesh from Black Source that the bones were already visible.

The entire national branch was destroyed, which had not happened in recent decades. Under the leadership of Ye Yang, it happened twice in succession! ! !

Especially the layout within China made them work hard! ! !

"This time, I will kill him!!!"

"I admit that I underestimated him last time in Yue, but this time, he can't escape! He will die!!!"

"That's right! I, the Black Source, will use all my armaments and weapons! Give him a fatal blow!!!"

"Finally, I can see this greatest scourge die... When the news comes, it will be so wonderful!!!"

The leader of Black Source nodded, and he looked at the representatives of all Black Source parties present.

The number of council members today was reduced by half, and they all rushed to intercept and kill in the Pacific...

Black Source, this time it’s bleeding money! ! !

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed! ! !

"He will definitely be our biggest enemy in Asia in the future. With him without me, with me without him! Such a powerful enemy is worth the risk!!!"

This is the consensus of the vast majority of Black Source MPs.

"I don't agree... I think it would be unwise for us to touch each other now."

A bronze-faced councilor shook his head: "But if you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

"What's so unwise! Just a few of you guys, cowering in fear every day! You don't look like us from Black Source at all!"

someone shouted.

"Haha, it's ridiculous for people like you who don't have a city government to want to subvert the current human society?"

The Copper-faced Councilor sighed.

People who enter the Black Source have the 'lofty' ideal of destroying mankind in their hearts, but the vast majority of people are outcasts of society and come in because of anger.

Councilors who truly understand the evil nature of human beings and want to destroy them from a grand strategic perspective will be squeezed out by the angry majority and will not be able to reach high positions.

I have to say, this is ridiculous.

No matter what you do, as long as there are more than one person, even if everyone has the same purpose, there will definitely be an internal blocking force. Moreover, the blocking force often exceeds and reaches upwards, eventually leading to the decline of everyone.

The bronze-faced man stood up and made his final speech: "Ye Yang, not to mention his undetermined relationship with the hurricane, just because he is a general of China, this status is not what we can do at this moment. "

For his 'ideal', he fought hard and took a step forward with sharp eyes:

"Is it possible that you think that the military power we have in our hands has surpassed that of China!? Do you dare to say this!?"

Everyone was silent.

"If we really had this kind of power, we would have cleared all obstacles long ago! As for hiding in corners and wreaking havoc! Why do we keep hiding in the dark! Don't we know our own hearts?! People who can't recognize themselves are the most likely to go crazy. To perish!"

He was extremely angry because he had a premonition that his 'ideal' would be ruined at the hands of these 'pig teammates'.

"That was the last force we used to make a comeback! Let it be exposed now and use it to exchange for an 'individual' who has not yet become the core threat. I don't agree!!!"

He looked at the leader: "We still have one last chance...take back the order! The leader..."


The scene was quiet for a moment.

"Bold! How dare you, a mere copper-faced councilor, openly question the entire Black Source decision in the lobby! And you also said words that we will perish! Treason!!! I think you deserve to die!"

One of the gold-faced councilors shouted angrily and scolded the copper-faced councilor.

"That's right! This Ye Yang will be the biggest enemy sooner or later! Killing him before he can defeat us is the best choice!"


The sound of scolding was endless.

The copper-faced councilor ignored the question and just stared at the leader, hoping that the leader would understand what he meant...

"East China Sea."

The leader spoke.

The place went completely silent...

"I know what you mean."

The leader nodded: "But you are only standing on the second floor, and you have not completely seen through the general trend this time."


Copper-faced Councilor Jin Donghai frowned.

"Ye Yang is not just our enemy, he is the enemy of all world controllers outside of China."

The chief spoke in a steady voice, as if he had seen through everything: "From a personal grudge, several shadow emperors of the United States trembled because of his anger, and several major European financial groups wished to eat his flesh alive. From the overall situation, he alone almost dominated the most core breakthrough of China in the past two years. The world pattern is about to be broken, which is what all the original world controllers do not want to see..."

"So, when we want to kill him, the whole world seems to be helping us, and the Balor Financial Group will pass on the news to us. China's military, naturally, will also have equal forces to offset the involvement."

"He is too confident and did not see this level."

"Today, it is his killing situation, a situation where he must die!"

"Do you understand?"

The chief looked at Jin Donghai under the stage.


Jin Donghai was almost convinced. Looking at the eyes of the chief, he finally lowered his head. Whether he was convinced or not, the fact that he took action could not be changed.

Because, it was too late.

The Pacific Ocean, the high seas.

Ye Yang stood on the deck of Monaco Street, leisurely admiring the scenery of the boundless sea, big fish leaping out of the water in the distance, migrating birds flying spectacularly in the distance...

He did not move at full speed, but leisurely waited for the arrival of the enemy.

"I can already smell the smell of gunpowder."

Beside him, the battle-hardened ace bodyguard brother wearing a mechanical exoskeleton said in a deep voice.

Ye Yang did not feel any smell of gunpowder, and stuffed a grilled oyster to the other party: "Eat some?"


The bodyguard brother was at a loss whether to laugh or cry: "Boss, you are too relaxed. If we really fight in a while, bullets have no eyes, and human bodies are made of flesh after all..."

"What if I am invulnerable?"

Ye Yang asked back indifferently.

(Second update)

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