Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1106 Black Hawk Flies Across the Sky


The deeper we go into the high seas, the more tense the atmosphere becomes.

Many of the people on board the Monaco street number were special forces disguised as special forces and boarded the ship.

China will not use military force openly, but the protection is still complete for Ye Yang.

Ye Yang knew that the great enemy in the west might be confronting the tip of China. No one on either side could act rashly. He only needed to deal with the black source.


He looked at the message he had received on his satellite-modified phone.


He said calmly.

"What's coming? The radar doesn't show any enemies around."

Someone asked doubtfully.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "It's not just this ship that came out with me."


Everyone's eyes widened. No one knew this news. It was only at this moment that Ye Yang revealed it...

"So that's it!"

Many people think that Ye Yang is talking about China's military strength.

Today's naval battles are beyond visual range.

They all use radar to lock the enemy into battle.

The sea in the distance seems calm, but the murderous intention has officially begun...

Hundreds of kilometers away.

A pure black military ship, like a dog from hell, was running rampant on the sea.

In the cabin.

"We got the exact news. Ye Yang should be a hundred kilometers away from us and we will meet soon!"


"Haha, the great revenge will finally be avenged! I must kill him today!"

"I didn't expect us to catch up, haha... If we really sank Ye Yang's ship, we would all be greatly promoted!"

"That's right, maybe even three levels in a row! Many people can become council members!!!"

"We might be able to pick off a head that even 300 billion U.S. dollars can't buy! It's really a sense of accomplishment to think about it..."


On the boat, the members of Black Source howled, as if victory was already at hand, and they had already controlled Ye Yang's fate.

"It is said that Ye Yang traveled this time on a luxury cruise ship called Monaco Street?"

"Hahaha, is he kidding!? It seems that he is so arrogant. He doesn't take us seriously at all and just drives out on the cruise ship? Do you think he is just enjoying the glory and playing games!?"

"After all, we have to sail out on a warship, right? It's just a sightseeing cruise ship, and I went there. It made me laugh to death!"

"He is dead today!!!"

Everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing when they heard that Ye Yang actually set off on a cruise ship.

This is so funny.

I thought there was a tough battle to be fought...

Is this the result? !

One shell could kill him!

Civilian ships and military ships are not the same concept at all, whether it is steel plate defense, displacement density, cruising speed, or shipboard combat effectiveness.

When a civilian ship encounters a military ship, the luckier one will be shot in the face. The unlucky one will not be able to see each other at all, and will be directly blown to pieces by missiles dozens of nautical miles away...


They are all cheerful.

"Accelerate! Go at full speed! Capture Ye Yang alive and get a reward of 300 billion U.S. dollars! Get his body and get a reward of 100 billion U.S. dollars!!!"

The whole ship screamed.

Suddenly, someone stopped speaking and looked at the sky with strange eyes: "Then... what is that!?"

Everyone looked at him.

There are many black spots in the distant sky, growing rapidly!

"What's this!?"

"Radar analysis!"

"It should be a strategic bomber!"

"That's right...and the model is very advanced..."

Everyone was confused.

Just now, I said I was going to capture Ye Yang alive, but before I even met him, he was attacked by the opponent's bomber! ?

"How is it possible! The sources of corruption and destruction in Europe and America have sent us exact news. All of China's cutting-edge military forces are frightened by the surveillance of Europe and the United States, and they will never be able to send so many... bombers!?"

"I'll go... there are so many! There are only so many bombers in the entire Indo-Afghanistan Kingdom, right?"

"If you're talking about the total number of people that can take off, I don't think there are that many."

"Is now the time to complain about this!? Hurry up and accept the challenge!"

The Black Source Captain cursed.

"Report, the other party's fleet sent an electronic signal!"

The technician kept saying.

"Hurry up and interpret it!"

"...The content of the message is... You have been surrounded by us. Please surrender immediately. If you do not gather on the deck within one minute, the first round of bombing will begin.

Remember, we have... a hundred ways to destroy you..."


Everyone was confused.

"A joke! Surrounding us!? It's so funny! Isn't it just a few bombers!? Do you really think you are invincible!? A few fighter jets surrounded my cruiser, which was officially in service in the last century!?"

"Is this trying to persuade you to surrender? I think it's just pretentious! It makes me so angry!"

"Fire heat-seeking missiles at me! Take down these bombers!!!"

"Damn! You're so arrogant! We still have ten thousand ways to kill you!!!"

In the control room, the top executives of Black Source were so arrogant that they collectively broke their guard...

"You made the wrong choice..."

On the screen, the last enemy information flashed.

"The bomber group in the distance stopped circling! Under the cover of fighter jets and reconnaissance planes, they began to dive towards us!"


"what happened again?"

"This is the legendary new concept bomber recently developed by the United States. It is said to be a B-2P bomber that is an era ahead of the B-2 model that previously dominated the world!"

"These are American fighter jets?! Aren't they helping us deal with Ye Yang?"

"Have you changed your mind temporarily?"

"I'm sorry...this is a fart! This is the bomber with the best bomber performance parameters in the world, and one of the most proud creations of the Raytheon Military Group in this century!"


B-2P released aluminum powder along the way, rendering the Black Fountain cruiser's heat-seeking missile useless. Exploding randomly in the sky...

The smoke cleared, but the conversation here was not finished yet.

The black spots on the horizon have passed through the smoke and dust, turning into predatory black hawks, passing overhead.

"not good!"

They all felt creepy.

In the sky, slender black shadows gradually descended and enlarged.

Look carefully, it's actually a huge bomb!

Moreover, it is the most advanced guided bomb...

It's useless to hide, people will turn in mid-air...

On the cruiser, machine guns roared.

The dense ammunition formed a fire network around the cruiser, intercepting and exploding those big red bombs in mid-air!


The dazzling light burned the eyes of those who looked directly at this scene, and the terrifying energy turned into the purest heat energy, rushing away in all directions.

The energy pulse lifts the sea.

It's so terrifying that it makes one's heart tremble...

(First update)

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