Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1107 Cruisers and Fighter Groups


Even if they were not hit head-on, the people on the Black Fountainhead ship felt a strong shock.

Roaring sounds and shaking sensations continued, and everyone felt a sense of doomsday...

"Send a message to other ships that we are under siege! Let them come to support quickly and destroy these unknown armed forces! Ye Yang must be in front. If these are solved, Ye Yang can be eliminated!!!"

The ship commander was extremely afraid of death at this moment and kept urging people to send out the news.

No matter whether the news is accurate or not, just talk nonsense.

In order to kill Ye Yang, Black Source sent out more than one warship, almost all of them! ! !

Being able to go against all the countries in Asia and survive for so many years, Black Source's military heritage has always been extremely fearful.

No one can tell how much military power he has...

At this time, these ships were constantly patrolling the high seas between Dalian Port and Tokyo Port, looking for Ye Yang's specific location.

In such a huge sea area, even a ship traveling hundreds of kilometers is not enough.

So the net is cast very wide, and now it is not easy to gather it together at once...

"We are already one of the main battleships. We must hold on! We cannot be blown to pieces so quickly..."

The captain yelled.

Among the strongest naval fleets in the world.

Today, the most powerful ones are still aircraft carriers. Only a dozen countries have aircraft carriers, and some of them only force small ships with a displacement of less than 10,000 meters to be called aircraft carriers.

You know, in China, the displacement of the 055 destroyer exceeds 10,000 meters!

There are also several countries whose aircraft carriers are old, have frequent problems, and are unable to form combat effectiveness at all.

Only a few countries can actually form the deterrent effect of aircraft carriers.

Even if Russia is as powerful as Russia, it only has one aircraft carrier.

In addition to aircraft carriers, there are the four kings of cruisers, frigates, destroyers, and battleships.

In the past, a country that could own a cruiser dared to call itself a naval power in the world.

Today, the status of cruisers is gradually being replaced by frigates, destroyers, etc., and only four countries still have cruisers in service.

The cruiser Black Source is decades old.

However, it can still travel across Asia with a displacement of more than 10,000 meters. Apart from the three countries of China, Japan and Han, how many countries can stop it?

"Damn it! Our luck and strength are too strong! We actually survived!"

Inside the cockpit.

The captain laughed, feeling extremely excited.

Although this cruiser is very intimidating, the black source has always been hidden in the dark. There has never been a large-scale war. This is the first time that this cruiser has been put into a real battle.

"Haha, I am really a genius in naval command! In World War II, I must have been a super naval general!!!"

The Black Source Captain laughed wildly: "I'm too strong!"

But the operators around him were in a hurry.

But in the end, the cruiser miraculously avoided the bombing. Only one fell on the side line. The aftermath killed some crew members, but there was no real big problem.

The cockpit of the first B-2P aircraft.

"Be careful, don't really blow it up and sink it. We still hope to rely on it to surround the area for reinforcements."

The captain picked up the intercom and gave a calm order.

"The operators of this ship are so rubbish. They dropped bombs so sparsely and none of them were able to guard against them. It's not that we don't want to let go, it's just that the other party is too mentally retarded..."

On the channel, a pilot complained.

"Haha... It's really boring. I thought it was some kind of strong opponent, but it turned out to be a super novice."

Another disdainful voice came from the channel.

The pilots of these hurricanes have all experienced bloody battlefields, and their pre-combat state is not comparable to that of the rats in the corners of Black Source.

Coupled with the fact that it is now equipped with the most advanced and powerful bombers provided by the American Raytheon Group, it is even more powerful.

They even feel that if they did not have the restriction of nuclear weapons and only engaged in air combat, they would be able to compete with any other country except the three superpowers.

"Speaking of which, don't we just grab it when nothing happens... ah, no, shall we purchase goods from the United States? It stands to reason that the United States should be very unhappy with our hurricane. How come we agreed to lower the price of such strategically important equipment this time? Sell ​​it to us?”

Someone in the channel made a confused sound.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

The team leader gave a deep shout.


The channel fell into a brief silence.

There was a smile on the leader's lips. He had heard the inside story from several military leaders, and it seemed...

The Thunder God Military Group is also one of Boss Ye’s trump cards!

"Before, we basically relied on our own purchase our equipment. It seems that from now on, we will have a solid arms dealer as our backing."

He laughed and was in a good mood.

In the past, he was invincible in those old fighter planes. But flying this truly top-notch fighter plane in the world made him feel that in addition to the three superpowers, he could really dominate the world!

"Okay, get ready and start the second round of bombing. Don't really let it sink. That won't be fun."

The leader put the radio back and twisted the operating lever, and the bomber began to turn...

"Back again!!!"

Someone screamed in the operating cabin of the Black Source cruiser.

"Damn it! Why haven't those frigates and torpedo ships come yet! This cruiser is equivalent to our Black Origin's 'aircraft carrier'! If it really sinks, can they afford the loss!?"

"It's a bit difficult for the navy to think about it, but our fighter formation will be here soon!"

After receiving the news, someone said excitedly.


On the B-2P bomber, radar scanning.

"We found their support aircraft."

"Formation composition?"

"Judging from the speed, they are not fifth-generation fighters. Three formations, five in each, coming from twelve, eight and four o'clock."

"That's a big deal!"

The leader sneered: "Okay, our mission is over. It is not the responsibility of our bomber formation to deal with fighters. Notify the fighter formation and let them go."

After they dropped the second wave of bombs, they flew away...

"They ran away!"

"Haha, I knew it! The Chinese military cannot directly interfere in this battle. How can the military power in Ye Yang's hands compare with our Black Source!"

"Are you scared?!"

"Go full speed now! All troops attack! Kill Ye Yang and get a reward of 300 billion US dollars!"


The members of Black Source are all excited...

(Second update)

The battle has just begun~

Give Jiuyang some reminders and small gifts to make the battle more intense!

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