Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1108: The Horrifying Face of the Black Fountain

"Let our fighter team chase after us quickly, don't let them escape!"

On the cruiser, the commander yelled.


"Pursue immediately!"

"It's just a group of fighter jets. No matter how advanced it is, it's an air-to-ground equipment. It's still not qualified to face an air-to-air fighter jet."

"That's right!"

The Black Source fighter formation is very excited.

This kind of restraint in combat mechanism is all-round. Just like the five elements mutually reinforcing each other, there are also checks and balances between weapon categories. Fighters restrain bombers in all aspects.

They were all in a very relaxed mood.

On the B-2P bomber, the team leader turned around and looked at the chasing group of Black Source fighter jets, and sneered: "If your fleet hadn't arrived too slowly, I would have dumped you so hard that we can't even see you."

As the most advanced bomber in the world, its speed is also extremely powerful. Black Source's fighter jets do not even fully meet the standards of fourth-generation fighters.

If you really want to leave, Black Source will never be able to catch up.

"Hmph, these little bastards who have never fought before, don't really think they have the ability to run after us, do they?"

"Flying the same fighter jet, I'll hit three of them with one fighter!"

"Ha ha……"

The bomber team controlled the speed very well, giving the fighter group the feeling that it was possible to catch up, but they were never able to hit them. The long-range air-to-air missiles were always difficult to truly target due to the skilled driving skills of the Hurricane pilots.

Either it was blown up in mid-air, or it was directly missed due to the interference of the electronic fog.

"Boom boom boom!"

Air-to-air missiles continued to explode in mid-air, and Hurricane bombers shuttled among them.

"Their ships are coming."

The team leader received the report and raised his eyebrows: "Okay, lure these planes away from the battle circle, the big ones are coming!"



The Hurricane Bombers all gave a clear reply.

"They're speeding up!"


"They want to escape! Don't let them throw you away!"


In this way, the bomber team led the fighter group directly away from the core battlefield.

"Something seems wrong..."

"Don't worry about them! What kind of combat effectiveness can a group of bombers have? It's better if they leave, so they won't bomb us."

In the cabin, the commander of Black Source sneered: "Our fleet has been assembled nearby. Without these miscellaneous aircraft, we can go all out to surround Ye Yang and attack with the whole army!"


Soon, the Black Source fleet was assembled.

With the cruiser with a displacement of more than 10,000 meters as the center, three frigates were positioned directly in front and left and right.

Two 5,000-meter destroyers cleared the way, followed by four second-level attack ships. In addition, there were six conventional submarines cruising 300 to 500 meters underwater.

Nearly fifty battleships of various types, including torpedo ships and battleships, are lined up all around! ! !

With this kind of momentum, even if it is said that it is going to destroy the country, it is completely true!

There are not many countries in the world that can resist such terrifying naval power...

There is a reason why the Black Source has been able to achieve extinction in Asia for so many years!

Monaco streets.

Ye Yang was lying on the deck with his legs crossed. On the tablet, satellite images broadcast the distant struggle scenes in real time.

This is not comparable to any TV series, it is a huge war scene with real guns and live ammunition! ! !

When he saw that the opponent's fleet was completely assembled, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It does have some wealth...a large-scale cruiser and three frigates. Even in the monster house of Asia, except for China and Xiaori, Dahanming Kingdom, India and Afghanistan and other big countries that are named, the maritime power It can basically defeat ordinary countries."

"Where can an organization hiding in the dark maintain such a huge fleet? How can it remain undetected by satellites?"

"It's outrageous..."

The whole world is watching.

Although the Shadow Emperor and Europe's leaders and top plutocrats hate Ye Yang, they are also extremely afraid of anti-human organizations in the world.

No one knows the true power of the major source organizations. This time Black Source will spend all its money to destroy Ye Yang.

It's a good time to take a look at the true background of Black Source.

This sight really made many countries take a breath of cold air!

Black Source is definitely not the most arrogant among these source organizations. Even so, it has demonstrated its strong naval strength that can easily sweep most middle-sized countries, and its land military capabilities are even less well known.

After all, the navy is relatively difficult to hide.

"This black source is quite hidden!"

When the big powers saw this scene, they all commented. After all, they had the confidence to not be afraid of this level of military threats.

Especially the United States.

On his own, he accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the total naval displacement of all countries in the world!

More than a dozen aircraft carriers!

"Although these anti-human organizations are strong, they are nothing more than that."

The American seven-star admiral smoked a cigar, watched the satellite broadcast, and commented.

And some weak countries are trembling.

This power is so terrifying!

It can be said to be powerful in Asia, but if it goes to those poor and weak continents, it will basically go sideways.

When it comes to Africa, it is basically crushed in all directions.

No country can stop it.

Even the five African countries with the largest naval secrets, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa...the total size of their navies is equivalent to the strength shown by the Black Source today, or even inferior.

The Australian Navy, which occupies a continent, is equivalent to the number of this fleet!

The whole world was shocked at this moment.

Various emotions flowed in the hearts of many top bosses...

"It is comparable to a naval power, but not as good as a strong country, let alone a super country like the Five Permanent Members that transcends the conventional concept."

"Well, this evaluation is very objective..."

"That's scary enough. It's really scary to build such a large fleet without saying a word."

"It's all those capital wolves and arms dealers. They make money and sell everything!"

"Maybe there's another secret?"


All parties are discussing and talking about it.

However, what they want to know most is Ye Yang's final outcome.

With all parties in China being clamped down, can Ye Yang rely on himself to survive this crisis! ?

"I think he's dead this time."

"This fleet is too terrifying. Without the support of a superpower, no one in the world can stop it on their own."

"This is a military confrontation that is enough to start a local world war!"


The Chinese bosses are constantly contacting Ye Yang. When the time comes, they are determined to face any situation.

Ye Yang must be saved!

However, Ye Yang's reply is still extremely confident: "Please wait for good news."

(First update)

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