
The fleet of the Black Fountain continued to advance.

The momentum was unstoppable.

It looked extremely oppressive…

This is the real steel torrent on the sea!

The former maritime gambling emperor Dai Lun VIII also called the Parrot and the merchant ships following it the steel torrent on the sea.

Compared with the real fleet, it is far behind in terms of momentum and terror.

“This is on the high seas. China can’t say that those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are, right? With so many constraints, they can’t even send out a navy!”

“Don’t say that. How much we hate Ye Yang, how important Ye Yang is to China. No one can guarantee what will happen next. In order to avoid more trouble, we should kill the other party as soon as possible!”

“That’s right…”

Many ships gathered together.

The masked councilors discussed.

“Advance! Kill him within half an hour!!!”

The warships moved forward at full speed.

Ye Yang looked at the screen indifferently and replied to the messages sent by other wills.

This place has become the focus of the world's attention. Countless top bosses, the backbone of mankind, are looking at this place.

After all, the fleet pulled out by the black source is extremely terrifying in terms of scale and strength. There has not been such a big scene for many years...

What exactly does this mean and what will it trigger behind it all make many top bosses tremble with fear.

After all, war is not a joke.

"Will Ye Yang die?"

Many people are either looking forward to it or worried.


And in the center of the storm, Ye Yang was paddling on the board with a frown.

"What is the boss thinking? If it doesn't work, let's go back first..."

Yu Momo looked at Ye Yang frowning and asked repeatedly.

"I'm worried..."

Ye Yang shook his head.

Everyone was looking at him. Sure enough, when facing such a terrible military force, even the boss would be worried in his heart! ?

However, that is too normal...

This is comparable to a war between military powers... This scene is a bit beyond control!

Ye Yang looked at their faces and guessed what they were thinking. He laughed: "What are you thinking about? I'm worried... Which way should I use to destroy them?"


Everyone was sweating. Boss Ye was still as shocking as ever...

Facing such a terrible force, it was courageous not to turn around and run. What Boss Ye was thinking in his mind was which way to wipe out the other party?

So you have more than one way to destroy such a terrifying fleet! ?

Good guy!

Ye Yang smiled faintly and stretched: "I've decided. Since the eyes of the whole world are here, let those guys in the world who are looking forward to my death take a good look... If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to die without a burial place!"

The initial plan was to gather all the enemy fleets together, and then the four nuclear submarines of Hurricane would directly use nuclear bombs to wash the ground and wipe out the opponent's fleet in one wave.

But considering that nuclear bombs really pollute the environment and have radiation, they are not environmentally friendly.

So it was cancelled.

Previously, Hurricane's nuclear warheads were in short supply, after all, the shells were all... 'purchased', and they couldn't make them themselves, but now with the support of Thor's military weapons, nuclear warheads are no longer in short supply.

"Let's clear those flying birds in the sky first."

Ye Yang said lightly.


In the distance, Hurricane's Sky Lord directly pressed the button in his hand.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!"

Hurricane is hidden in military weapons launch bases around the world, and ultra-long-range surface-to-air missiles are launched together!

Countless missiles like angry dragons formed a dense missile net and rushed towards the black source fighter group chasing the B-2P group...

Above this sea area, the trajectory whistled, and countless white tail flames crossed the sky, like countless meteors, rushing from all directions, splitting the sky into countless blue blocks...

The next moment, it seemed that the whole world was bright for a moment.

Surface-to-air missiles exploded one after another at this moment. Countless pulse waves burst out in the sky. The sky and clouds near the explosion site were completely shattered by the shock waves.

The fragments of the plane scattered and turned into black carbon stars, which exploded and fell towards the sea...

It was already unclear how many planes were destroyed in this barrage.

In the end, only three fighters broke out of the explosion circle. They were all seriously damaged and had to make an emergency landing, but there was only the sea nearby. In the end, they could only parachute to escape.

"Want to parachute? Haha, no chance!"

In the distance of the sky, a sharp white shadow flashed and arrived in an instant!

"The most advanced fifth-generation fighter in the United States!!!"

The souls of the three black source fighter pilots who escaped death were disbanded.

The generation gap between fighters is not a joke. One fifth-generation fighter can beat more than a dozen fourth-generation fighters!

Stealth, speed, maneuverability, firepower, and beyond-visual-range killing capabilities are completely different dimensions!

Just like a fully armed medieval archer fighting an ancient sword, you'll be blown up before you even see the person...

"God damn it! Are the United States and China teaming up to destroy us!?"

"Damn it! These guys deserve to die!"

"It's all their fault for messing things up!!!"

This is of course not an American plane, but one that Hurricane bought from the Thor Army.

F-22P, one of the most advanced fifth-generation fighters.

Until now, they all thought that it was the United States that made the move. After all, according to common sense, even Hurricane could hardly get the most advanced weapons that truly reached the pinnacle of world military technology.

"China itself didn't make a move, what on earth are these Americans doing! We are usually in Asia, and we didn't go to harass them! If we can go back alive this time, we will expand our business to the United States and avenge today!!!"

"That's right!!!"

The pilots of the Black Source were screaming.

However, they also knew that they couldn't go back this time...

The planes they were flying were not even fourth-generation fighters. One F-22p of the other side was enough to beat their three formations of fifteen planes, not to mention the three or two rotten fish and shrimps now.


Before they met, a black fighter fell.

Passing by, another Black Source fighter was blown up...

The last fighter didn't have time to turn around.

The F-22p turned around with its terrifying maneuverability and killed the last one...

With this, all three formations of Black Origin fighters were wiped out...


In the control room of the cruiser fleet, Captain Jinmian Councillor Jair was stunned by the missiles that whizzed past his head just now.

Afterwards, news of the fighter crash continued to come to his ears...

In just one minute, fifteen Black Origin fighters were all destroyed...

That was all the assets of the Black Origin Air Force fighters! ! !

In one minute, they were gone! ?

(Second update)

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