Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1110 Thor and Hurricane emerge

"... This, this!?"

The cabin fell into silence.

This is more than half of the Black Source fighter's power!

Although the Black Source's air force is the weakest among the three aspects of sea, land and air, fifteen and a half fourth-generation fighters are still a force that cannot be underestimated.

Surprisingly, it was completely resolved in a few tens of seconds...

The fighter unit was led away by the bomber fleet, and no one knew what happened specifically.

The unknown makes people more confused!

After all, it was too short!

Fifteen and a half fourth-generation fighters were all destroyed just like that...

"What kind of power does Ye Yang have in his hands!?"

Fleet commander Jair looked pale: "Hasn't the United States been keeping an eye on the power of China?!"

"We received the message sent by the fleet at the last moment before it was destroyed."

Someone exclaimed.

"What?! Tell me!"

Jair said repeatedly.

"It's the United States' top fifth-generation fighter F-22P! There are also unidentified missile attacks..."

"America?! Why are they interfering!?"

According to common sense, the United States itself treasures this kind of fighter, and it is impossible to sell the most advanced fighter. The best ones sold are the fourth-generation aircraft that they have eliminated.

After all, they have to ensure their own advantages.

They can't let someone buy their weapons and kill them in the backhand...

"If it is really F-22P, it is almost certain that it is the United States! Shouldn't they help us keep an eye on China!? We haven't made trouble in America! It's really bad luck!"

They are all trembling with fear.

If it weren't for the gossip that the United States might keep an eye on China, even if the Black Source had ten thousand courage, it would not dare to attack Ye Yang.

After all, that is China!

One of the three major superpowers in the world, except for the United States and Tsarist Russia, it can crush anyone in the world.

Not to mention him, a small black organization.

If they fight head-on, they will be wiped out in an instant! ! !

"Could it be that this is a trap set by the United States and China!? Just to get rid of us!?"

"The trouble we caused to the United States is not even one billionth of the trouble Ye Yang caused them? Are these guys crazy!? We must go to the United States to cause some damage when we return!!!!"

Jair was furious.


The senior commander of the United States, who was diligently guarding, sneezed. He didn't know that he had already taken the blame...

"I don't even know if I can go back! If the United States also wants to deal with us, and outflanking China from front and back, our fleet has some deterrent power against medium-sized countries. Against these two countries, death without a burial place is the best outcome..."

Many people present were scared to pee their pants.

They wanted to destroy human society, but they were not among them.

They wanted to live well.

They were very afraid of death!


This scene was not much better than the explosion of the earth, and it was even worse than that.

After all, if the earth is destroyed, everyone will die together. Now, only they are going to die.

"Haha... Never mind them! Even if I die, I will take someone with me! Charge! Kill Ye Yang!!!"

Jair roared.

The fleet continued to charge forward...

Not only were the people of the Black Source confused.

Even the United States and all those who were able to look at this place were dumbfounded.

What is going on! ?

"America, I didn't expect you to take the future of mankind as your responsibility!? I am so touched! You directly took action for China and destroyed this anti-human organization!? Thank you so much!"

"I am so touched! It turns out that I wronged you before!"

"Is it really you?"

"This is too great, right? If I didn't know that you were still keeping an eye on China, I would have believed it!"

All kinds of exclamations, doubts, or sarcastic tones came to my face.

The person in charge of the United States was confused.

What is going on! ?

"It shouldn't be from America. I know the inside information."

The councillor of Balor Manor looked solemn.

"Besides China, there is another extraordinary identity behind Ye Yang! He can even get America's fifth-generation fighter jets and kill three full-strength nearly fourth-generation fighter jet formations in seconds..."

"It's really creepy, no wonder it's so hard to kill!"

"We must find out! Now the other party has revealed his flaws! There are only a handful of forces that can mobilize such power, we must find out for me!!!"


The news was found out...

There are only a few channels in the world that can get F-22p, and Raytheon is naturally one of them. The partners who trade with Raytheon are basically countries, and there are not many private organizations. After a screening.

The only possibility was confirmed...


"It turned out to be it..."

Seeing this result, the hearts of the major chaebols and shadow emperors trembled.

Compared to other superpowers, they least want to see this result.

After all, as long as it is a force in the open, even if it is as strong as China, it dare not act recklessly, but Hurricane is different...

They are a "security company".

There are no national restrictions, they can do whatever they want.

They don't need anyone's permission to launch missiles...

"Sending such a force for Ye Yang... Could it be that Hurricane actually belongs to Ye Yang!?"

"Hiss... That's too scary! Among the many dark organizations in the world, Hurricane is the most mysterious and terrifying..."

"It's also strange that the Thunder God Army is willing to sell the most advanced weapons to Hurricane. After all, the shadow emperors of the United States will never agree. They were kept in the dark..."

"Only one person has the right to allow this."

"The actual controller of the Thunder God Army!"

"This Ye Yang must be a close friend of the controller of the Thunder God, and they have a deep relationship..."

"The most terrifying situation is that Hurricane and Thor are both forces under Ye Yang!"

"Are you crazy? How is that possible? Then wouldn't he be invincible? He has the support of China in public, Hurricane in secret, and the Thunder God Group that can provide arms... Oh my..."

All those who thought of this were sweating profusely.

Shivering. This Ye Yang is a little too scary...

However, only a few people are qualified to know about this matter. Some mid-level countries, even the highest among them, have no channels to know.


Soon, Monaco Street has appeared in the radar monitoring range of the frontmost ship...

"Found him!!!"

Someone in the cabin roared with crazy eyes.

"Great! Ye Yang, your death is coming!!! Hahahahaha..."

Jair laughed non-stop. As long as Ye Yang can be killed, it is worth dying...

This guy is enough to be regarded as one of the biggest stumbling blocks of anti-human forces since ancient times. As long as he is killed, he will be a saint in the anti-human world for thousands of years! ! !

(First update)

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