"Three hundred billion dollars, the chance to go down in the history of the world in the future is right in front of us! As long as we can do this and still have a chance to go back alive, we will be successful! Charge!!!"

Jair shouted angrily.

The whole fleet was excited.

The speed was even faster! ! !

Monaco Street, on the deck.

"Boss, we can detect the other party. The radar shows that the other party is less than 40 kilometers away from us."

On the deck, the guard special forces said repeatedly.

Ye Yang nodded: "Finally here."

"What should we do now?"

Someone asked.

"Bomb them with missiles?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "The missiles have been used up just now?"


Everyone blinked: "Is there a super fleet ambushing the other party around?"

"If there is a fleet around, the Black Source would have discovered it long ago, so how could it be tricked?"

Ye Yang shrugged as a matter of course and smiled.


"Then, what should we do..."

"Boss, you don't want to rely on our Monaco streets to block this steel torrent, do you!?"

Someone asked uncertainly.

They are not afraid of death, but if something happens to Ye Yang, it will be a heavy and irreparable loss for China! ! !

"I do think so."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Major General Ye, please think twice! No matter how it is remodeled, it can't change the essence of Monaco as a private commercial ship. Fighting a warship is like an egg hitting a stone, not to mention that the other side has cruisers and destroyers, which are powerful weapons!!!"

"Yes, yes!"

Many people panicked.

What's the difference between this and seeking death.

"Don't worry, I'm just joking."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"...Boss, what are you planning?"

Yu looked at Ye Yang silently. She had followed Ye Yang for the longest time and knew that Ye Yang would not fight an unprepared battle and would never be unreliable in serious matters.

Looking at his current performance, he must have prepared a big dish for the black source to eat.

Could it be a nuclear bomb to wipe out the ground?

But they will also be affected if they are so close! ?

Looking at Yu Momo's puzzled expression, Ye Yang laughed: "My method is that I will destroy their entire fleet by myself!!!"

This sentence was not loud, but it was like a thunderclap from the ground, which was more confusing than the sound waves of countless surface-to-air missiles exploding together just now.

"Boss... what are you talking about!?"

"Major General Ye... this!?"

"Mr. Ye, don't talk nonsense, 40 kilometers is just a short distance for warships, we can rush to your aid at any time!"

Even the Chinese war supervision headquarters couldn't sit still and sent messages one after another.

Ye Yang looked at the people standing in the center of the electronic screen. They were the backbone of China.

"You want?"

One of them spoke with a steady look.


"I understand, do it. This is necessary for you."

"I support you too."

Several backbones nodded firmly.

Perhaps, now is the time for that thing to shock the world...

China's rise is unstoppable, and those enemies are still unknown what they will do. Now Ye Yang is surrounded and killed every time he goes abroad. In order to eliminate the potential threats in the future, it is time to show that kind of strength.

Hide the troops for a thousand days, just for today!

Today, let's test the edge! ! !

Everyone's heart is at peace...

The calm eyes of the backbones of China made them calm down and look at Ye Yang with great expectation.

The words that one person will destroy the opponent's fleet do not seem to be rootless.


Can it be done! ?

Ye Yang stood on the deck.

Hidden is a kind of wisdom.

But sometimes, showing the edge is also a kind of wisdom, and it is a great wisdom!

He took a step and jumped directly to the sea...


"Major General Ye!"

"Mr. Ye!"

Even though they were prepared in their hearts, they were still shocked when they saw this scene.

However, the next moment, the wind blew past, and countless parts with blue high-energy particle beams just passed by their side.

Flying towards the front of the ship at a high speed! ! !

Ye Yang's figure disappeared for a moment, and the next moment, a mecha soared into the sky.

The blue flames made him stand in the air, the shining armor, and the dazzling energy reactor shone on his chest.

It can compete with the sun in the sky! ! !

This unrealistic scene made everyone open their mouths wide...

Ye Yang turned his head slightly, and the helmet was lifted, revealing his face.

"Major General Ye!!!"



Everyone who saw this scene was stunned...

Science fiction movies shine into reality! ?

Real-life version of Iron Man! ?


This is too...! ?

Too bizarre...

Everyone had an indescribable feeling, stuck in their throats, their eyes dull...

Ye Yang smiled slightly. The only people who had really seen Lieyang No. 1 were the talented people who went to clean up the ruins of Changbai Mountain.

This was the first battle in which Lieyang No. 1 was truly exposed to the world's military vision! ! !

"I'm not good at lying."

Ye Yang smiled at Yu Momo.

Yu Momo also chuckled and covered his mouth to laugh.

Just now I was so worried, the boss is still the same stinky boss, he always wants to tease people and show off in any occasion...

"I'll be back soon."

Ye Yang turned around, closed his visor, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"Black Source, today, you are the prey!"


Instantly, it broke through the sound barrier.

Liyang No. 1 turned into a phantom and disappeared in the distance at a high speed...

"What did I see!?"

"So Major General Ye is the iron man?"

"This kind of thing has been developed, the world is going to change..."


They all predicted a storm.

After today's battle, Liyang No. 1 will surely set off a world-class shock wave! ! ! !

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

More than 30 kilometers, for Liyang No. 1, it really can't be called a distance.

Ye Yang saw the fleet of the Black Source directly.

With a turn, he rushed over the fleet.

"What, what is that!?"

"Look up at the sky!"

"Am I hallucinating!?"

"Iron Man!?"

"Flying Armor!"


On each ship, the Black Source soldiers who saw this scene all shouted.


The unknown makes people afraid. If the unknown comes from the enemy, the terror is multiplied by a hundred times! ! !

"What's going on!?"

The ship commanders frowned and shouted.


The screen lit up.

All the commanders saw the scene they would never forget until they died...

The sky was clear and cloudless.

Only 'him'.

The sun was behind him.

He was a shadow, standing in the air, with his head slightly lowered, like a god, looking down at the humble ant swarm under his feet...

(Second update

Chapter 1111 Happy~)

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