
The next day, he woke up on a Dubode handmade cherry wood bed worth tens of millions. The sunlight shone through the huge French windows onto Ye Yang's face, making him feel extremely comfortable and warm.

"Is this the sense of security of the rich?……"

In his previous life, Ye Yang was always worried about making money.

It seems that from today on, he will start to worry about how to spend money...

Although it is still worrying, it is a happy worry after all.

"By the way, I gave so much money last night, so there should be some reward, right?"I was so drunk last night on a bottle of Romanee-Conti that cost tens of thousands of dollars, that I missed the system notification sound.

"The aftereffect of this wine is quite strong. However, after waking up, I felt extremely comfortable instead of having a headache. Perhaps this is the real charm of Romanee-Conti, which is known as the king of red wine."

"Wait... I remember now."

Ye Yang suddenly slapped his head. Last night, before he fell asleep due to drinking too much red wine, the system's reward notification sounded.

"Ding! It has been detected that you have spent 268w to reward, triggering a special reward: Chinese martial arts mastery"

"Could it be that my headache is not because of the good wine, but because my physical fitness has become stronger?"

Ye Yang jumped up and found that he was as light as a swallow. He almost hit the nearly four-meter-high bedroom roof.

"Oh my god, it's true!"

He didn't even need to test his own skills. He could jump more than four meters high. The world record is only three meters. This is already in the category of"surpassing normal people."

"This feeling of being full of energy and not feeling tired even if fighting for seven days and seven nights is really great."

Ye Yang clenched his fist, feeling the energy in his body, and his confidence was overflowing.

""I feel refreshed after a good sleep. Now that I have finally made a fortune, it is time to give back to my parents."

Ye Yang murmured.

He had originally planned to use half of his first month's internship salary to buy some gifts for his parents.

But now he doesn't have to save money.

"The massage chair that my mom had been eyeing for years but never mentioned. The top-notch professional fishing rod that my dad had always wanted to own, the old laptop that my sister had always wanted to replace, buy them all!"

Ye Yang opened Taobao and placed an order right away.

I believe that my parents and sister would be very happy to see these gifts.

Although these things are not cheap for ordinary people, they only add up to tens of thousands of yuan.

Ye Yang is not satisfied. The return to his parents is not much.

This time the system only gave a deposit reward of 100 million yuan.

"It seems that the more you spend, the more rewards the system gives you. The amount you have already spent is randomly rewarded. It seems that how to spend money is indeed a science."

Ye Yang listened to the rewards in his ears and also figured out the reward rules of the system.

"I'll transfer 200,000 yuan to my parents' bank card."

Ye Yang made up his mind. It happened that he was going to the Empire State Building to see his newly acquired real estate today, and he would also go to the bank to transfer money to his parents.

The reason for transferring 200,000 yuan was not because he was stingy. If he really transferred a million, the old couple would worry that he had done something bad in the Magic City, and teach him to be a good person.

Dongfa Bank, Rainbow Road Branch, Ye Yang parked the car and went to the window


Leng Mei, the window clerk, glanced at Ye Yang's outfit and asked casually, obviously not very interested.

"The daily transfer limit of your card is 50,000 yuan, you can't transfer more than that."

When the staff Leng Mei heard that Ye Yang wanted to transfer 200,000 yuan, she curled her lips and said indifferently

"Can you raise the upper limit?"

Ye Yang frowned. Why did Leng Mei's tone sound as if he was not a customer, but someone who owed her money?

"Sure~ How much? Is 100 million enough?"

Leng Mei rolled her eyes.

Last night, she followed a super rich man on TikTok who could spend 999 Carnivals at once. She even sent him two photos, and almost sent herself to his bed.

But he ignored her completely.

This made her very angry today. When she saw this poor loser dressed like a loser, she couldn't help but feel jealous.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yang frowned and his tone became cold.

"Don't you even check how much money is in your card?! Are you imitating the big bosses to raise the limit? Haha... It's really funny! You are not from that circle, so don't keep trying to squeeze in!"

Leng Mei openly scolded Ye Yang, but secretly she was scolding herself for not living up to her expectations and not being able to get close to a rich man.

"I really don't know how much money is in my card, how about you help me count it?"

Ye Yang sneered

""How many? You poor young man, you can't even see the end of your savings... Um... Shit!"

Leng Mei glanced at the outrageous number in the balance column and immediately jumped up from her chair, covering her mouth, completely unable to believe her eyes.

"One zero, two zeros... this is... a billion!!!"

This is a billion in cash!

If someone can save more than a billion in cash in a bank card, then his assets must be more than 10 billion, right?!

His unintentional self-abasement ridicule actually ridiculed a super boss!

"Sir, sir, I was wrong!"

She now fully understood that she had provoked a huge trouble!

Someone nearby had already told the bank president about this.

Upon hearing that they had offended a super large customer with more than one billion in deposits, the president of the Dongfa branch hurried down from the office upstairs. He looked embarrassed, but a flattering smile had already been put on his face. This customer was incredible!

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