"I came here after seeing the trending search list! Where is the battle of the rich?!"

"Ye Shenhao? Is he the super rich man who drives a Lamborghini Venom during the day but eats cold noodles with his goddess? That video is very popular on the Internet!"


The popularity of the live broadcast room, after being on the hot list, has reached an astonishing 2 million people!

Countless people like it crazily, asking for the rich carnival battle to be more intense

"You want to show off to me? You are still very young!"

Zheng Tuhao looked at his huge sound wave and said confidently:"One hundred more carnivals will crush you to death!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and came to the 101st Carnival again.

Every time he bet on him alone!


Zheng Tuhao's face flushed. Although he had charged hundreds of thousands, he would run out of money in two or three waves.

And Ye Yang seemed like a bottomless pit. No matter how much he charged, he could easily beat him.……


He felt scared.

Fear had been building for a lifetime, and his brain, dominated by surging hormones, gradually cooled down.

"Hiss... That's not right! Have I been fooled?"

Zheng Tuhao hesitated, and after pacing in the hall for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said angrily:"Never mind! I don't fucking believe it. I'm over 30 years old and I'm not even as good as a kid!"

After that, he blasted out the rest of the sound waves all at once!

"Congratulations! Brother Hao gave away Carnival*199!"

"Wow! Is Brother Hao going to exert his strength?!"

"Can Ye Shenhao keep up? ? 199 carnivals, nearly 500,000 Chinese Yuan! ? This is not a small amount! A rage for a beauty!"

"It's so cool! It would be so great if I were that rich!"


This wave of carnival instantly pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

While everyone was excited.

Ye Yang shook his head. If he had seen someone spending hundreds of thousands before, he might have been amazed and envious, but for him now, this was really not a big scene. He casually clicked on a wave of 999 Carnival.

Ye Yang threw his phone aside, because he knew that the Hao brother on the opposite side had collapsed and could not follow up.


When they saw 999 carnivals passing by, everyone was stunned.

The live broadcast room with two million people suddenly became as quiet as a haunted house.

Lin Xueer also covered her mouth with her eyes wide open.

999 carnivals!

Two million!

This is simply...

After a long time, someone in the live broadcast room finally reacted and typed the barrage with trembling fingers.

"Is this the super rich man... I kneel down!"


The barrage also followed for a long time with"Kneel!"

It’s terrible!

Just moving your finger and two million went out, this is simply inhumane! ?

Zheng Tuhao also collapsed on the sofa and gave up struggling completely.

His previous guess was right, he met a real super rich second generation!

Although he is rich, he is just a small boss in Beijing, and his assets add up to only a few hundred million. Just now, he spent millions at once. He was blinded by anger and Lin Xueer’s beauty, and he swiped the money with pain.

"Oh... I hit a brick wall.……"

He silently turned on the vibrato, covered his face, and dared not see anyone.

Just now he had mocked the other party not to run away in disgrace, but now, less than ten minutes later, these words were slapped back at his face, making a loud slapping sound.

"Eh? Why is Brother Hao silent?! No movement for a long time?"

"Haha, didn't you see that he's no longer in the watch list? He ran away a long time ago!"

"Hahahaha... I thought he was going to counterattack with a shocking four-digit carnival to blow up the place, rubbish!"

"It was just that our Ye Shenhao was so generous that he scared him and made him cry!"

"Ha ha……"

This battle of the super rich finally ended with Ye Yang's 999 Carnivals.

And tonight will be the battle for Ye Yang to become a god in the entire Tik Tok live broadcasting world!

The name of Ye Shenhao also successfully topped the Tik Tok hot search list!

"A super rich man appears! ? 2 million per second! ? What is the profound meaning hidden behind the 999 carnivals! ?"

"The battle of the super rich has revealed the king of passers-by! 999 carnivals helped the beautiful anchor gain 3 million fans in one night!"


Countless people came here to follow Ye Yang.

Overnight, Ye Yang's fans exceeded five million, surpassing Lin Xueer, who was originally a host. This made the two of them laugh and cry.

"Is money more attractive than beauty?"

Ye Yang looked at the sudden surge of 5 million fans, shook his head and smiled.

He might be the first super weird Internet celebrity on the whole network who has 5 million fans on Tik Tok without releasing a single video...

In the list, countless girls took the initiative to post their cool photos, and then frantically sent private messages to Ye Yang, intending to attract his attention.

Ye Yang even suspected that if his address was exposed, these women would fill up his No. 1 villa.


Ye Yang was so annoyed that he opened the privacy settings and blocked these brainless girls whose brains were destroyed by the desire for money.

"I really troubled Brother Ye today.……"

After the broadcast, Lin Xueer repeatedly explained to Ye Yang on WeChat:"How about I just give you the money you gave me?……"

Ye Yang's tips were too much, and she simply couldn't accept them without scruples. She definitely didn't want Brother Ye to think that she was a gold digger!

"Haha, don't talk about this, didn't you say you would treat me to a meal? Use the meal money to make up for it~"

After Ye Yang sent a message casually, he lazily returned to the master bedroom upstairs. After an exciting day, the wine from Romanee-Conti slowly took over, and he fell asleep beautifully, ending his first day of getting rich.

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