"Brother Ye!"

Seeing Ye Yang coming in, Lin Xueer's eyes lit up and she said repeatedly.

Zheng Tuhao sat on the sofa, his face flushed with anger:"I gave you thousands of gifts but you ignored me, and now this level 1 player came in and did nothing, and you keep calling me brother!"

Jealousy made Zheng Tuhao look completely different, and he gritted his teeth:"You bumpkin who came out of nowhere! Look, I'm going to crush your momentum with my gifts!"

"Congratulations! Brother Hao gave away Carnival*1, and the entire live broadcast room has been notified~"

Just as everyone was asking if the first-level account of Ye Shenhao who came in was the real Shenhao during the day, the carnival special effects also filled the screen.

"Oh my god! Brother Hao is so generous!"


"The 666" live broadcast room began to praise the number one

"Good evening, Xueer~"

Level 1 account Ye Shenhao sent an inappropriate greeting amidst the screen full of 666

"Wow! Ye Shenhao talked to the anchor!"

"This is the first time I’ve been so close to a wealthy person!"

"I'm so happy I'm gonna faint~"

"Does Ye Shenhao need a maid? My women's clothes look good.~"

"It's you again, disgusting guy, get out of here! Don't steal my man!"

Ye Yang's words directly overwhelmed the power of the carnival and began to reverse the rhythm of the live broadcast room again.

""What the hell!"

Zheng Tuhao was completely confused:"What's going on?!""

One sentence is more awesome than my Carnival!?

Who is this guy?

He is not stupid. At this time, he also realized that Ye Yang might really be a strong opponent and he needs to take him seriously.

""The guy named Ye Yang, you are awesome, right? Do you dare to compete with me?"

He started to challenge me.

"Oh my god, Brother Hao is jealous!"

"I've said it before, if Brother Hao knew about Ye Shenhao's existence, his blood pressure would soar, haha……"

"I don't know which one of these two is more luxurious?"

"Is the battle of the super rich about to begin! ? I caught up with the very beginning! ? Get your stool ready and watch from the front row!"

"Come on, come on, peanuts and sunflower seeds are sold in the front row~"

The netizens were all watching the fun and did not mind the trouble, and they urged him in a sarcastic way.

Ye Yang took a sip of Romanee-Conti, and a sneer crossed his lips. He was just worried about where to spend his money, and now he found it.

What is a carnival?

He took a sip of Romanee-Conti casually, and he didn't know how many carnivals it was.

It was just right to earn more money for gifts for old classmates.~

"I'll keep you company."

He simply typed out two words, which caused a climax in the live broadcast room.

"Ye Shenhao is indeed a top-notch rich man! He speaks in a cool and concise manner, like a domineering president! So happy!"

"The war has begun! Haha, it’s time to watch something interesting!"



Zheng Tuhao excitedly sat up from the sofa, his face eager to try:"Your master Zheng has never lost in a head-on battle!"

He clicked his fingers frantically, and typed out arrogant declarations of war:"Okay! Let's not play fancy games, just be simple and rough, just brush the most expensive carnival, and see who can brush more? Don't lose so much that you can't even lift your pants! Run away in shame! It's so embarrassing!"

"Wow! Brother Hao is so confident! It seems that he has recharged a lot of money today!"

"Ye Shenhao is in danger!"

"The guy above is probably a fool. Ye Shenhao is a super rich second generation who drives a luxury car worth tens of millions! What an old fool! ?"


There was a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room, looking forward to the start of the battle between the rich and powerful.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and typed out:"I will return the original words."

"What the hell?! You dare to talk back?"

Zheng Tuhao was so angry that his face turned red. At this time, he completely lost his mind and directly raised the carnival quota to ten!

"Da da da da……"

Click your finger ten times in a row, and a hundred carnivals will appear at once!

"Wow! One hundred carnivals! Brother Hao is so generous!"

One carnival costs two to three thousand yuan.

One hundred together, that's two or three hundred thousand!

Most people's life savings were burned in a few seconds, making all the viewers in the live broadcast room jealous and envious.

"How about it! ? I will make sure you can't keep up with the first wave! A young man dares to compete with me in financial strength? How much pocket money can your father give you?"

Zheng Tuhao didn't think Ye Yang had money at all. If he had money, it was given by his father.

On Becker's sofa, Ye Yang shook his head and smiled faintly. He adjusted the carnival quota directly to 100.

After clicking it, he swiped another one separately.

One hundred and one carnivals!

Just enough to put pressure on Zheng Tuhao~

"Hahaha, Ye Shenhao’s operation is too cool!"

"Six six six!"

"Just in time to suppress him!"

Lin Xueer looked at the carnival on the screen that could not be stopped, and her heart was trembling.

In the blink of an eye, four or five hundred thousand cash gifts floated over!

She had no interest in Zheng Tuhao, but Ye Yang was her male god! How could she let her male god spend so much money!?

"Let's forget it, Brother Ye.……"

She said softly

"I'll fuck you!"

Zheng Tuhao was furious:"You dare to hit me in the face?! I'll show you the financial strength of your master Zheng!"

After that, he recharged his account with several million vibrato coins again.

"The battle of the rich!"

"I came from next door just to watch the live battle! Anyone who knows the reason, please give me a kick?"


The battle between the two super-rich people instantly made the popularity of the live broadcast room soar to over a million!

This topic also quickly climbed to the top of the TikTok hot search list. The decisive battle is about to begin...

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