In the No. 1 villa of Yunding Mountain, Ye Yang was lying comfortably on the Becker sofa, sipping the supreme Romanee-Conti. He was casually flipping through his phone.

WeChat suddenly rang.


Seeing the note was Liu Qianqian, Ye Yang's expression became interesting.

Liu Qianqian was Aunt Zhang's daughter. Ever since he moved in, she had been"plotting against her will" towards him. In short, she was just coveting his body.

Speaking of Liu Qianqian, she was also a proper white, rich and beautiful woman.

She was 1.72 meters tall, with a score of over 90, which was enough to rival Lin Xueer's top appearance. She was a master's student at an Ivy League university in the United States, and her family had four apartments in Shanghai.

It was a pity that Ye Yang didn't like the feeling of being a gigolo. He had been deliberately avoiding her at first.

But now that he had the confidence, he was naturally much calmer.

"Brother Ye Yang! Why did you move away? Didn’t you say that if you don’t get used to living in Fuhua Community, you can move to Fuhua Community. You don’t keep your word! Wuuwuwu~"

Liu Qianqian sent a little expression of grievance, which made Ye Yang scratch his head:"I bought a house! I can’t leave the new house empty.……"

He had to tell the truth.

As a typical straight man, he has always relied on his appearance and ambition to attract girls since he was a child. The word"licking" has nothing to do with him.

As for those licking dogs, they often end up in a miserable situation.

After all, goddesses usually like straight men like him who are sunny, handsome and confident.

"……Buy a house? My mom said you bought Villa No. 1 in Genting District?! I thought she was joking, but it turned out to be true! Brother Ye Yang, you are such a super rich second generation!?"

"Could it be that Brother Ye Yang, you have already taken a fancy to me and rented the house just to observe me these past few months! ?"

"Ah! I am so touched! I will ask for leave and go back to find you immediately, and pin you down on the bed so that you can't get out of bed!"


Looking at the other party's series of messages, Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If a girl likes you, even if you call her a pig, she will automatically think that you are calling her cute. So, you can't be a licker, and being a straight man is the hard truth.

"Then I'll wait for you~"

Ye Yang replied casually and ignored it. Liu Qianqian had just returned to the Ivy League University in the United States a few days ago to do a research report. How could she come back just like that? Of course, I was joking.

"That's settled then!"

In the United States, Liu Qianqian's usually cold face was full of shyness:"This is the first time that Brother Ye Yang has made it clear to me~ I'm so happy!"

She looked down at the pure white on her chest, and was extremely confident in her appearance and figure. As long as Ye Yang gave her a chance, she was confident that Ye Yang would linger and begin to fall in love with her.

"Yes! Send a message to your instructor to ask for leave, and book your flight tickets in advance"


While Liu Qianqian was imagining all kinds of happy poses,

Ye Yang also opened tremolo and clicked on Lin Xueer's live broadcast room.

Lin Xueer took street photos during the day and live broadcast singing and dancing at night, but she was obviously very busy tonight.

Because she was with Ye Shenhao during the day, she witnessed things that were more exciting than TV dramas, such as slapping gold diggers in the face, eating grilled cold noodles at street stalls, and directly booking a milk tea shop. Lin Xueer's fans increased by 200,000 or 300,000.

These new viewers were all asking Lin Xueer questions about Ye Yang.

"Xueer Xueer, what is your relationship with that rich man during the day? He actually drives a Lamborghini Venom!"

"Yes, yes, the video of the 70 million luxury car is now popular! Everyone is discussing the true identity of this people-friendly rich man!"

"Whose hidden rich second generation is this?"

"I want his contact information~嘤嘤嘤~I look so beautiful in women’s clothes!"

""Get lost! Ye Shenhao is mine!"

Lin Xueer looked at the comments, feeling a little happy and a little jealous.

She was happy to see Ye Yang popular, but after all, she had always liked Ye Yang, so she would always feel a little jealous, but she could understand. After all, how could such an outstanding man not be popular? However, she was also a little surprised when she saw the comments.

She could see that Ye Yang's sports car was very expensive during the day, at least several million, but she really didn't expect it to be worth 70 million!

70 million!

What does that mean?

People only dream of winning 5 million when they dream of winning the lottery.……

"Congratulations to Brother Hao for sending out helicopter*9!"

"Oh my god, Brother Hao is here! The show is about to begin!"

"Hahaha...Brother Hao has always been the top brother on the list and has been coveting Xue'er for a long time. Now seeing that everyone is brushing Ye Shenhao, he must be so angry that his blood pressure has soared!"



Lin Xueer was also slightly stunned. Why did this annoying guy come again...

She had Ye Yang in her heart and had no feelings for Brother Hao, but the more she said that she didn't like him, the more he gave gifts. He was just like a masochist, which made her completely unable to understand.

In a small villa somewhere in Kyoto, Brother Hao Zheng Hao sat on a leather sofa, looking at Lin Xueer with shining eyes that were obviously kidney-deficient. This kind of pure beauty who was fresh, unworldly, and spotless was the first time he had seen such a pure beauty in his life, even with his experience.

He gave her gifts like crazy every day and prepared to defeat her with money.

But when he entered the live broadcast room today, everyone was not discussing him, the big local tyrant!

Instead, they were discussing some bullshit Ye Shenhao! ?

Just when he was about to curse who was the bullshit Ye Shenhao.

The entry of a level one trumpet named"Ye Shenhao" instantly made the entire live broadcast room crazy...

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