Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1114: Kill them all?


After Ye Yang started to counterattack, in just one minute, fifteen battleships were sunk or exploded!

Such combat efficiency and destruction speed made everyone look cold and tremble!

You know, the navies of many countries do not have a total of fifteen warships! ! !

Now, Ye Yang had wiped them all out in less than a minute!

And it was a real complete explosion and sinking, not an injury that made it impossible to fight.

It's a complete loss! ! !

This scene made everyone tremble with fear.

The seven-star American general's hand holding the coffee was trembling, and his lips were trembling: "This is too outrageous!"


The bystanders were so frightened that they didn't know what to say.

Not to mention the Black Source ship members who are on the battlefield.

These people all looked at Ye Yang as if they were looking at the god of death. Their fighting spirit had already collapsed, completely collapsed!

This is God!

How is it possible that humans can compete! ?

How to fight this?

Ships are nothing more than toys to others!

The shells hit him without even leaving a trace, but his bombs could easily penetrate the exterior of the ship and explode inside!

It is almost certain that no one in those ships that exploded internally could escape this disaster...


"This is the devil!"

"I... don't want anything anymore, turn around and run away!"

"Are you crazy!? If you run away from battle, you will be killed!"

"It's all death anyway. If you escape, you might still be alive in the end..."


"Will you escape or not..."



In a certain fish ship.

Because the ship commander hesitated for a few seconds on the decision to escape, he was directly shot to death by his men.

"I really can't see the situation clearly! It's not a pity to die!"

"I don't want to die!"

The mutinous soldiers raised their guns and ordered the captain of the ship to turn around and run away.

"Don't point at me. If you hadn't fired, I would have killed that trash commander myself!"


Within ten seconds, more than half of the remaining thirty or so ships chose to flee.

Only some of the most secretive main battleships, relying on their strong ships and powerful guns, still retain a trace of illusion.

Although Ye Yang just lost a dozen ships in almost seconds, there were no destroyers among them, and the main ship Wanmi cruiser was also unscathed.

The commander shouted: "His bombs must not be able to penetrate the ultra-thick decks of our super ships, otherwise they would have attacked us long ago! Blow him up! I don't believe it, he has really become a god! He must be able to Blow him up!"

"That's right, aim at him! Blast me!!!"

“Dong dong dong!!!”

Lieyang No. 1 dodged a few times and avoided these bombs.

The last bomb passed by Ye Yang's chest...

As long as you don't forcefully open the energy cover against the bomb and just avoid the trajectory of the shell, the energy loss will not be much.


He sneered, glanced at the main cruiser coldly, turned around and killed the escaping ships.

Lieyang No. 1 can reach a speed of twenty times the conventional speed of sound, and with satellite reporting, it is impossible for these ships to escape.

Every anti-human organization like Black Source has the blood of innocent people on their hands. If these people escape, they will become a super scourge that poisons Asia in the future.

"Today, just stay here and feed the fish."

Ye Yang murmured faintly, flying the pulse knife in both hands, and rushed past. The ships on both sides were cut open by the upper and lower layers, and the engines were chopped into two halves, bursting into flames...

Ye Yang rushed out in the light of the fire, and then in a sudden turn, six groups of thirty-six rounds of micro bombs on the outside of his leg armor rushed out at once...

"Swish swish..."

Thirty-six micro bombs whizzed past...

Launched at a dozen escaping ships...

So far, all the micro missiles he carried have been launched.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

More than a dozen ships trying to escape were all invaded by armor-piercing high-explosive bombs. Violent explosions occurred inside, turning the powerful armored warships into balloons and swelling.

Black smoke rose.

These escaping black sources were all destroyed...

If he could survive such an internal explosion, he would probably have the physique of the Hulk.

Ye Yang flew back to the central battlefield.

"It seems that there is no point in escaping! He has made up his mind to annihilate us all!"

"That's right! We can only kill him with all our strength!"

"Fight! You will die anyway! You will die faster if you run away!"

At this moment, all the remaining members of Black Source had red eyes. In the battle between trapped beasts, rabbits bite people when they are anxious. Now they are on the edge of the cliff of death. Even if they want to escape, Ye Yang will not give them a chance!

"Mr. Ye! We no longer want to fight you! Let us go! As one of the leaders of the positive world, you must at least maintain basic kindness!? Kill them all, there is no difference from us!!!"

Ye Yang sneered: "Mercy? Why didn't you think of mercy when you came to kill me!?"

His voice was dull, but after passing through the sound amplifier of Lieyang No. 1, everyone could hear it.

"Personally speaking, you are here to kill me, so there is a way to kill me!"

"From the axiom, you are the public enemy of mankind! Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself. You equate the person who kills the murderer with the murderer himself. Your logic is distorted and you can't be called human.

So... for creatures like you who don't deserve to exist in the world. Whether to forgive you or not is a matter for the King of Hell to consider. What I have to do is to send you to see the King of Hell!"

He snorted coldly, and his body instantly rioted again!

He hated the Internet saints the most in his life. These guys said that those who punish sinners are the same as criminals. They are all hurting people. There is no difference.

They can't even figure out the basic cause and effect, confuse black and white, and reverse logic. Their hearts are worthy of death!

This kind of people are far more hateful to the development of mankind than the criminals themselves, and the negative effects they have are far greater...

The other party's last words completely angered him!

He looked indifferent.

The high-energy particles around him went wild...

The hundreds of meters of energy light blades extending from his hands swung and cut, and even the bombs shot in the air were split and exploded in the air! ! !

"Why don't you show mercy when you usually kill people? Now that the butcher's knife is on your head, do you start to reflect on the preciousness of life!?"

In a flash, another five or six warships were destroyed and exploded behind him...

He slowly stood up in the air.

Now, the small ships on the field have been completely destroyed.

Only the destroyers, frigates and the main cruiser of Wanmi are left.

"He really can't do anything to us. As long as we hit him a few more times, he will definitely be destroyed!"

The main commander of the cruiser was crazy.

It was really the coldness of the essence of death that made him unbearable...

(First update)

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