Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1115 One Person, One Fleet


Ye Yang looked down at these last ‘big’ targets.

War is about burning money, that’s true.

Each of the micro-missiles launched just now is about the same cost as an ordinary intercontinental missile, which is equivalent to 100 or 200 million Chinese currency!

The two missiles fired just now.

It burned tens of billions of Chinese currency! ! !

The armor loss and maintenance costs caused by energy overclocking output, and the energy cost of energy pulses.

They are all extremely high.

Although he was the only one participating in this battle, he had to burn at least 10 or 20 billion Chinese currency.

Lieyang No. 1, it’s not an exaggeration to call it a Chinese currency armor.


High-energy particles spewed.

Ye Yang glanced at the energy value. High-frequency combat consumes energy quickly, and the energy cost of the pulse knife is very high.

Now there is 50% energy left.


The size of these large ships is not comparable to ordinary ships. The displacement is at least 5,000 to 6,000 meters.

The main cruiser Black Source even reached 12,000 meters!

If you want to completely cut open such a big guy, the energy loss is too great, but he has already had a plan to deal with it.

"He really can't deal with warships with too thick armor!"

Seeing that Ye Yang was reluctant to attack the large fleet, the fleet commander felt a glimmer of hope and kept boosting morale!

Many big men watching the battle also breathed a sigh of relief.

This is more or less...

If it can only deal with small ships, it can only be said to be a big threat. If it can threaten super ships or even aircraft carriers with more than 10,000 meters, it will really be a strategic-level killer! ! !

A super killer that far exceeds the significance of aircraft carriers! ! !

"Ye Yang, why don't you fight? You can't do anything with our thick armor, right?!"

The Black Source Commander mocked on his face, but was actually testing.

Ye Yang sneered.

"I just like to save the main course for last before eating..."

He moved instantly!

On the screen, the vision blurred, and Ye Yang's figure disappeared completely!

"Where is he!?"

"Why did he disappear!?"

"Could he be invisible!?"

"Invisible means invisible to radar! Is there any technology in the world that is completely invisible to optics!?"


In the command room, there was chaos, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, they came to kill Ye Yang with great momentum today, but they didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

"How could this happen!?"

"Who saw him!"


Just when the cabin was in chaos.

Information came in.

"We saw that he just broke through your hull armor and has now entered your ship!"

Someone else shouted in the channel.

"What!? This..."

Before he finished speaking.

The door of the command cabin burst open, and the broken iron pieces splashed everywhere, cutting off the bodies of many people in the command cabin!

Blood, bursting...

A figure appeared in the command cabin.


The commander-in-chief looked at this figure and was so scared that he collapsed directly...

This! ?

Ye Yang walked slowly in front of him: "Now tell me, do I have any way to deal with you?"

Jair pointed at Ye Yang, his face pale, his lips trembling, unable to speak.

However, he soon realized his situation, and the fear of death was a subconscious reaction.

The next moment, after he knew that he was going to die, his face suddenly became ferocious: "Ye Yang! Stop being arrogant! We already know what the ultimate world will look like! In your narrow eyes, we are villains, but a humble reptile like you can't stop the trend!"

"That is the fate you can never resist..."


Before the word "luck" came out, his head was directly cut off by the pulse knife in Ye Yang's hand.

Flying far away...

Ye Yang sneered: "What are you talking about here."

He was extremely fast, rushing straight, and soon found the cockpit, engine and ammunition room, and cut them all with three knives!

The entire cruiser was paralyzed, and the chain of explosions began to destroy it from the inside.

Finally, Ye Yang was afraid that he would sink too slowly, so he used the pulse knife in his hand to draw a circle with a diameter of five meters at the bottom of the cruiser, and the seawater rushed up with a rumble.

He nodded with relief, and the high-energy particle beam under his feet rushed, and the whole person broke through the cabin roof above and rushed towards the next destroyer...

In this way, one huge ship after another continued to collapse from the inside...

The many big men watching the battle looked at these scenes with dull eyes.


They had never thought of this kind of tactics.

It's simply a barbarian tactic...

But it's also true that with the armor, it is equivalent to concentrating an extremely powerful force on one person, and the primitive tactics do not necessarily mean backwardness.

"The emergence of this armor will change the pattern of future war history!"

"... Don't change it, we can't make it, so we'd better fight with battleships..."

"We can't even make a battleship."


Many big men sighed, and the more they thought about it, the sadder they became.

For these ordinary countries, the world hegemony is too hopeless, and they can only cling to others.

Especially after seeing Ye Yang's powerful mecha force...

The big guys all had a feeling in their hearts at the same time:

Tired, destroy it...


After a while.

There were no ships on the sea, only broken debris and bloody seawater...

There were also some floating corpses that had long lost their breath...

Ye Yang turned back and glanced at these lightly, without any waves in his heart.

He did not stop, and the particle beam under his feet suddenly erupted, and he left into the distance...

"Here it comes!"

"Lieutenant General Ye is back!"


Yu Momo looked at the flying figure in the distance with a full gaze.

Finally, Ye Yang landed on the deck of Monaco Street.


The actual situation of the battle was top secret, and only the top bosses could see it.

The accompanying personnel of Monaco Street could not see it, but because they were very close to the battlefield, they could vaguely see everything from a distance.

Seeing Ye Yang return intact at this time, most people guessed the ending.

"It's been solved."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "No need to delay, continue to move towards the Sun Country."


Everyone finally confirmed their inner guesses and cheered up.

Unexpectedly, this new weapon is so powerful!!!

They can all feel that now, the world's biggest bosses must be furious.

This mecha weapon is enough to shock the world!!!

Back in his room, Lieyang No. 1 disintegrated, Ye Yang sat on the soft bed and breathed a sigh of relief...

The sea power of the black source was completely destroyed in this battle!

He knew that from now on, when he traveled around the world, no one would dare to attack him...

(Second update)

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