Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1116 Current Status of Black Fountain

"how so!?"

Black Source does not have its own satellite system, so it cannot see real-time images, but they have always maintained contact with the front line.

However, since the war began, there has been bad news one after another.

An hour ago, all contact with the fleet and aviation formation had been lost.

"Could it be..."

He looked grim: "Has the entire army been wiped out!?"


Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"So fast? How is it possible?! Even if a superpower really takes action, it can't be so fast, right!? That's more than fifty warships!"

"If China goes all out, it might be possible."

"I have reliable information from the United States. They have been keeping an eye on China. China's main maritime forces have definitely not been dispatched!!!"

"That's really weird..."

"Previous reports said that Ye Yang appeared in person, wearing a strange armor. Could it be that he used that weapon that he had never seen before to defeat our fleet..."

"Fart!!! How is that possible! Do you think it's a science fiction movie!? Iron Man isn't that evil either!"


Black Source was in a hurry. There were no satellites or core information. The side participating in the war was the last to know the detailed information.

"Judging from the contact, the entire army was indeed wiped out. No news came in the last few minutes before the contact was interrupted..."


A few hours later.

The first black source saw the TV news. Ye Yang, the leader of the Chinese business community, had arrived in Tokyo Bay...

On TV, reporters reported live:

"It is reported that Mr. Ye, the leader of the Chinese business community, came to Japan this time to negotiate the sky-high 900 billion euros bet with the Balor Consortium! This bet is unprecedented and attracts worldwide attention! Regarding the moon base The space race has now come to an end. How this bet will end, our reporter will continue to follow..."

In the news footage, Ye Yang landed in Tokyo Bay.

Local bosses in Japan, prominent Chinese figures in Japan, and industrial managers of Ye Yang's assets in Japan all showed up.

The entire VIP area of ​​the pier was blocked by crowded luxury cars. Celebrities from all walks of life gathered and stood in the surrounding streets to welcome Ye Yang's arrival.

The flashbulbs of various media were turned on, and the atmosphere was lively and noisy.

Obviously, almost all of these people knew nothing about the peerless battle that took place on the high seas of the Pacific a few hours ago.


"It seems that our guess is right..."

The helmsman of Black Source slumped down, not wanting to accept this result.

Ye Yang boarded the Tokyo Bay of Japan intact, and his fleet lost contact. No matter what happened in the middle, it already showed the only result.

The whole army was wiped out...

He knew that Black Source was basically finished.

The strongest fangs of the Black Source, the maritime fleet, have been completely removed...

More than half of the air power was lost.

The frontal armaments on land are not as good as the maritime power. In today's era, once the wealth is exhausted, it is exhausted. It is basically impossible to secretly build a fleet...

These are the foundations from decades ago.

Now, he regretted it, truly, completely regretted it.

He looked at Jin Donghai, the copper-faced councilor.

At the beginning, this person was the only one who had the most intense attitude and did not support the use of troops against Ye Yang. He even dared to confront him and ask him to withdraw his order with a bronze face.

At this moment, Jin Donghai sighed: "It's ridiculous, it's sad! Think about what kind of organization my Black Source was back then, and how ruthless and resourceful its members were. Now that it has grown, there are so many worms, who are divided and have their own purposes. A bunch of insects, nothing!"

His heart was cold and he stepped out.

This black source is already rotten, so don’t wait any longer!

"Where are you going? Why are you pretending to be here just to gloat over our plan's failure? You're just a copper-faced congressman! Even if you have been here for a long time and are considered senior, your identity is here after all! The source of black is If you want to quit, just quit! If you want to leave, leave your life behind!"

The gold-faced councilor who had been the tough frontman stood up and shouted angrily.


Jin Donghai looked at him indifferently: "If I had not been for my inner ideals, but just like you bunch of moths, focused on climbing up, there would have been no chance for you to sit as a gold-faced senator!"

Most human organizations are like this.

During the entrepreneurial period, we worked together with one heart and one mind and worked hard for a common goal.

Once it reaches a large scale and develops, the ingredients become complicated and the internals become complicated. In the end, absurd and obviously retarded choices are always made.

No country as powerful as the United States can escape this law. Back then, it was full of ambition and dominated the world. In just a few decades, it has become ridiculous to where it is now, let alone the black source.

Jin Donghai has watched the various changes in the black source over the years and has already become disheartened. But where his family is, Asia is invincible except for China, and it is possible to pull some countries to death together and enter the ultimate chaos.

But after today's battle, he already understood that the situation was over...

The card of mutual destruction cannot be played.

"Put him under house arrest."

The first helmsman said calmly.

Jin Donghai sneered.

In the eyes of a pure child, use his pure and objective thinking to evaluate the whole thing.

Jin Donghai is undoubtedly the most capable and far-sighted person here. Today's outcome proves his vision. Black Source should reuse him.

The gold-faced councilor made a major wrong decision and should have been demoted.

But the fact is completely the opposite...

The gold-faced councilor is still arrogant, but Jin Donghai is under house arrest.

This is the fact.

Few people will really put the collective interests first, and everything is based on personal perspectives...

In the adult world, there is no pure right or wrong.

The absurd decision seems absurd, but in fact it is the result of the game, struggle and weighing of all parties.

Such a phenomenon is undoubtedly wrong, but it is also a collective law that cannot be changed by personal power

- a law of a declining collective that leads to self-destruction.

"What should we do next?"

A councilor asked.

"What else can we do... The fleet is destroyed, and we can only give up all actions against Ye Yang. Continue our previous plan."

The gold-faced man said lightly.

He held the power to dispatch the land forces of the Black Source, and the sea forces were destroyed. Not only was he not punished for advocating the war beforehand, but he had more say.

The head of the Black Source looked at the other party coldly, but it was indeed the only way.


He looked at the councilors in the hall who had their own thoughts.

Some came here for their ideals, some came here because of anger and despair, some came here for power and freedom, some for money, some to bully others, and some to vent their brutal temperament...

At a certain moment, he seemed to suddenly understand Jin Donghai's feelings.

(First update)

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