Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1117: Learn culture with a sincere heart

Tokyo Bay Port.

Surrounded by a group of big shots, Ye Yang moved into the most luxurious Oman presidential suite in Tokyo.

Although it is said to be the most expensive, it only costs hundreds of thousands per night. For Ye Yang, it feels like an ordinary person going out to find a rubbish hotel for one night.

But these guys were so enthusiastic that they had no time to say anything else.

It's hard to live with the kindness.

Yu Momo looked on and laughed inwardly, but on the outside he was still serious and responsible, taking care of all things and interactions in an orderly manner.

Ye Yang sat in the center, with many big guys sitting on both sides, all trying to get close to him.

His international reputation is now so great that even the super consortium dares to confront them. What else can he not dare to do?

Moon base says make it!

The super consortium will hit you in the face whenever you want!

Hundreds of billions or trillions of bets, if you dare to mention it, he will dare to bet, and he will never lose!

With this kind of courage and experience, how many people in Japan dare to take the lead! ?

Among Japan's big boss circles, only the Mitsui Group, Japan's only super consortium, one of the top ten conglomerates in the world, can remain calm.


After a while, these big guys didn't dare to disturb Ye Yang anymore and left one after another.

Yu Momo counted the list and raised his eyebrows: "Boss, although today is lively, the Japanese host has never shown up."

"Oh? What host?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

"Japan has six major financial groups, which almost control and monopolize all the lifeblood of Japan. In a sense, they are the talkers of Japan, and they are the same thing as the so-called shadow emperor in the United States."

Yu Momo explained: "Among the six major consortiums, only the Sanzu Consortium ranks among the top ten consortiums in the world. It is the first echelon consortium in the world. The other five followed him and formed a consortium."

"Today, many of Japan's top bigwigs and forces have sent people or come in person. This is a gesture of welcome to your arrival."

"But it's true that the six major financial groups never showed up, and they didn't even send envoys."

After hearing this, Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Several American and European consortiums have been offended by us. Japan is following the US and Europe. His father has been beaten by me. Naturally, as a son, he dare not come to see him openly. I."

Yu Mo was stunned. Ye Yang's metaphor was really unkind...

But I have to say, it's very appropriate.

"This time we are here again to collect debts from the Balor Consortium. It's weird for them to dare to see me."

Ye Yang sneered.

But he was muttering in his heart.

When I arrived at Lao Lai's son's house to collect debt from his father, why didn't he come to greet his uncle?

"Don't worry about them. Help me choose a place to live first."

Ye Yang said.

The habit of buying a new property every time I visit a new place continues to this day.

After all, only when you have your own house in a place can you feel like living here. Otherwise, you will just be a wandering passer-by.

As a developed country, the real estate resources are naturally much greater than those in Hu City, Vietnam.

One billion in Hu City can buy the top villa estate, but in Japan you can only buy a top villa.

"It's not as expensive as I thought."

Ye Yang muttered.

Compared with those super luxury houses in Shanghai, the prices here are not bad.

The most expensive one is only about 2 billion.

Those properties with special bonuses, which are extremely special and are rumored to be above all luxury properties, can reach the billions level.

But such a manor is relatively far from the city.

This time he came mainly to do business in the city. After thinking about it, he decided to buy a place in the city first to make do.

"Let's just say Zhongwan is the king of buildings."

After Ye Yang made his choice, he asked Yu Momo to pay the bill.

The world of rich people is very simple. On the day the money is received, all kinds of documents and contracts are handed over.

After a night spent trapping the President of Oman.

Ye Yang then came to Tokyo Central Bay Tower King, which is worth more than 10 billion yen.

A typical new Japanese-style villa, designed with great care, and it's worth taking a look around.

It even feels quite affordable.

Although Lou Wangli has its own supporting hot spring bath.

But Ye Yang still went to the public bathing beach of the Zhongcheng Bay Villas.

Because I heard that there is the essence of Japanese tradition here: mixed bathing for men and women.

The central bay is filled with Japan's top socialites, and there may be a few Japanese royal princesses bathing in the mixed bathing beach.

"Master, are you here to meet the royal princess by chance?"

Yu silently smiled.

When discussing business matters, he would call him “boss”. When discussing personal matters, Yu Momo would still call him “master” in a fun way~

"Ahem! Let me declare! I have heard about Japanese culture for a long time. I came here now to experience the legendary mixed bathing culture! It is true to experience culture, not for some little princess. !”

He spoke righteously.


Yu Momo was made to laugh out loud by Ye Yang's serious look: "But it's inevitable for him to be curious, and I'm curious too."

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo: "Do you want to join us?"

"Oh~ Boss, you tortured me too hard last night. I'm so tired now. I really want to go take a dip."

Yu Mo stretched out, showing off his perfect figure, and said with a smile.


Ye Yang touched his nose guiltily.

There is no difference between mixed bathing and beach bikinis, except that the beach is soaked in cold water and sand, and the hot springs in mixed bathing are hot water.

Since hot water always makes people think of bathing, and bathing is a private matter, many Chinese people always find it difficult to understand when they hear about mixed bathing for the first time.

Anyway, Ye Yang understood it this way before.

It wasn't until he arrived at the scene that he realized that he still didn't understand the perversion of Xiaoli people deeply enough...

The manager of the bathhouse told him the rules of mixed bathing.

Put on a towel before entering the water, and after entering the water...

The towels were removed.

That is to say...

We really need to be honest about mixed bathing in our childhood!

Although the water is usually colored water, and you generally can’t see what’s going on under the water, it’s still exciting enough…

Apparently not many people visited the public bath today.

After all, it was still morning, and not many people would come over to take a bath.

Of course, except for guys like Ye Yang who want to experience mixed bathing culture for the first time and learn the culture with a pious heart...

After listening to the rules, Yu Momo said that after returning to Louwang, he would take a dip in the hot spring that Louwang brought with him.

Ye Yang was wrapped in a bathrobe, humming a tune, and opened the vine door of the public bathing house with anticipation.

"Ah this..."

As soon as he came in, he saw a scene beyond his expectation...

(Second update)

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