
Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and increased his speed.

Soon, I walked through the fog and saw a girl.

She has a delicate face, burgundy hair, and a proud expression. Although her figure is hidden underwater, you can still vaguely see the bumps.

Beautiful indeed.

Ye Yang nodded, there was a different kind of beauty about the other person.

"Don't be disrespectful to our princess!"

Someone else fell to the ground and wanted to crawl here, but they were beaten by Ye Yang and must have been unable to move.

"Oh? Are you the princess of the Sheqi Eighth Family?"

Ye Yang asked: "What's your name?"

"You rude person! You don't deserve to know my name!"

The princess of the Eight Sheqi Family said in a cold voice with her neck below the water.

"Haha, you turned the entire public bathing place into your own private place just to take a bath! Who is rude?"

Ye Yang sneered and said: "Even now, it was your people who attacked me first. I went into the water and stood in front of you. It is also the public rule of this public bath, isn't it?"


The Princess of the Eight Sheqi Family did not expect Ye Yangzui to be so powerful, and her face turned red instantly: "What do you know! There is a special reason for this!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the reason?"


Perhaps because of this reason, she was not very convincing. The Eighth Princess of Sheqi snorted and said arrogantly: "You won't understand even if I say it!"


Ye Yang looked at it. When the opponent raised his head, his upper body was a little out of the water, and the white ball basically floated.

"Don't look at it!!!"

Princess Sheqi's Eighth Family let out an angry cry, her cheeks turned red, and she sank again, with only half of her head exposed, staring at Ye Yang.

"Tell me what your name is and I won't read it."

Ye Yang teased.

"My...my name is Uesugi Mai. Okay! Turn around!"

Princess Mai Uesugi of the Eight Sheki Family finally compromised.

Ye Yang said oh and turned his eyes away.

"Huh, you're still trustworthy...Hey! Why did you come back again?"

Mai Uesugi, who was about to take the opportunity to sneak ashore and put on her bathrobe, turned around and saw Ye Yang turning his head again, and they were face to face. At this time, half of her body was above the water...


Mai Uesugi's face turned red, and she had no choice but to sit back in the water angrily.

"I said I won't watch it 'for now', but I didn't say how long I wouldn't watch it for."

Ye Yang smiled, looked at the little girl's angry look, and turned around. He has a high status now, and now there are a few pairs of outside eyes, so teasing must be moderate.

Otherwise, if word spreads, it will be China’s face that will be damaged.


Seeing that Ye Yang seemed serious this time, Uesugi Mai turned back three times. Shi Shiran walked onto the shore. After putting on her bathrobe, her aura changed instantly. She was timid just now, and suddenly turned into a small child. Like a tigress.

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed, soaking in the hot spring, feeling extremely comfortable.

"Ye Yang of China! You crashed into the meeting between my Sheqi family and the royal family! I will hold you accountable!!!"

Mai Uesugi raised her head, her snow-white neck as slender as a proud white swan.

Ye Yang looked at her and was about to ask a question.

Just then, the wooden door opened and several people walked in.

There were several women in black costumes, with a girl in the middle guarding them.

The girl also has fiery red hair, long eyelashes, and a slender figure, but her temperament is soft and quiet, and her blue eyes are clear and simple, like a child who is ignorant of the world.

She was wearing a miko costume, white socks and clogs, and her red hair hung softly and naturally.

The calves are delicate and smooth, with flawless skin.

"This is the real princess..."

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh.

This girl's temperament and appearance are enough to rank among the top five beauties he has ever seen.

The girl obviously didn't expect that there were other people in the pool, and looked at Uesugi Mai with confused eyes: "Sister Mai, didn't you say that today is a party for the two of us... Why are there other people..."

Her voice was soft, as if she was afraid of waking something up, which made people feel pity for her.

"This is an uninvited guest! He's from China. You should have heard of him, his name is Ye Yang."

Mai Uesugi waved her hand, telling the girl not to be afraid.


Ye Yang was helpless. He looked like a wild beast, but he was also handsome. How could there be a little girl afraid of him?

"Oh...Hello, Mr. Ye..."

The girl bowed to Ye Yang, very well-behaved.

"Hey! Ye Yang, forget it if you bully me, but don't bully my Xiaoyi! Otherwise, I will try my best to make you look good!"

Mai Uesugi bared her little tiger fangs and threatened without much force.

"...She won't call Uesugi Eri, right?"

After Ye Yang heard this, his heart moved and he asked in a strange way.

"Ah? How do you know? But you guessed the wrong surname. She is from the Yuan family, the daughter of the current emperor, and the legitimate princess of our country!"

Mai Uesugi puffed up her chest and said very proudly.

She looked at Ye Yang suspiciously: "But there should be very few people who know Xiaoyi. How do you know her name?"

"What a coincidence..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In a novel he liked very much, a female character who made him feel uncomfortable was named Eri.

He didn't expect to see a girl named Eri in the real Japan.

Moreover, both her dress and image were in line with his expectations when he read the book.

"Guessed it."

Ye Yang said.

"I don't believe you!"

Mai Uesugi snorted.

"Since you really have something to do, why don't you take a hot spring bath in your villa instead of coming to the public bath?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It's none of your business!"

Mai Uesugi wrinkled her nose.

"Sister Uesugi..."

Eri pulled Uesugi Mai's sleeve, then smiled apologetically at Ye Yang: "Nothing to talk about... We haven't seen each other for a long time, so we came here to soak in the hot spring..."

She thought for a while and said: "Or, let's go to my house!"

"Listen to me, it's here! Your house is not as big and comfortable as this one? I'm not happy with this Ye Yang! He took advantage of me just now! I'll soak here today!"

Uesugi Mai said repeatedly.

"Haha, that's great."

Ye Yang nodded, anyway, he took advantage, right?

These two beautiful women took the initiative to take a hot spring bath with him, what a blessing.

"Why are you such a jerk!"

Uesugi Mai was annoyed by Ye Yang, but in the end she couldn't resist Ye Yang, but she didn't want to be looked at for nothing, so she had to pull Eri away.


Before leaving, Eri nodded to Ye Yang to express her apology. Obviously, she also felt that her best friend was a little bit unruly, which made her feel a little embarrassed...

(First update)

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