Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1121: Japan's top national players' dinner

"What a pity!"

Ye Yang looked at the group of people leaving and curled his lips. He thought he could bathe with two princesses, but they ran away.

He smiled slightly.

But overall, his luck was pretty good.

He came to take a bath, and he met two princesses at once, one gangster princess and one royal princess.

It's worthy of being the Tokyo Central Bay Villa District.

The chance of encountering a princess is quite high.

He looked around and saw that the thugs of the Eight Snakes had cleared the place.

Now the venue staff carried away the thugs of the Eight Snakes who had been beaten up.

He was the only one left in such a big public hot spring.


However, soon, he didn't have to feel this loneliness.

There was an endless stream of people.

Many Japanese celebrities were in this area, and there were also young people like the second generation of rich people who came to see if they could encounter a princess or something like that.

However, Ye Yang was soon disappointed.

What happened just now was purely a special case...

The princesses obviously valued their status and basically would not come.

The bathhouse is full of rough men, or high-class "socialites" who come to "seek opportunities" and mingle in high-class social circles.

But to put it bluntly, they are high-class prostitutes, and Ye Yang naturally doesn't care about such things.

There are some rich girls who are open-minded and avant-garde who come to play, to see if they can bump into tall, rich and handsome men to play with, but their looks and temperament are several levels lower than those of the two princesses before.

After Ye Yang elegantly rejected several girls who stuck to him, he went ashore.


He stretched and went back to his villa to find Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters.

His girls are still more pleasing to the eye...


In the evening, after playing for an afternoon, Ye Yang sat under the Japanese-style dining table in the courtyard next to the hot spring and drank sake.

"In a small life, if you have money, it is indeed very comfortable."

Ye Yang asked Yu Momo to contact the most senior chef in Japan to cook for him.

"This is the highest-level chef in our country! He can be called the national chef of Japan."

A Japanese-style beauty bowed to Ye Yang and introduced him.

The news of Ye Yang's shocking battle has gradually spread in the past two days.

On the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, he alone destroyed a fleet of 50 warships of the Black Source. This was too big a thing, even if only those big guys could see the real-time image.

But such a big thing, after all, can't be covered up.

Even the shadow emperors of the United States, who had an extremely bad attitude towards him, and the Balor Consortium, etc., have changed their attitudes.

As their son, the six Japanese chaebols.

As soon as the old man's attitude changed, they immediately responded quickly.

No one had ever contacted Ye Yang before.

In the afternoon, Yu Momo just released the news that he wanted to find the most senior chef in Japan. The six chaebols immediately did everything they could to contact these national chefs of Japan with the fastest efficiency, and also arranged a Japanese-style beauty to lead the team.

It was obviously a delivery of "food".

Ye Yang nodded: "Serve the dishes."


Several Japanese national chefs bowed 90 degrees and began to cook respectfully.

The characteristics of Japan are sushi, sashimi and sashimi.

There are a lot of cold dishes.

Ye Yang didn't like to eat this kind of raw food in China, but since he came to Japan, he would see if the sashimi and sashimi made in China were not authentic, and try how the "master of raw food" made cold dishes.

The ingredients are naturally the best.

The six monopolistic chaebols contributed all the ingredients they treasured. This meal can be called luxurious. The fresh bluefin tuna sashimi is the lowest level in this meal.

What kind of white truffle king seasoning soup and Japanese heirloom sake are everywhere.

Ye Yang tasted a bite of tuna sashimi...

The meat is very delicious.

But this is the taste of the ingredients themselves.

He finally understood that if you don't like sashimi, you just don't like sashimi...

When you come to the birthplace of sashimi, the things you shouldn't like can at most become things you don't hate. It's hard to really make you really agree with this form of cooking. There's no such thing as authenticity.

"Well... the sushi is really good."

Ye Yang picked up a piece of Japan's five-star Matsuba crab meat and sea urchin rice sushi, dipped it in white truffle caviar, and added a special mustard soy sauce. When he took a bite, the fragrance burst out in his mouth.

The fresh fragrance of plants and the top-grade fresh meat feel make you feel extremely satisfied after taking a bite.

Fresh, fragrant, chewy, and sweet.

"Really good."

This sushi is indeed very delicious.

It deserves to be the country of sushi.

He gave the chef a thumbs up.

Then he tasted the Tenrafu and other representative Japanese delicacies.


Ye Yang's blood and qi are now like the sea, and his use of food and internal energy has reached the pinnacle. If he wants to digest what he eats, he can consume it quickly.

There is no need to worry about the embarrassing situation of being full before you have finished eating.

It can be said that this is a god-level "skill" that even top foodies envy.

"Hey, Mr. Ye has a huge appetite!"

Several members of the social group from the six major monopoly consortiums came to accompany the drinking and show their goodwill. They were drunk by Ye Yang. Some of them blushed and started singing elementary school folk songs for a long time...

If the singer was not a little beauty, the Japanese flavor would have come out immediately.


This day was very relaxing and happy.

But many people haven't slept for two days...

Ye Yang's display of force in the Pacific Ocean made many people feel uneasy and sleepless.

I don't know how many people sent various agents to China at all costs to get information.

Even many top-level secret agents that would not be used until the critical moment of life and death were activated.

Swear to find out the detailed information of Lieyang No. 1...

In the past few days, China's intelligence has made great gains.

Caught many big fish.

If it weren't for Lieyang No. 1, those super secret agents would not hesitate to expose themselves and take risks.

You dare not think about their true identities even if you rack your brains...Those people are actually foreigners...

"If it weren't for Lieyang No. 1, if these people attacked at some point in the future, what a fatal blow it would cause to China, it is simply hard to estimate..."

China also consciously let some news leak out.

Half true and half false, real and fake, can best protect information.

"Damn it, we lost so many core strategic-level secret agents, but we only got such unclear information!"

"Contact other countries, cooperate, piece together the information, and analyze it together!"

"We haven't even figured out the power... Let alone the details, this intelligence says that Lieyang No. 1 can destroy the world, and another says that its endurance is not good, and the battle in the Pacific is its ultimate combat power... What kind of shitty intelligence is this!?"

(Second update)

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