Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1122 Hoshino Shizuka


In the end, they had to give up spying. After all, it was impossible to tell whether the information was true or false, and whether it was true or false.

As for the core data of Lieyang No. 1, it is impossible to obtain it.

China's protection of core data is extremely strong.

"China has always been good at protecting its face in the world, and it is estimated that it will not take the initiative to use such a big weapon, as long as we don't provoke it too much."


"However, we must continue to test and follow up, continue to build public opinion and discredit them!"


Big bosses in many countries have made plans.

Although Ye Yang's exposed armor made some people more fearful, it also made some people feel excited, or wanted to find allies to squeeze China harder.

Or they want to completely destroy China before this armor is completely mature.

The world is complex and everyone has their own hidden thoughts.

After everyone calmed down completely and made follow-up plans, the Balor Consortium also set the exact date for negotiations.

"Did we discuss it so quickly?"

Ye Yang was at the top, so he could naturally guess what the other party was doing in the past two days.

Reassess your threats and reformulate your plans.

Obviously, the other party has thought everything out and is planning to have a showdown with him.

Ye Yang sneered.

None of these people are good in the game with him. He talks loudly about love and peace, but behind his back he provokes ninety-nine percent of the world's disasters and wars. Such an insidious person will not make any good decisions even if he thinks about it.

It must be extremely disgusting.

However, before revealing Lieyang One, he had considered all the implications.

If we get to the end, a big conflict will really break out.

He also has his own ultimate solution.

He touched his chest. The photon weapon launch control button there was his biggest trump card.

This is a more powerful deterrent than nuclear bombs, but it cannot be exposed too early. The enemy is not a fool. On the contrary, they have controlled the mainstream and general trend of the world in the past few hundred years.

In essence, it is extremely difficult and threatening.

Although the photon weapon is powerful, it cannot be said to be able to kill all the nuclear weapons on the earth in an instant. If he only thinks about himself, the photon weapon can make him invincible in the world.

It's just a matter of time before everything is wiped out.

But there is Hua Xia behind him, and he wants to act wantonly, at least from now on, it is absolutely irrational.

"It would be nice if I could unlock something like a super defense shield."

He thought, but this would depend on luck.


He stretched.

At least from the current perspective, things are still hidden under the water, and it is impossible to tell what the final outcome will be.

"By the way, it's time to do what you promised Bai Xiaojing."

Ye Yang thought.

Before coming to the Kingdom of the Sun, Bai Xiaojing once asked her to give her a folder, and asked her to give this file to her cousin when she had the opportunity after coming to Japan.

Her cousin's name is Hoshino Shizuka, and she is of mixed Chinese and Japanese descent.

When I was a child, I grew up in China. After graduating from junior high school, I came to Japan with my father to study.

Today, he is a graduate student in geology at Waseda University.

I heard that he has excellent academic performance. Although he is still a graduate student, he is already well-known in the geological academic circles in Japan.

Belongs to the super genius category.

This made Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh.

As expected, people who study well have a strong family talent factor.

Bai Xiaojing is also a science geek. With her own financial support, she has obviously published many influential articles in the past two years and has gained a place in domestic astronomy.

In the restaurant before, she said she had no results and was just being humble.

After all, when she had no money or resources, she made considerable academic achievements on her own.


Ye Yang chose a car in the villa garage for a while.

When you buy real estate, you naturally have to buy a car.

There are a lot of luxury cars.

"Oh, I have almost bought all kinds of luxury cars in this world. These brands are everywhere I go. I'm a little tired of them."

Ye Yang shook his head.

After all, there are only a few luxury car brands in the world. How many new models can they release in a year?

When he buys cars, he buys them in bulk like cabbage. Of course, as he buys them, he feels that the cars in the garage all look the same, and they lose their freshness.

"If I have the chance, I'll have to customize a car that's just for me."

Ye Yang suddenly had this idea and handed over this task to Yu Momo...

"...That's it."

Ye Yang chose a new Rolls-Royce Phantom-Golden Eye.

Nowadays, he no longer needs to buy a car in person, so he doesn’t know how much the car costs.

After asking Yu Momo, I found out that the car cost more than 30 million.

"It's okay. Apart from being a little cheaper, it looks pretty good."

Ye Yang commented casually.

Rolls-Royce is more business-oriented, and he wants to leave a good first impression on Bai Xiaojing's cousin.

After all, my status is different now, and I have to pay attention to maintaining my dignified image in a foreign country.

Driving a sports car like a Lamborghini always makes you feel like a wealthy second generation.

"...This is it, boss."

Xiao Xiaozhu smiled.

The bodyguard sisters naturally followed this time, and the driver this time was Xiao Xiaozhu.


No matter where you are, money and status are always worthy of respect.

Ye Yang didn't even need to show up.

This Rolls-Royce Fantasy-Golden Eye was big enough to drive in, attracting many people to look over and envy.

After all, the latest models of these top brands are generally very difficult to get, and they are also limited. More than 30 million is not a lot. Only those who can spend more than 30 million are extremely deterrent.

At least he is a powerful person!

Many knowledgeable people looked at him enviously.

The school leaders naturally knew that Ye Yang was coming from the guards, and in a hurry, they all quickly organized a welcoming team to come.

After all, even if nothing else, Ye Yang's identity as the president of Huaxia Jiuzhou University was enough for them to come!

Huaxia Jiuzhou University is now rated as the world's number one university!

The president of the world's number one university came, of course they had to welcome him grandly! ! !

Ye Yang was not used to the other party's enthusiasm.

But he gradually got used to it in the past two days.

People in Xiaorizi country are always too enthusiastic on the surface, and they do a lot of face-saving work, so you have no idea what they are thinking in their hearts.

This is also their cultural characteristics.

In China, you may think this is too artificial, but in Xiaorizi, everyone does this, so they naturally don’t think it’s artificial.

“I just came to your school to find a female student.”

Ye Yang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “There’s really no need to make such a big scene…”

“Oh~ We all understand, we all understand!”

“???? What do you understand!?”

(First update)

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