Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1123 This laboratory is not simple

"I'm really just looking for a female student."

Ye Yang emphasized.

"Understood! I understand everything I know! Only through communication can we learn!"

Several old guys in the communication department were all laughing.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to say: "Do you have a graduate student named Shizuka Hoshino in your geology department? I'm here to see her."


Those old guys were stunned when they heard that Ye Yang was really here to find a female student, and then they laughed without leaving any trace: "That Hoshino Shizuka! That's a new figure rising in Japan in the field of geology in the past few years. Star! We know her!"

"I didn't expect that she, a scientific researcher, would be related to Mr. Ye!?"

Several old guys asked in awe.

People with extraordinary talents have never been tolerated by the world. No matter where they are, there are struggles. Apparently someone here has excluded Hoshino Shizuka. At this time, he asked with great anxiety.

Ye Yang saw through it but didn't say anything.

After all, the girl will still work and study here in the future, so he can just stop there: "Her cousin and I have a deep relationship."


Now, these little old men really understand.

The relationship is deep!

That must be really deep!


Ye Yang rolled his eyes. It's true that the porn industry has been written into a legal and compliant country. These old guys are really open-minded in their words!

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, let's go find her right away! Let her come over. Oh my god, I didn't expect that. I thought she was just an ordinary little girl who likes scientific research. I didn't expect that she would be with such a big shot as Mr. Ye. Such a relationship is really...unexpected."

Some people muttered, murmuring inwardly, glad that they had not targeted the other party before.

"This girl is really not simple. I am the director of the Department of Geology and I know more than you. The Black Dragon Society and the Sheqi Eight Families seemed to have some contact with her before. Of course, they can't compete with you, Mr. Ye. !”

Academics generally have no favorable impression of the underworld.

I have a natural affinity and awe for Ye Yang, the president of the world's number one university and the president of the world's number one academic evaluation institution.


Ye Yang was a little surprised: "Is there still this matter?"

"Yes, I was surprised at the time. After all, there is no reason for her to have anything to do with those shady guys!"

The head of the geology department shook his head and added: "But the inside story seems to be about academic research."

"What does the underworld have to do with academic research!?"

The other school leaders were confused.

"I'm not sure. Originally, as the director, I wanted to ask about it, but the royal family directly took over the project of that laboratory and listed the laboratory as the direct control of the royal family. Even I can't ask too much. This matter is It’s been put on hold for now.”

The head of the Department of Geology shook his head and said dumbfounded.

"Oh, I remembered it too."

Many school senior officials know about this. After all, it is rare for the Royal Research Society to directly request a school laboratory to do docking. They all remember it.


Ye Yang looked at the portfolio bag Xiao Xiaozhu was holding.

With his keen intuition now, he could feel that this seemingly ordinary gift was not that simple behind it.

How could a geological research laboratory involve so many seemingly unrelated top forces at once?

It’s really worth pondering.

Ordinary people are powerless in front of big forces. He knows this very well. Hoshino Shizuka is his woman's cousin after all, and she has a close relationship with him. If she really gets into trouble, he will inevitably help.


The teacher who went to find someone came back soon, looking a little abnormal.

"Where are the people?"

Although these school senior officials knew that the laboratory was vertically connected to the Royal Laboratory, they did not know that the underworld was involved.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that this matter was not simple.

Hoshino Shizuka has a close relationship with Ye Yang. If something happens, they are worried that there will be problems during the academic evaluation next year...

"She was...picked up this morning and she hasn't come back yet."

The teacher kept saying.

"Picked up? Picked up by who!?"

The director slapped the table: "Don't make things unclear, just tell her where she is!"


The teacher hesitated and couldn't explain.

"Speak quickly!"

Several school leaders obviously felt something was wrong and urged him again and again.

"Actually, people in their laboratory said that she was supposed to go to the Royal Laboratory to submit data today, but for some reason, she hasn't been able to contact her yet... but she might have gone on a date or something..."

As she talked, she didn't even believe it herself.

Hoshino Shizuka is a well-known technology geek. It would be strange for such a girl to have a boyfriend.

It is even less likely that data submission will be delayed because of the object...

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, I will contact the Royal Police Department and ask them to look for it!"

"We will urge other colleagues in the laboratory to contact Shizuka-san as soon as possible..."

The senior executives expressed their opinions one after another.


Ye Yang shook his head.

This school seems to be unreliable, but it’s not their fault.

Judging from what is known now, there are a lot of things involved behind this matter, which cannot be controlled by just one school.

"Check properly."

He turned his head and said to Xiao Xiaozhu.


Several senior executives looked at Ye Yang with strange expressions.

Could it be that he thought his intelligence network in Japan was more efficient than the local police in Japan?

Even though he is now famous all over the world, this is not China after all...

Just when they were suspicious, they had just finished calling the police to explain the situation and filling in the case filing information.

Ye Yang's cell phone rang.

"Boss, we found out that it was the Black Dragon Club's car that picked up Miss Shizuka this morning. This is the coordinates of where the car is now."

After Ye Yang received the coordinates, he stood up directly.

"Um, Mr. Ye, please be patient. The Japanese police will definitely be able to..."

"No need to go to so much trouble, I've already found the person."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually, leaving only a handsome back figure to the confused crowd.

"Looking for it, found it!?"

"Only a few words were said in total!?"

"...Does Ye Sang also have such terrifying intelligence power in Japan!?"

"Is he really just a businessman? Isn't he a man of extraordinary skill and vision?"

"If he can go to the moon and open a lunar base on behalf of China, you still think he is just a businessman, right?"


After Ye Yang left, the Waseda school senior officials immediately exploded.

But the next moment, the principal hung up the phone with a serious face: "Everyone in the audience, listen, no further discussion is allowed on this matter. We have neither heard nor seen this matter today. Do you understand? !?

(Second update)

Weekly non-prize Q\u0026A: Another wave of plot has unfolded. Welcome all lovely readers to discuss the development of the plot.

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