Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1124 The good show is about to begin


Soon, the Rolls-Royce Phantom-Golden Eye arrived at a red-light district.

The atmosphere here is ambiguous and languid during the day, but it will be full of lights and wine at night. Now that the sun is about to set, this area is about to revive.

“Where rats gather.”

Xiao Qingxuan wrinkled her nose. The surrounding environment is indeed unpleasant.

In the most prosperous city, there will be many backward areas.

Ye Yang walked into an alley, and after turning around, he entered the location indicated by the intelligence.

“It’s here.”

He looked at the alley in front of him indifferently and walked in directly.

“What kind of work are you doing!”

The two guards at the door frowned and shouted.

“If you come forward, you’ll die!”

Ye Yang was too lazy to pay attention to these minions and stepped in directly.

The two guards were about to draw their swords, but they were slapped by Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu, and they fainted on the back of their necks.

After entering the interior.

Several Hurricane Elite Bodyguards who were in charge of the front station had already cleared the courtyard, and the guards inside had been silently eliminated.

"Boss, it has been confirmed that Miss Shizuka is here. We have not launched an attack on the core area yet, fearing that rash actions will lead to emergencies."

The elite bodyguard reported.

Ye Yang nodded, indicating that he understood, and then stepped into the core area.

The guards in the core area looked at Ye Yang in doubt: "Who are you? Are you here to make a deal?"

Ye Yang was stunned, it seemed that the other party had misunderstood his identity.

"Yes, let us in!"

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly.

"Where is the token?"

The guard at the door raised his hand.

"What token?"

"The identity token of the Black Dragon Society! Could it be that you..."

The two guards just realized that something was wrong, and they were kicked by two elite guards who jumped down from the small building, one by one, and they were directly knocked unconscious.

Ye Yang walked in directly.

In the hall.

A girl was tied to a stool, her face was a little pale.

She looked a bit like Bai Xiaojing, both of them were academic tyrants.

Her outfit was also very refreshing, natural and unadorned.

Even though her hair was messy now, she still looked very elegant.

"Are you from the Black Dragon Society? You came early enough."

A man with tattoos stood up, obviously the leader here.

These people were not from the Black Dragon Society. After all, as a legal gang, the bad things they could do were limited by rules.

Kidnapping was naturally not one of them. At this time, they would find these real gangster groups to help them achieve their goals.

Originally, they agreed to hand over the person in the evening, but now it was only dusk.

Ye Yang did not answer his question, but just sat down calmly.

"Boss, I think this person looks familiar!"

A younger brother said next to him.

"Everyone looks familiar!"

The man with tattoos frowned and scolded.

"You haven't paid the balance yet! Ten million yen, agreed before, pay it quickly!"

There were heavy guards outside, and those who could walk in safely were naturally members of the Black Dragon Society.

The man with the tattooed arms had a preconceived idea.

"10 million yen?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It wasn't much. Maybe he could borrow the money to watch a show. Besides, Shizuka Hoshino was in the other party's hands now. It would be better to avoid conflicts for the time being.

Xiao Qingxuan took out several stacks of banknotes from her bag and threw them over.

Come to Japan, of course, she has exchanged a lot of cash.

The largest denomination of Japanese yen is 10,000 yen per piece. 10 million is just ten stacks of money. It just so happens that she has enough cash pocket money today.

After confirming the amount.

The man with the tattooed arms grinned: "The Black Dragon Society is really particular about doing things. Alas, it is a hundred times better than those of us who have not been legally recognized!"

After getting the money, his attitude was obviously very friendly: "Quickly let go of this girl and hand her over to the big brother of the Black Dragon Society!"

"Oh oh!"

The younger brother who held the knife against Shizuka Hoshino's neck nodded, used the knife to separate the ropes on her body, and pushed the girl directly to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang grinned, thinking that he was going to show off his extreme speed, but he didn't expect that it would be solved just like that.

It seems that there is a reason why this small gang has not been legally certified.

It's really not reliable...


The man with tattoos was very enthusiastic and wanted to send them off, but Xiao Qingxuan refused directly.

He took Shizuka Hoshino out of the courtyard directly. Ye Yang sat in the back seat with her and tore the seal on her mouth: "Your cousin Bai Xiaojing is my friend. I'm here to help you. Don't make a sound."


Shizuka Hoshino saw the file bag in Ye Yang's hand, which was indeed written by Bai Xiaojing, and she calmed down from her panic.

"You... I seem to have seen you! Are you Ye Yang?"

Shizuka Hoshino asked repeatedly.

She pays attention to the affairs of the science and technology community, so she naturally knows about the moon landing base, nuclear fusion research and development, and has seen Ye Yang's photos a long time ago.

"I didn't expect my cousin to know someone as powerful as you!"

Shizuka Hoshino admired Ye Yang very much, and said with starry eyes.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Wasn't this little Shizuka too neurotic?

She didn't look like she had just been kidnapped.

"Do you know why you were kidnapped?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Maybe it's because of my recent research results? The results of that experiment were so shocking that many people didn't want the results to be discovered."

Hoshino Shizuka sighed: "I really hope that result is not accurate...but in the end we still have to rely on the data sent by my cousin for final comparison and confirmation."


Ye Yang nodded clearly.

"Then shall we go back now?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked.

"You spent 10 million yen, so you must stay and watch the show?"

Ye Yang laughed.

The people from the Black Dragon Society will probably arrive soon. I wonder how they will react when they see that the person has been impersonated?

He drove the car into the corner next to him, ready to see what was going to happen next.

However, the development of things was not what he expected...

Soon, two convoys came in from both ends of the street.

From the convoy on the right, a group of black-clad toughs came down, with black dragons tattooed on each hand and a fierce expression.

The leader is an evil and charming man.

And from the convoy on the left, a familiar figure walked down.

"It's him?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, the visitor was none other than Mai Uesugi, the princess of the Sheqi Eighth Family.

Could it be that the two groups conspired?

He looked down.

"The Black Dragon Society is so bold! They even hired someone to kidnap a royal scientific researcher! I think you want to take the legal hat off your head, right?"

Mai Uesugi asked with a frown.

"Kidnapping? I didn't kidnap."

The evil man sneered: "I just received the news that someone was kidnapping on the territory of my Black Dragon Club. As a legal gangster, I want to maintain the 'stability' of the area, so I came to destroy this evil force!

I just didn’t expect... You Sheqi family are quite well informed, right? ! "

(First update)

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