Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1125: Capturing the enemy princess from the midst of the two armies

"However, this is the area of ​​my Black Dragon Club. Whatever happens here, we will naturally solve it! There is no need for you Sheqi Ba Family to interfere, otherwise, it will be a foul on your part!"

The evil man sneered.

"You are so shameless!"

Mai Uesugi gritted her teeth, the Black Dragon Club was indeed very cunning!

This is to send in those guys who have been used by them and shut them up completely.

In this way, the Black Dragon Society can not only control Hoshino Shizuka, but also be justified, and also gain a reputation for destroying evil forces!

"What? What I said is wrong?"

The charming man bared his teeth and showed his elegant demeanor.

"The Black Dragon Society is really a good bastard of the six plutocratic families. I really admire them!"

Mai Uesugi mocked.

Now it seems that the only thing to do is to see whether it can provoke the other party to make the other party take action first.

"The provocation method is of no use to me."

The evil man sneered and waved his hand: "Let's go! Follow me in! Arrest anyone you see, don't be polite!"

After saying that, he led the people and rushed in.

But soon, angry roars came from inside!

The evil and charming man was covered in blood and walked out with a gloomy expression. He was carrying the man with the flowered arms, which was already covered with scars, and pointed at Mai Uesugi: "You teamed up with them to deceive me, the Black Dragon Society!? You are so brave!! !”

"I... it's really your people who just picked up that girl!"

The flower-armed man had actually inferred that Ye Yang was not from the Black Dragon Society from the situation where the boy outside the door was knocked unconscious, but now he could only bite this point to death, otherwise his life would be in danger.

"It's you! Pretending to be our Black Dragon Society, you stole that woman on our territory!"

The evil man could no longer maintain his composure and cursed angrily.


Mai Uesugi was stunned for a moment, but quickly deduced that a third party should have intervened.

At least Hoshino Shizuka definitely did not fall into the hands of the Black Dragon Society...

She smiled and said, "Hey~ Didn't you just say that you were just trying to eliminate violence and keep good people safe? Are you admitting now that you colluded with this man with the flowery arm?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand over that woman to me! Otherwise, you will not be able to leave the territory of my Black Dragon Guild today!"

The evil man's eyes were blood red, and he was obviously going crazy with anger.

These useless pigs can't even be used as scapegoats!

He actually lost his target!

"You are so unreasonable! We also came to save people! But we were beaten up without anyone seeing us! I even said that you deliberately framed our Sheqi family!"

Mai Uesugi said angrily.

"Really!? That's not what you said. Let us search your fleet!"

The evil man sneered.

"Kameda Yoshi! Are you showing off your brain? If it were really us, would you come back and throw yourself into a trap?"

Mai Uesugi frowned.

The evil man Kameda Yoshi sneered, he was just too angry and wanted to find someone to vent his anger on.

The Sheqi Eight Family and the Black Dragon Society have always been on different sides and have different opinions, and now they are taking the opportunity to humiliate each other!

The people from the Black Dragon Society rushed forward instantly.

Mai Uesugi's expression changed. This was the Black Dragon Society's territory after all. It was not a good choice to conflict with them here.


The two groups of people collided instantly.

A fight started.


In the car, Ye Yang watched things evolve to this point step by step, and shook his head.

I originally thought that the so-called three underworld families were a force, but now it seems that the reality is different from what I imagined...

The complexity of the forces within this little country may be even greater than expected.

"First take you, the princess, back and play with her!"

Although Kameda Yoshi looks neither male nor female, his fighting ability is still first-rate. After using a machete to chop down several black-robed samurai from the Seraki Hachi clan, he came directly to Uesugi Mai.

Mai Uesugi has practiced fighting kung fu since she was a child, but compared to Kameda Yoshi, her physical strength is an inherent disadvantage.

After three or five moves, he couldn't withstand the opponent's strength and was slashed to half-kneeling position.

The next moment, the opponent was about to take away his weapon and directly kidnap him.

At this critical moment, the roar of a car came.

The black and golden shadows were like tigers lurking in the darkness and rushing out in anger, directly scattering the crowd.

Kameda Yoshi turned his head and turned pale with fright. He only had time to jump up and use his strength to roll up the hood of the car.

However, the energy and blood surged up due to the huge impact, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His body was knocked three to five meters away and hit several Black Dragon Society thugs, knocking them down...

Mai Uesugi was stunned as the door of the Rolls-Royce in front of her suddenly opened, and a handsome face suddenly filled her eyes.

Before she could react, she felt her wrist being grabbed and pulled into the car.


After the car door closed, the Rolls-Royce flashed away like thunder...

"The princess was kidnapped!"

"Hurry up!"

The thugs of the eight Sheqi families were not interested in fighting, and they all chased after the Rolls-Royce.

"The young master was hit and killed! Send him to the hospital quickly!"

The Black Dragon Club's thugs surrounded Kameda Yoshi.

Kameda Yoshi weakly gave the guy a slap in the face: "What the hell...are you calling me! Baga! I'm still alive and working!"

In this way, what should have been a bloody struggle came to an end.


"woo woo woo woo!"

Because the Rolls-Royce Phantom is a four-seater, after being pulled in, Uesugi Mai's upper body lay on Hoshino Shizuka's lap, and the rest of her body was kicked around Ye Yang's legs, which was very elastic.

She kept struggling until she saw Ye Yang who was smiling inexplicably at her, and then she said angrily: "Why is it you!"

"I see you are about to be beaten to death. Let me save you."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Why don't you kowtow to me a few times and thank me for my great kindness?"

"Bah! I can't thank you enough for your great virtue! It turns out that you kidnapped Miss Hoshino halfway!!! I almost got a beating!"

Mai Uesugi bared her teeth and claws, but was quickly subdued by Ye Yang with one hand.

After all, she is so weak that she can't even beat Kameda Yoshi, let alone compare with Ye Yang.

Now she has her hands behind her back and is caught by Ye Yang with one hand. Her face is buried between Hoshino Shizuka's legs. She can't help but push up. Unfortunately, under Ye Yang's iron clamp, she can only move a small amount. swing.

"Stinky Ye Yang! You bad guy! You are kidnapping me, I'm warning you! When I'm safe, I will tie you up and give you a good beating!"

Uesugi Mai resisted angrily.

"If you say this again, I'll slap your ass."

Ye Yang threatened fiercely.


Mai Uesugi's hair was now messy, her clear eyes were looking up at Ye Yang, her cheeks were white and rosy, and she had a unique charm...

(Second update)

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