Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1129: Shocking Speech in Front of Tokyo Palace


The next day.

Countless media reporters flocked to the Tokyo Palace.

Many representatives and bigwigs of the Balor Group have arrived.

The scene was bustling with people and traffic.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they had their own expectations for the results of today's negotiations.

"Mr. Balor, what do you think of today's negotiations?"

"What kind of expectations do you have for participating in this negotiation!"

The reporters asked repeatedly.

"You will know when the time comes."

Balor smiled lightly.

In fact, what they wanted to say had already been spread on the Internet.

There are dogs barking for them, so why do they need to worry and work hard?

Now, if you open any international media, you can see such comments and headlines everywhere:

"Ye Yang disregards the stability of the international economy, disregards love and peace, is greedy, and wants to demand 900 billion euros from many financial groups!"

"This will lead to the collapse of the international economy, and will eventually affect each of us! We should collectively sanction and boycott Ye Yang's unjust behavior!"

"We should unite together to condemn Ye Yang and stop him from recovering the huge gambling compensation!"

"Ye Yang! Do you still have a conscience as a capital crocodile! We order you to automatically give up this irresponsible behavior!!!"


Overwhelming public accusations.

The usual ways and means used by Europe and the United States.

Most people have no temper. If you dare to accuse him, you will be blocked, and then there will be only one voice in the world.

If you don't do what he says, you are defying the will of the world.

Very shameless.

Shameless to the extreme.

But they think it's natural to do so.

Poor those who are superstitious about the European and American system, they are kept in the dark and count money for others.

However, Ye Yang had already anticipated this situation.

Long ago, he invested trillions of Chinese yuan and established his own publicity and communication platform around the world.

There is no longer only one voice in the world. All chaebols want to get rid of this platform. Unfortunately, this can only be a beautiful fantasy...


A group of chaebol representatives walked into the Tokyo Palace with their chests held high, like a rooster that had already declared victory.

After all, they didn't think anyone could withstand the power of their joint efforts.

"Why hasn't Ye Yang arrived yet?"

"Will he change his mind?"

"I think he is afraid? He can't withstand this kind of public opinion offensive at all!"


"What storms has Ye Shenhao not seen? Not to mention them, even if the top ten European and American chaebols and the top ten shadow emperors all come, they may not be able to make Mr. Ye retreat!"


People at the scene talked a lot, saying all kinds of things.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Yang might not come.

A valuable leisure convertible vintage car slowly drove into the venue...



"This can't be..."

"I saw the person inside, it's Mr. Ye Yang!!!"

"Oh my god, he's wearing casual clothes! This is too casual! He doesn't look like he's here to participate in the world's top negotiations at all!"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

I thought that with so many world-class bigwigs present, Ye Yang would be under a lot of pressure, so he would at least make a huge show to calm the situation.

In the end, he only brought a few girls and drove a leisure vintage car...

Jincheng Law Firm, Ivy, Caiqi, and Fang Han, the three lawyers, all came.

But he also drove a convertible leisure car behind him, and I thought he was an outsider.

This show doesn't look like he's here for negotiations, it looks like he's here for an outing...

"Uh, Mr. Ye, do you know who are the people who are here to negotiate with you today?"

A foreign reporter was sarcastic, obviously accusing Ye Yang of inappropriate behavior.

"I know, a group of people who owe me money?"

Ye Yang glanced at the reporter and said lightly.


This answer caused another wave of waves.

"I have heard that Mr. Ye has no taboos and always plays cards out of the routine. Today, I saw that his reputation is well-deserved."

"It really surprised me."

"I think he is just bluffing and making a fuss!"

"I think he is afraid in his heart? Haha..."


There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and the reactions to Ye Yang's words were different.

"Mr. Ye, don't you think you don't take this occasion too seriously?"

"Why, now debt collectors are required to wear tuxedos?"

Ye Yang glanced at another hermaphroditic reporter and mocked.


"Everyone, it is only natural to pay back debts. I am the creditor, and I am here to collect debts. You don't have to think too simply about this matter."

Ye Yang said calmly: "It's my money, and he can't owe me a penny. If you want to be a deadbeat, first see if your wrist is strong enough!"

He didn't spare any face and exposed the thoughts of these financial groups on the spot.

The words were direct and hard, making everyone present gasp.

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

"It's so encouraging! I get angry when I see those weird foreign media!"

"That's right! It's only natural to pay back debts!"

"This is the most encouraging thing I've heard in the past few days! It feels great!!!"


At the international forum, many people cheered for Ye Yang.

"If you talk too much, you may get hurt!"

"Haha, you think too highly of yourself!"

"You don't respect the rules of the game at all, and you actually made these things clear! You really don't take the dignity of the European and American consortium seriously! I think he will definitely pay the price for this!"

"Let you be arrogant! I'll see you lose face in a while!!!"


There were also enemies of Ye Yang who gnashed their teeth, and they were so angry when they saw that he didn't care at all.

Ye Yang looked around the scene, with an unparalleled momentum, and no one dared to look directly at his edge.

Those reporters with ulterior motives lowered their heads involuntarily as soon as they met his eyes...

"Let's go, enter the palace, and collect the debt!!!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and stepped into the Tokyo Palace.

People along the way automatically gave way, and all the cameras followed closely.

Everyone could feel it.

Ye Yang's strength and attitude!!!

He didn't intend to give in at all!

Today, there will definitely be a fierce battle between the dragons and the tigers. If the talks fail, it will set off a huge uproar that will affect the entire international economy! ! !

"Humph! Arrogant!!!"

The representatives of the Barol Group and others who had already entered the Tokyo Palace were all furious. This Ye Yang clearly did not take them seriously at all! ! !

These words were a great humiliation! ! !

"Don't worry, my lords, we will definitely guide this negotiation in a direction that is beneficial to you."

The so-called third-party notary this time: the representative of the six Japanese chaebols.

He smiled shamelessly.

"Well, be smart later. This time, it is a must-win game with the right time, right place and right people. Don't let it turn over!"

The representative of the Barol Group said proudly...

(Second update)

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