Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1130: Extremely Powerful


Ye Yang walked into the Tokyo Palace and saw many representatives who had already taken their seats.

In the middle sat the representatives of the six Japanese chaebols who were responsible for mediation and served as the third party.

On the left sat representatives of the many chaebols, groups, and chaebols that participated in the gambling, such as the Barol Consortium, the Sales Consortium, and the Sanxing Group.

Seeing Ye Yang coming in, many representatives smiled at him, but there was no warmth in that smile.

Obviously, they were all holding back a bad intention.

Ye Yang did not respond. The reason he stood here had already shown the attitudes of both parties.

This fight was inevitable.

He sat down.

“Well, this business negotiation will begin.”

The representative of the six chaebols said loudly.


Fang Han stood next to Ye Yang and said lightly: “I want to emphasize that the nature of this meeting is a debt collection meeting, not a business negotiation.”


Everyone present frowned.

However, the reason for saying this is to get an advantage with words. Since the other party insists on correcting it, there is no need to argue about it.

"Since Mr. Ye insists on saying so, let's start."

Cesis Barol nodded to the attorney.

"Mr. Ye, let's just say the goal this time. After the discussion of our several major consortiums in the past few days, out of respect for the sincerity of the businessman and for you, we finally decided to pay you 90 billion euros as compensation for the failure of this bet. And as soon as possible, in three installments within three years."

The lawyer looked compassionate, and I thought he was using the 90 billion euros for charity.

Ye Yang tapped the table with his fingers, and there was no reaction at all.

"Did Mr. Ye acquiesce?"

The third-party Japanese chaebol representative next to him said repeatedly: "If Mr. Ye does not express his opinion, our meeting will end here, and this result will be decided!"

A sharp-mouthed woman was about to swing a hammer.

They knew that Ye Yang would not agree to this condition, and such behavior was purely to disgust people.

Only by giving a super low price at the beginning, and then negotiating, can they talk about the price in their minds.

The sharp-mouthed woman slowly dropped the hammer, waiting for Ye Yang to stop her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang had been acting as if he had not heard anything, without any reaction, and did not stop her.


Until the hammer fell, the scene fell into a dead silence.

The sharp-mouthed woman herself did not believe that Ye Yang actually let his hammer fall...

"Haha, Mr. Ye is indeed a person who respects love and peace, so let's do it!"

Other people in charge laughed.

Ye Yang crossed his legs and looked at them with a smile.

"We have signed our names here, and the third-party notarization seal has been stamped on it. We are just waiting for you, Ye Yang, to sign."

The sharp-mouthed woman did not expect things to go so smoothly, and handed the contract to Ye Yang and the pen to Ye Yang.



Ye Yang moved, and everyone looked over. He took out his mobile phone and brushed Douyin by himself...

Everyone was embarrassed.

After a long while, someone finally couldn't stand this silence anymore and shouted: "Ye Yang! You are too self-righteous! What do you think this place is! What do you think we are! If we join hands, no matter how powerful or wealthy you are in the world, they will disappear!

We came to negotiate with you in good faith, but after you came here, you neither talked about your opinion nor signed. What do you mean!

Ridiculous! Do you think this is a place for children to play house? ! ! ! "


This shout was so serious and righteous that I thought he was acting on behalf of the heaven.

In front of the live broadcast screen outside, many people sneered.

"Ye Yang is guilty! He has no idea how to deal with it, so he can only play with his phone here! Does he really think he can get away with it!?"

"See how he faces it! How to solve it! How to end it!?"

"Haha... A generation of Chinese bosses, in front of these world chaebols, shouldn't he listen to the lecture obediently?!"

"This is clearly a trap! This... is simply nonsense! These so-called notaries, the six Japanese chaebols, are clearly completely biased towards the European and American chaebols, this is completely unfair!!!"

"This is the manifestation of strength, what is fair or unfair! Haha... the law of the jungle, do you understand!?"

"Oh? They are so strong, how can they lose the bet!? Don't forget, it is our Ye Shenhao who is asking for the debt!"

"Then why doesn't he dare to ask for it!? Why doesn't he say a word!?"


The comment area is full of arguments, and everyone is paying attention here.

"Ye Yang moved!"

"He put his phone away..."


In the venue.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand lightly and took the contract.

Everyone was watching. Could it be that he was really going to give up? Just sign it like that?

Everyone found it incredible.

However, just as everyone was wondering, the sound of paper breaking reached everyone's ears.

Under the gaze of many bigwigs, under the eyes of the so-called righteous jury of Japan.

Ye Yang tore the contract in half steadily and forcefully.

Then he folded the two halves together and tore it into four pieces again...

"What are you doing!?"

"You are provoking! You are insulting!"

"Do you think we are playing house with you!?"


Many people from the consortium were so angry at this humiliating act that many of them blushed, stood up, and pointed at Ye Yang!

"You also know that this is nonsense?"

Ye Yang said the first sentence after entering the venue.

The words were clear and powerful, making people tremble all over.

He stood up slowly.

In his calm eyes, there was a surging wave.

"You also know that this is playing house!?"

He tore the contract into pieces and threw it directly on the face of the sharp-mouthed Japanese female consultant.

How powerful was his strength? In ancient times, he was a master of national martial arts who could kill people by picking flowers and leaves.

With just a little force, the pieces of paper turned into sharp knives and cut the female consultant's face into pieces.

Blood dripped down...

The venue was silent for a moment.

It was not until the next moment that the female consultant screamed that everyone recovered from the endless shock and horror.

"Ye Yang!!!!!!"

"You are too arrogant!!!!"

Many European and American chaebol representatives wanted to jump on the table and eat Ye Yang, their eyes were wide open, they could never have imagined it.

Ye Yang, who was so calm just now, would suddenly become so powerful.

Slapped in the face in public, publicly slapped in the face in such an internationally watched occasion, and even blood was drawn! ! ! !

The blood dripped on the ground, and every drop made their hearts surge with anger...

(First update)

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