Not to mention that these big guys couldn't believe it.

Even the spectators in front of the screen were stunned.

Ye Yang's deep shout, his strong voice, and the bloodstains on the female consultant's face caught their eyes, making them completely unbelievable that this was a scene that appeared at a top international business talk show!!!

"This Ye Yang is too arrogant! He openly hurt people! And he hit a woman! I, the female boxer, will never agree to this! I want to condemn him!"

"It's incredible..."

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!! Damn, I was so angry just now, these idiots really think the world belongs to them, and whatever they say is what they want!? It's ridiculous! This is how they should be treated!"

"Ye Shenhao is too strong! Tall and hard!!!"

"That's right! What's the point of talking to these robbers!? They should be slapped in the face like this! I still think this slap is not comfortable! It's not hard enough!!!"

"Beat these shameless dogs to death!!!!"

"This slap shows my heavenly charm!!!"


All kinds of voices surged at this moment.

Inside the Tokyo Palace. Ye Yang's eyes were sharp, no longer covered, and he looked directly at the Japanese Six Financial Group: "I allow you to sit here, not really recognize you as the referee. In my eyes, you are just lucky things!"

"I agree that you sit here, you are worthy of sitting here and performing your acrobatics for me!"

"Unfortunately, you have no awareness of being a mascot.

Do you really think you are the referee of this negotiation!?"

"Do you think you are worthy!?"

These words were amazing.

The faces of the people of the Japanese Six Financial Group were scolded purple.

If any ordinary person in Japan or even Asia dared to say this, they would be physically evaporated in the next second.

But facing Ye Yang, they were indeed timid.

Facing the furious Ye Yang, they were trembling!

This is the man who broke the legs of several of their fathers and had to unite to face him!

The Six Financial Groups really dared not face his anger on their own.

"If you can take the right position, sit here and do your job! Your job is to serve tea and water. If you still don't know who you are, get out of Tokyo Palace!

In this meeting, it's not your turn to bark like a bunch of broken-back dogs!!!"

Ye Yang scolded.

The six chaebols felt guilty. After all, the process of finalizing the deal just now was too frivolous. Now Ye Yang was really furious. They were afraid of Ye Yang, and now they dared not talk back. At this moment, they all lowered their heads. Although they were angry, they dared not talk back.

"Fuck! So cool! So cool! Just like a father scolding his son! This is how you should deal with these lackeys!"

"You are praising them too much. I think this is the same tone as when my grandfather scolds my pug. Hahaha, you see the representatives of the six Japanese chaebols are so scared that they dare not fart..."

"It's so fucking refreshing!!! I was so angry when I saw their comments on Ye Shenhao these days. Their distorted views made me beat my chest! They acted like that again at the beginning of the negotiation just now. It really made me fume!!! I finally let out this anger!"

" Mr. Ye had already figured out what to do! His casualness just now was just for the explosion at this moment! Everything is under his control! "

"Huh... I was so worried just now."

"Hehe, what's the point of saying these things! ? The attitude of European and American chaebols is the core, after all, this is in the Japanese consortium! What good does it do for him to be so strong? I think Ye Yang will humiliate himself in the end! ! ! "

"The upstairs is really a dead duck, except for the hard mouth, the rest of the body is soft!"



Inside the Tokyo Palace.

Cysis Barol's face was as cold as frost.

As the saying goes, you have to look at the owner before beating the dog.

Shouting so harshly at the six Japanese chaebols, isn't it also a rebuke to them?!

"Mr. Ye, you are going too far! You really have no character! It's disgusting!"

"Character? Too far?"

Ye Yang smiled, he turned his head coldly, pointed directly at Cesis Barol's nose and said: "It is only natural to pay back debts. Although there have been deadbeats since ancient times, I'm afraid there is no one as shameless as you in the past and present!"

"Ye Yang! This is Japan! My territory!!! Don't be arrogant!"

Miro Sale's slammed the table, he was so angry.

He is the shadow emperor of the United States!

Being scolded by pointing at his nose? !

There is no other thing in the world more ridiculous than this! ! !

"Who do you think you are!? I haven't scolded you yet, but you come out to ask for a scolding!"

Ye Yang said coldly, looking at Miro*Sails: "Do you want me to expose all the shady little tricks you used in the last bet between you and me today?"


Miro*Sails' veins jumped: "You are shameless!"


Ye Yang laughed loudly, and his laughter shook people's hearts.

"In terms of shamelessness, who is more shameless than you? Huh?! Look at your demeanor and tone, you owe 900 billion, but you only want to pay back 90 billion, and you make it like charity and alms!? Who gave you such inexplicable courage?"

"Sincerity? You set up such a negotiation bureau, a farce, a Tokyo Palace that is like a child playing house! Is this your sincerity!?"

He stepped out and stared at the heads of these chaebols.

"Originally I knew that people like you must be shameless, but today, you have refreshed my understanding of the bottom line of the word shameless."

Ye Yang shook his head and his face calmed down: "But originally I just came here to play this game with you. Now, the game is over, I formally warn you."

"Nine hundred billion, not a cent less."

"Any bargaining words are pale and powerless."

"If you can't pay it back within a month, I won't sit here and talk to you."


Ye Yang sat back in his chair and looked at the representative opposite indifferently.

"Full compensation is impossible! Ye Yang, you are too self-righteous! Even if we don't pay a cent, can you really deal with so many chaebols like us?! Giving you one tenth is already a face for you! Don't be too arrogant!!!"

A chaebol representative slammed the table and pointed at Ye Yang and scolded.


Ye Yang smiled faintly.

The next moment, a black shadow flashed behind him.

There was a click.

The man who just spoke arrogantly had his knees broken and knelt on the ground...

"These two old guys are at least qualified to talk to my boss, who do you think you are! How dare you point fingers at my boss! You are really ants without knowing it!"

Xiao Qingxuan looked indifferent, stepped on the other person's head, and made him bow his head directly in the direction of Ye Yang, and his forehead was directly smashed...

To deal with robbers, you must use robbers' methods! ! !

(Second update)

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