Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1132: Fighting for a Future That Didn’t Exist


"What are you doing!?"

"You are simply provoking the bottom line of a big country!"

"It's so ridiculous! Do it directly in front of the whole world! I think you are looking for death!!!"

"That's ridiculous! So arrogant!"

"Ye Yang!!!"

All the European, American and Japanese chaebol present roared.

They really can't stand it anymore!

This is simply no cover, and it is trampling on their face and dignity! ! !

"Do you want to completely start a war with us!?"

Someone yelled.

"It seems that you didn't learn any lessons from him."

Xiao Qingxuan's eyes were cold, she raised her feet from the man's head and looked at the other representatives from all parties.


These representatives were all livid, but they were really frightened.

"China has always been a country of etiquette. We must learn etiquette and treat those who reason with us politely. We must also learn how to use force so that scoundrels like you can learn to reason with us."

Xiao Qingxuan said: "You point fingers at my boss and use disrespectful words. Do you have quality? Guys without quality will naturally be treated in an unqualified way. If both good and bad people are treated with quality, the world will be better. How sad!”

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly.

People who have been brainwashed by certain Madonna arguments will naturally not be able to understand the true meaning of these words.

Nor could one foresee the real-world implications of this theory.



These people just snorted coldly. They had different beliefs from Xiao Qingxuan.

But there are similarities.

In their eyes, the world is about the jungle.

It's just that in their hearts before, they were the strong ones and Ye Yang was the weak one.

So it doesn't matter if you bully or accuse.

But now Ye Yang's display of strength and power made them fearful.

Based on the concept of law of the jungle, it is not incomprehensible for Xiao Qingxuan to act this way.

After snorting coldly, they corrected their mentality.

Now Ye Yang's decisive attitude is clear to them.

It will not do them any good to continue such absurd troubles.

"Since Mr. Ye said this, let's show our utmost sincerity."

Sethus Balor frowned.

Ye Yang looked at him lightly.

"We can compensate you for up to 50% of the amount of the gambling agreement, which is also our bottom line. If Mr. Ye doesn't agree, there will be no need to continue this negotiation!"

The leader of the consortium, the Shadow Emperor, and representatives from all parties all had stern expressions on their faces, and they had obviously set their own bottom line.

No more haggling.

"Mr. Ye asked these consortiums to pay back the money every penny."

"These consortiums think that paying back half of the money is the highest limit."

"I think it's better for Ye Yang to give up when things go well. Don't be ignorant. These are the most powerful forces in the world. Breaking their bottom line will not do him any good!"

"If they really were the most powerful force in the world, they wouldn't stand on the losing side and sit opposite us, Ye Shenhao!"

"Haha, that's because Ye Yang used some tricks to win the bet!"

"In the beginning, it wasn't that your European consortium was shameless and wanted to trick our Ye Shenhao and beg him to sign this gambling agreement? Now that our Ye Shenhao has won, you say he is playing tricks!? Is there any shame left? ? Don’t you want to be human anymore?”

"Haha...that's not what our media said! It was clearly you, Ye Yang, who deceived our Balor Consortium! You miserable Chinese people were all brainwashed by Ye Yang!"

"Damn it! I'm so angry! That bet caused a huge uproar on the Internet. The causes and consequences are there, and it's only been less than three months!? Have you forgotten it!?"

"I don't know! I don't want to know! We only believe in the present!!!"

"Shameless, so shameless!!!"

People who couldn't stand it roared.

"You can't yell at them. Some of these people are born with mental retardation, and some are bad guys who use money to engage in public opinion offensives.

They don't care about right or wrong, they only care about money. As long as they are motivated by profit, it doesn't matter even if it costs countless innocent people.

They are pure human sinners, and the Madonna culture spawned by modern society saved them! Otherwise, this kind of cholera poison in the world will be beheaded in public! "


There are various arguments on the Internet.

Some people say that Ye Yang cannot withstand the pressure and will eventually back down and agree to the demands of European and American consortiums.

Some people say that both sides will take a step back and will eventually pay about 70% of the compensation. This kind of statement accounts for the vast majority, and even some Chinese people think this is reasonable.

Only a handful of people insist on the truth and feel that Ye Yang should receive full compensation.

It’s not something, just compromise, compromise, it’s right!

"Is there any right or wrong in this world? Compromise is the reality! If you can get 70% and everyone takes a step back, that's the best result!"

"Then if Ye Yang can get to this point, he must have seen the nature of the world clearly. He is a smart man and will definitely make the choice to take a step back!"


Everyone is paying attention.

Inside the Tokyo Palace.

The two sides were confronting each other, and their anger was rising. Neither of them wanted to weaken, and each defended their own bottom line.

"Mr. Ye, please give me a nice word and let's talk about it or not!"

Sethis Balor asked in a deep voice.

"There is nothing to talk about this matter."

Ye Yang shook his head: "If you really don't agree, then let's go to war!"

"Ye Yang!!!"

No one expected that Ye Yang would be so frivolous, simply too arrogant!

Does he really think that with his fledgling financial power that has just reached the top of the world, he can compete with the many world-class financial groups present here! ?

There are three of the top ten financial groups in the world!

He alone wants to fight against one-third of the world's economic powers! ?

What on earth does he have! ?

Ye Yang's expression is calm, but his blood is surging like the sea waves.

Has it finally come to this point...

With his current strength, he will lose if he really starts an economic war with these world's top financial groups.

Before he came, he had also been entangled in his heart and thought about compromise.

If he gives up and takes a step back today, he will be able to accumulate momentum and reach the top of the world in at most ten years.

But after coming to Japan and meeting Shizuka Hoshino, he knew that he didn't have that much time.

China doesn't have that much time.

Humanity, doesn't have that much time either...

He had a crazy plan in his mind, but this plan was so crazy that even he himself didn't know if it would succeed in the end.

Now, he finally uttered the word "war", and all the entanglements in his heart were gone.

Now, only the endless fighting spirit and blood courage were surging in his body!

He looked at the many world-class bosses opposite him with sharp eyes, without any fear.

Since there is nothing to talk about, let's fight!

Fight for an impossible tomorrow!!!

Fight for a future that didn't exist!!!

(First update)

Ye Shenhao is going to show off his power!

Friends, go in threes, cheer for Ye Yang, and declare war on the world's economic hegemons!!!

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