Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1133: Tomorrow, the war begins

"Is my ear broken!?"

"I'm hallucinating!?"

All the big guys were digging their ears, not daring to believe what Ye Yang had just said.

However, looking at Ye Yang's determined eyes, they were sure.

Ye Yang was not just talking in anger, he had thought about it long ago!

And he was mentally prepared!

He was serious!!!

"Are you crazy!!!"

"It's simply unreasonable..."

"Ye Yang... I advise you to take back what you just said!"

The head of the Balor Group and the shadow emperor of the United States had a gloomy face, and the representatives of all parties were frightened and uncertain.

The representatives of the six Japanese chaebols trembled and could not stand.

The world is going to change!!!

This super financial war involving all aspects of the world, once it is really opened, it will be a raging flood that will affect every corner of the world.

No one can avoid it!

What kind of courage and courage did Ye Yang have to say this? What is his confidence! ?

Declare a total war on all the super conglomerates and chaebols present! ?

Are you really crazy! ?

Everyone knows that no one can stop the joint economic war of so many super conglomerates and chaebols, let alone Ye Yang, even if he is God, it will not work.

If someone could really suppress the joint economic war of so many super conglomerates and chaebols, he would have unified the world in terms of economy, and no one would dare to resist.

Will the international financial world still be so chaotic, with all the heroes rising up! ?

No one can do it!

Anyone facing the joint war of so many chaebols and conglomerates will have only one ending, losing!!!

Ye Yang also knows this.

Just talking about the financial power he has in his hands now, it should be enough to rival the world's top single conglomerate.

Even if he fights against the world's strongest economic group, he will most likely win.

But if more than two of the world's top conglomerates join forces, they cannot be compared...

Not to mention, there are Barol, Sanxing, and Sanling, the three largest giants ranked in the top ten in the world.

The others, although not ranked in the top ten in the world, are also among the strongest in the world.

In terms of financial power alone, he is indeed too weak to go to war with them.

But he still has many ultimate trump cards in his hand that no other consortium has.

Whether it is nuclear fusion, black technology group, hurricane, or photon weapon...

If they really want to tear each other apart, there may be a chance of winning. In addition, he still has the craziest plan in his mind...

If it can be implemented, it will be enough to increase the winning rate to 50-50.

A 50-50 winning rate may not be much.

But, he knows that he has no choice...

Perhaps the fate of mankind, the rumored great selection, will begin in the next two or three years.

There is pressure on his shoulders.

Whether it is the sense of responsibility to China as the will of China.

Or the sense of responsibility to human civilization as the backbone of mankind...

It makes him clear that the hope of saving all this is all with him.

He wants to use an extremely crazy battle to establish his position in this world as soon as possible and achieve his goal.

He wants to reverse that future!!!

This battle is necessary.

The heads of these European and American financial groups do not believe in the destruction of the world or the Great Selection.

Even if they believe in it, they will build rockets to death and think about how to escape from the earth. They will never think about the future of human civilization.

Even if they take a step back, they will definitely think that they are the savior for the future of mankind. Even if Ye Yang publicly announced that he has a system and showed a glimmer of salvation, they will never help and believe in Ye Yang.

This is the fundamental character of the United States. Looking at their choices and development over the years, this is unchangeable.

This is also understandable. As long as they are normal people, they will not give up everything and leave the hope of survival to their opponents.

In this case, it is better to rely on yourself to fight for a tomorrow!

Ye Yang's eyes are sharp.

This battle must be fought!

These financial groups will definitely not give up easily for the compensation of 900 billion euros. He has already made up his mind to start a war by agreeing to negotiate.

Now that the words have been made clear, he has completely relaxed in his heart.

"I won't take that back. If you don't return all of it, we'll go to war."

Ye Yang's voice was calm, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

But these words sounded like thunder to the ears of the top figures present.


The big guys looked gloomy and whispered to each other.

The international forum had already exploded.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Yang's courage, and some people mocked Ye Yang's arrogance.

The heat of this matter soared to the sky.

More and more people knew about it, and I don't know how many people were shocked by Ye Yang's words.

At his level, it can be said that one word can move the world.

"How dare he do that!?"

"Fuck, is Ye Shenhao so tough? I thought he was awesome, but I never thought he would be so awesome..."

"I don't know what will happen in the end, maybe it's a bargaining chip for him."

"Well, maybe it's a rhetoric to force the European and American bosses to back down. As long as these bosses back down to 70% of the compensation, he will stop."



Various voices came one after another, and the world was boiling because of it.

"Ye are cruel! Starting a war will not be good for us, and may cause the world economy to collapse! You cannot bear the responsibility for this!"

Sesis Balor warned solemnly.

"Maybe you are not as strong as you think."

Ye Yang fired back lightly.

"Haha... let's just say we have given a little love for the peace of this world and reluctantly retreated. Of the 900 billion euros, we can compensate 650 billion euros. Don't be so shameless!"

Milo Saisis has new and old hatreds for Ye Yang. He has long hated him to the sky. Now he wants to compromise with Ye Yang, so his mouth is naturally dirty.

Ye Yang sneered: "If you can't afford the compensation, don't write 900 billion euros in the agreement in the first place! If I am the one who loses this time, will you let me only pay 650 billion euros in compensation for the sake of 'love and peace'?" ?”

Everyone looked gloomy at this rhetorical question.

"Put away your hypocrisy, put away your disgusting mask of disguise!"

Ye Yang stood up slowly again and looked at the heroes: "The nine hundred billion euros are what you should have paid me as compensation, and there is no room for negotiation. Before tonight, if I don't hear your decision to repay in full, tomorrow , start the war!”

(Second update)

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