Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1134: Twists and Turns

"You are greedy!"

"You are fanatical and warlike, and you don't care about the safety of the world!"

"You are arrogant and will destroy yourself!"

The Tokyo Palace was filled with curses.

The faces of the representatives of all parties were dark and blue. No one expected that even if they retreated to 70%, Ye Yang would still not be satisfied!

Dare to talk about starting a war lightly! ?

It's simply too presumptuous!

"Well, I think, since he is determined to die, let's go all out and fight him, so that he will always shrink in China and decline to the extreme! It's just right to write off the 900 billion euro compensation!"

"That's right, then, won't we have to pay back a penny?!"

The Shadow Emperor of Sales and the leader of Balor were tempting.

"Mr. Ye...are you really determined to start a war?"

Some representatives, however, looked embarrassed, and after pondering for a long time, they asked.

"That's right."

Ye Yang's eyes were calm: "What you call compromise is just using my money for charity. 900 billion euros is what I deserve. If you don't agree to pay it back in full, I can only use my own method to get it back."

"... Wait for me to discuss it with the head of the family..."

Some hesitant people said.

"Are you scared!?"

Miro Searles roared, angry, are these people going to surrender before the battle?

"We just participated in the 10 billion euro share in this bet. It is not rational for us to go to war with Mr. Ye for 10 billion euros."

Chaebols and groups have always only cherished their interests. As long as it is not in their interests, they will not do it.

The people who spoke were all the last-ranked consortiums present. Although they are also first-class in the world, they are still a long way behind Ye Yang.

Once the war starts, they, the soft persimmons, will definitely be squeezed first.

They didn't want to really fight against a giant like Ye Yang for just 10 billion euros. The risk was too great...

"Do you think that if we join forces, we can't easily crush a small newly rising wealthy businessman in China!?"

Miro*Sales looked gloomy, feeling like he was backstabbed.

"Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions, and they also know the consequences of such a choice."

Sesis*Balor glanced at these consortiums and groups that changed their minds at the last minute and sneered.


These representatives all lamented, understanding what Balor meant.

I really shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place!

Now both sides are in trouble...

After this battle, it's okay if Ye Yang wins. If Ye Yang loses, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot more losses.


In this way, one after another, five or six consortiums and groups chose to fully compensate for the amount they participated in the bet.

On that day, 80 billion euros in cash flow was transferred to Ye Yang's wealth scale...

The compromise of these companies made the other representatives feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit.

Before the war started, they were stabbed in the back by their own people!

It was so uncomfortable!

Ye Yang glanced at the remaining consortium representatives present.

Barol Consortium, 600 billion euros.

Sells Consortium, 100 billion euros.

Samsung Chaebol, 100 billion euros.

There were two other hardliners. Although they only invested more than 20 billion euros in total, they were loyal to the first three companies and did not advocate repayment at this moment.

"There are only five of you left."

Ye Yang's eyes swept over these people one by one.

"No, there are us!"

A voice came, sounding tough, but in Ye Yang's ears, it was somewhat strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

He moved his eyes over.

It was the so-called neutral party.

The six Japanese chaebols!

"You are not a consortium included in the gambling agreement, do you also want to die?"

Ye Yang's eyes were cold. These little bastards actually took advantage of the chaos to make trouble and add insult to injury.

"Hehe, my Sanling Consortium is also one of the top ten consortiums in the world. How can I swallow this breath of contempt in your eyes!?"

The head of the six chaebols raised his head and sneered.


Ye Yang sneered: "I went to war with these companies. If I won, I would get 900 billion euros back. You want to join in, but you don't want to cut your losses. I'm afraid your intentions are not pure. Could it be that you, the six financial tycoons representing the Japanese economy, really believe that you are the sons of the American and European financial groups?

Are you betting on the economic safety of your country just to cheer for your father?

You filial sons agree, but do you, the innocent people of Japan, agree?

Aren't you ashamed of your wolfish heart and dog lungs!!!"


The representative of the Sanling Financial Group blushed: "You are too arrogant!!! Die!!!"

They were completely broken.

This is a global live broadcast, and Ye Yang pointed at them and scolded them several times!

This time he didn't even pretend, and directly called them sons of dogs!

The most important thing is that Ye Yang really hit the nail on the head with one word...

They have no reason to go to war. If there is a reason, it is to tie up the entire Japanese economy and bet on the people of Japan to please their financial father.

The situation in Japan is very complicated, and it is different from other countries. Ye Yang pointed this out in public, which will inevitably cause the chaebol faction to be attacked by other factions. Coupled with the anger of the people, they will suffer heavy losses!

This made them angry.

Ye Yang looked at the six chaebols in Japan calmly.

Every one of the top ten chaebols in the world is terrifying.

If you really want to add a Sanzu Consortium for nothing, your winning rate will plummet.

In addition to the other five Japanese consortiums tied to the Misuzu Consortium, the situation is not optimistic.

It would be best if we could really prevent the six chaebols from participating in the war with words and words.

If not...

We must also get enough chips for this risk and let the other party cut the flesh!

The six chaebols cannot be allowed to join the war just because they want to.

"Then what do you say!?"

The Sanzu Consortium also thought of Ye Yang's considerations, but it was necessary for their American and European fathers to help them. After all, the six chaebols all had important family members who were controlled by the American forces in Japan. Their His lifeline was pinched, and at this time, he couldn't help himself.

He must find a way to join this siege.

"I think it's better to do this."

Ye Yang held out three fingers calmly: "Thirty billion euros, you and I each take out 300 billion and make a bet with me.

If you win, you can get 300 billion euros, which is considered a mixed risk and profit probability. It is worth taking this risk for your own people. "

He also knew that Japan's six chaebols could not help themselves, and knew that he could not prevent them from participating in the war, so he had to do his best to chop off the opponent's flesh.

This all-out war, even if it meets his best expectations, cannot be a perfect victory.

Now that the agreement of 300 billion euros is left, if he wins, he will at least be guaranteed to get the benefits of 300 billion euros.

After all, "paying compensation if you lose in a comprehensive economic war" is not something that can be ignored like "paying compensation if you lose in gambling"...

(First update)

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