Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1135: The Greatest Business War of All Time

"What bet?"

Someone from the Sanzu Consortium asked.

"You can decide it yourself."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The content of the gambling at this time is meaningless.

Everyone present knew that this time, it was a battle for the world's general trend, and it was Ye Yang's decisive battle.

If he wins, he will have confirmed that he is invincible and can crush all other consortiums. Even if he loses the bet, Japan's six conglomerates will have to recognize the new father, and the 300 billion euros will be purely used as protection fees.

If he loses, it will mean that he has declined from his peak and has plummeted since then, and will no longer be able to compete for the throne on the international stage. Even if the bet wins, it will be the same as today’s 900 billion euros in bet compensation, and Japan will not be able to get the 300 billion euros in bet compensation.

Everyone knows this.

So Ye Yang doesn't care about betting at all.

Even if it's a bet on which party owns the largest porn industry output value, and Ye Yang will lose, he doesn't care.

He only wants Japan's 300 billion euros to put down here as a ticket to this war.

The representatives of Japan's six chaebols exchanged glances.

In fact, they really wanted to bet on whose name was the most pornographic industry, after all, they were sure to win.

But now that the whole world is watching this live broadcast, they are embarrassed to actually bet on this in public.

And whether you lose money or not has nothing to do with the content of the bet.

After their discussion, they unanimously decided that since the European and American Alliance competed with Ye Yang up to the Nine Heavens and the Moon, then they would compete with Ye Yang down to Wuyang to catch turtles.

The content is to see who can first develop a manned detector that can sink to the deepest seabed in the world.

Conquering the ocean is no easier than conquering space. In the past few years, probes from various countries have been able to land on Mars, but they have not been able to develop manned submarines that can penetrate 10,000 meters below the seabed.

Now that the deep-sea exploration submarine project jointly developed by Japan's six chaebols is almost completed, they are also full of confidence that they can win this bet.

Ye Yang sneered and nodded in agreement.

"But... you and I both know that after Japan's six chaebols join, you have no chance of winning."

The people from the Sanzu Consortium shook their heads and said that Ye Yang was purely unnecessary and only made himself bear an additional 300 billion euros in debt after the war.

"I've said it before, you are not as strong as you think."

Ye Yang shook his head and said calmly.

"Then, see you on the battlefield."

The Japanese chaebol representatives silently walked to the side of the Balor Consortium.

"Go slowly and don't see me off! You made the wrong choice!"

"Everything in your name, as well as the Chinese market, will pay the price for your wrong choice!"

"You are dead!"

Several consortium representatives spoke harshly.

Ye Yang no longer argued with them, and walked calmly ahead, waving his hand, as if saying goodbye to the old economic era...

Everyone present knew it.

The storm will rise tomorrow, and when the storm falls in the future, either the world will be turned upside down, or darkness will come forever...

Those consortium groups that quit midway and chose to repay their debts in full looked on with cold eyes.

They even secretly hoped that Ye Yang could win, even though the winning rate was close to zero.

They think so...

Can a group of defeated generals, together, defeat a true dragon that has never been defeated before?

Ye Yang, maybe he can really win!


That night, the results of the negotiations at the Palace of Tokyo flew to the four oceans and seven continents.

Shocked the world!

No one is not shocked by this result...

The economic world is about to change!

An emerging powerhouse rising in a new world wants to challenge the old world framework. He wants to single-handedly attack the four top ten super consortiums in the world!

Plus the coalition of six world-class consortiums! ! !

Is he crazy?

This is the first thought that flashes through the minds of all those who understand the huge disparity in strength after hearing this news.

Even the beings at the top of China were worried and communicated with Ye Yang one after another.

Learn about its plans.

Everyone is discussing this matter.

"I admit that Ye Yang is very strong, but what he did was too reckless! He didn't even accept the other party's 70% compensation. It can only be said to be... self-destruction."

"Those are the four top ten financial groups in the world! Together with the others, it is enough to defeat half of the top ten financial groups in the world! Who can win in this economic war? Unless he is a god!"

"I have witnessed him create a legend along the way, but I have to admit that it is difficult for me to support Ye Yang this time. He may lose."

"It is great wisdom to survive in desperate situations. What do you know!?"

"Perhaps we, Ye Shenhao, have our own trump card!"

"It's not wise... I can't imagine why he would make such a decision..."

"Don't think about it. Those are the top beings in the world. You and I can't figure out their thoughts. What's the use of a group of 'experts' on the Internet analyzing them? If they are really that awesome Damn, you can completely guess what these big guys are thinking, they have already become big guys, right?”


"In short, this is an unprecedented battle! Living in these years, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse!"

"I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse, but it's true that I'm excited! This is a terrorist capital war that has brought in 2.4 trillion euros and still has more cash flow! Throughout the ages, it has been ranked number one in the business war world!"


There is a din of voices.

Ye Yang, who was at the center of the storm, was soaking in the hot spring in the Tokyo Central Bay Villa, hugging the Xiao sisters and enjoying the last peaceful night.

The war was about to start in the early morning.

All the industries under his name were being mobilized, and everyone was preparing for the war in a complex state of mind of excitement and worry.

This time, the pressure from both inside and outside was huge.

There were very few people who believed in him.

After all, this matter was too incredible.

It was too difficult to do it.

"Don't you ask me why I dare to start a war?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Yu Momo who was contacting various departments next to him, and asked.

"The boss must have your reasons, and I believe in the boss's decision silently."

Yu Momo smiled at him: "And, I can probably guess something... I guess it has something to do with the geomagnetic reversal, right?"

Ye Yang nodded and looked up at the brilliant stars.

This time it was a fight for mankind.

If he won, perhaps he could rely on the spoils and established prestige to give future humans a fighting chance when facing the great selection.

If they lose, everything will be gone in two or three years. Even if the European and American consortium wins, it will be nothing but ashes in the end.


Ye Yang's gaze was withdrawn from the starry sky: "So, you must win!"

"You will definitely win!"

Yu Momo has unreserved trust in Ye Yang...

(Second update)

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