Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1136: The First Battle Without Gunfire


In the early morning, the full-scale war started.

I don’t know how many people were waiting, intending to witness this biggest business war since ancient times.

However, there was no movement.

Many people couldn’t hold on and fell asleep.

The next morning, they still didn’t hear any big news. They only heard that the industries under the names of several large consortiums were competing with Ye Yang for orders and competing with each other.

However, even if there was no business war, there would be these disputes. The companies under the big consortiums all have more or less competitive friction.

It’s just that because both sides are going to start a business war, these competitions seem to be much more intense than usual.

But the overall involvement is only about 100 billion Chinese yuan.

It doesn’t look like several top consortiums in the world are in an economic showdown with Ye Yang, the top of China...

“What happened!?”

“Is it just talk!?”

“Thunder is loud but rain is small!?”


Soon, everyone came back to their senses.

This confrontation has actually started a long time ago...

It's just that it didn't show up in the hedging of money at the beginning...

On the Internet, a bunch of experts from various countries suddenly appeared today, analyzing.

To form a public opinion trend...

"This Ye Yang, regardless of the safety of the world economy, provoked a war, and wanted to tie everyone in the world to his chariot! He is a warmonger! He is a sinner!!!"

"Today, let's analyze this economic war carefully... First... Second... Then... Finally, we can see that Ye Yang is an evil man who has no sense of responsibility as a wealthy businessman. We must condemn him!"

"Let's analyze it deeply. Ye Yang's original motivation this time is actually because of China's traditional culture! If China's traditional culture hadn't taught us to "pay back debts", Ye Yang would not have started this war. As Chinese people, we must reflect on it!"

"That's right! As a Chinese Xia people, being in the initiator of this economic war, we must reflect deeply! We must oppose the war! Oppose Ye Yang! Defeat this fanatical warmonger! Give the world peace!!! "

"The world economy is turbulent, and the wallets of each of us will collapse! Our beautiful life will be in jeopardy! All this was caused by this man named Ye Yang! Shouldn't we hate him!"

"Boycott his company and his products together! Make him a sinner for all ages!!!"

"The righteous European and American consortium is ready to sanction him! Sanction him from all aspects! Let this war maniac withdraw from the world stage from now on!!!"


Various voices began to fill the international network.

Using the same template and the same routine, they were told in every country.

A group of paid insiders and water army leaders also received money while acting as opinion leaders, commenting on the comments, posting microblogs and videos everywhere to denounce Ye Yang.

Many people were fooled by these remarks, forgetting Ye Yang's past achievements, and directly followed the scolding.

Under each comment area, you can see the saintly anti-war bitch, the brother who advises people to reflect, the sister who understands the brother, the reverse black, the war-trigger...

For a time, it seemed as if the whole world was against Ye.

Ye Yang went from being a pioneer of mankind to an unforgivable person overnight.

Even in China, he went from being a heroic legend to the greatest sinner in ancient and modern times...

"Ye Yang, you have become the enemy of the world after not seeing you for one night?"

Zheng Xian called and was worried about him.

Ye Yang laughed: "It's just the first round of war without gunpowder. Don't worry about me. It's just a bunch of jumping clowns."

This is the opening move commonly used by these European and American financial groups.

Since the Second World War on Earth, they have mastered the largest proportion of the voice of the world media, mastered the so-called public opinion, and mastered the initiative.

Every time before making trouble and launching an economic war, they will first launch a wave of public opinion offensives, invest heavily, and discredit their opponents.

Create an image that they are inherently righteous and their opponents are the biggest demons in the world.

Since it has been decided to go to war.

He had expected this step long ago.

From the beginning, he realized that as a newly rising existence in China, if he wanted to truly dominate the world in the future, he would have to fight with European and American financial groups sooner or later.

So he had already arranged his own international public opinion weapons early on.

"The other side has almost no tricks to use."

Ye Yang did not rush to counterattack, but waited for these people to show their IQ before counterattacking.

If at the beginning, both sides scolded me and I scolded you, according to human nature, neither side would believe it.

Let the enemy take the advantage first, and then you can come up with strong evidence to prove your justice, so that everyone will suddenly realize after being deceived by the enemy and be eager to prove that they are on the side of justice.

"Okay, you can fight back."

After a long time, Ye Yang said lightly.

Suddenly, new voices appeared on the Internet.

"This is a great opportunity for our China to rise! What are you barking about?! These financial groups are not paying back the money that should have been given to Ye Shenhao. How similar is it to what we experienced in China in the past?"

"These European and American financial groups are the culprits who forced Ye Yang to launch an economic war. Don't be blind! You only saw Ye Yang's declaration of war, why don't you see that they breached the contract first and were shameless? Don't you see their faces in the past years!?"

"When these European and American financial groups are in collusion with each other, launching economic wars against a country at will, destroying the economy of a country, and causing countless tragedies and sorrows, why don't you saints come out and shout?"

"This is a turnaround war! As Chinese, it's fine if you don't support us, but you stab us in the back!"

"If we win this battle, Mr. Ye will open up a brilliant future for us!"

"Fight! These European and American financial groups have been dominating the world for so many years and have done all kinds of evil things. We can't let them continue to oppress us at will! Today, with a giant like Mr. Ye, they dare to openly violate the contract. If Mr. Ye really falls, is there any fairness and hope in this world? "

"Do you want to kneel under the fists of these robbers and scoundrels for the rest of your life? I don't want to! I will definitely help in this battle! I will buy anything under Mr. Ye's name if I can afford it!"

"Support Mr. Ye and open a new era for China!"

"Support Mr. Ye and wipe out these sinister people for mankind!"


Before, international forums were controlled by major financial groups, and these words could not be spread at all, but on the platform built by Ye Yang, every word of these words was sonorous and powerful, shocking the world!!!

"So this is the truth? !"

"I don't know the inside story at all, and I thought Ye Yang launched this economic war for no reason!"

"I still support these financial groups' sanctions against Ye Yang! I'm really blind!!!"

"We are actually the evil side..."

(First update)

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