Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1137: The Second Blow of the Economic War


In just half a day, everyone was united and the momentum changed.

Support Ye Yang!

Many accounts that had previously posted black Ye Yang were picked out. Under the investigation of the special team, the true identities of many people were found out, and there was also solid evidence that they had received black money from European and American consortiums.

On the same day, many 500,000 yuan were awarded to netizens who reported it.

There are also many money-making gangsters hiding behind the Internet who have been arrested. These people should be punished as they betray their ancestors and forget their roots.

"Is this the third wave already? Boss, you are really a spy killer!"

Zheng Xian laughed and made the video call, which was very enjoyable.

Before, I saw that the entire Internet was focused on Hei Yeyang, which made him so angry that his hair stood up.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, shrugging indifferently: "I've already said they are some clowns, not worth mentioning."

"But I'm not happy."

He said calmly.


Zheng Xian was confused.

"I didn't fight back right away. Firstly, I had my own plans, and secondly, I wanted to see if there were any spies. The sad thing is that there are no spies. The sad thing is...after so many times, these people still exist, it seems. It’s almost impossible to kill them all.”

He shook his head.

Obviously, many people in this wave were later bribed by those European and American consortiums.

Is it true that truth and justice are no better than the temptation of a little profit?

You know, many people will shamelessly send a message that goes against their conscience just for a mere eighty or even fifteen yuan...

Could it be that, in their opinion, these things are not even worth fifteen yuan?

"Boss, there's no need to be sad about this. How can a huge country with more than a billion people not eat rotten fish and shrimps? If all the people in a country were true dragons, wouldn't we be invincible in the universe long ago?"

Zheng Xian shook his head: "In the final analysis, human beings themselves are still complex. No matter how excellent the culture and country are, they can only serve as a teaching function. The forest is big, and no matter how fresh the air is, there will inevitably be a few smelly birds.

A true man acts with his true heart in mind. "

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang couldn't help but laugh out loud: "I said you were naive before, but you didn't expect that you are now thinking about your family, country, and world?"

Zheng Xian scratched his head sheepishly and smiled.

When people reach a certain level and realm, their hearts will naturally become broader.

Ordinary people only care about daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, because ordinary people only have enough energy to take care of these things.

As one's status rises, the more energy one can control, and as one's vision and environment change, people's hearts will change accordingly.

Some people have followed the path of Ye Yang and Zheng Xian, while others have followed the path of European and American plutocrats.

Different choices, different moods, different final paths.

Different road non-phase plan.

Therefore, after all, Ye Yang could not reach an agreement with the Shadow Emperor who came to attend the press conference. They held different opinions on the ultimate judgment of the world. They were destined to be enemies after living in the same life.

The rich, the upper class, and the truly powerful...

The difference from the ordinary world is not just energy and money.

The issues they think about and the way they deal with the world are also completely different from ordinary beings.

As for whether that thought is right or wrong, it depends on the individual.


The four major financial groups oversee the battlefield.

Several people frowned.

The public opinion offensive did not work well for the first time.

In other words, for the first time in so many years, someone can compete with them on the battlefield in this dimension.

Even outperformed them...

"Hmph! What you say is false after all! Even if you can't defeat him, his strength is there, and he is destined to be unable to compete with us. Just launch a general attack and destroy him in one wave!"

The representative of the Sanzu Consortium said repeatedly.

They most want to see the results quickly.

"We cannot take the absolute initiative in public opinion. Our second punch will not be perfect."

Sethis Balor shook his head and said regretfully: "You really shouldn't have allowed him to grow up! When he was just emerging, he should have been killed directly! Two or three years ago, he was still a Unknown people..."

"You also said that he was just an unknown person at the beginning. Who would notice him? He grew up too fast. By the time we noticed him, he was almost fully grown...

Our top-level consortium cannot foresee the future and use all our strength to assassinate an ordinary young man in China, right? "

"Also...people can't predict the future."

The heads of several consortiums were filled with emotion.

Today's Ye Yang is really scary...

You know, this public opinion offensive is not just theirs, almost everyone who has interests in their camp acquiesces and assists.

I don’t know how many countries

Representatives and leading media are all gone...

Who knew that Ye Yang was so strong.

In terms of competition for the right to speak, he is almost on par with the West and the American world...

"I don't think so. This time it's just because he is reasonable. If he doesn't stand on the side of justice, he still won't be able to win or lose with us in this aspect. After all, the media and the Internet he arranged are too young. No background."

"...We never take things for granted."

An honest person said an honest truth.

"Shut up!!!"

"Forget it, let's continue with the next punch as planned!"

"The war should be over with this second punch. He can't bear it."

"That's right... He will definitely go bankrupt!!!"


The war of public opinion remained deadlocked for several days.

Finally, many financial groups joined forces to launch the second punch...


"All industries under Ye Yang's name are sanctioned! We will not provide you with any raw materials! All other companies in the world are not allowed to buy products produced by companies under Ye Yang's name. Whoever buys will make enemies with the alliance of several major financial groups! They will suffer the most terrible retaliation!"

"Warn all parties in the world to immediately cut off all transactions with Ye Yang! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

"Kick all companies under Ye Yang's name out of all international business alliances! Let them be removed from the international market!"

"We will consider freezing all overseas assets of companies under Ye Yang's name..."


One after another, sanctions decisions came from all directions.

The financial group alliance finally stopped the verbal war and started to get serious!

"Haha, I think Ye Yang is finished! There are so many first-class financial groups, plus the joint sanctions of the four top financial groups. Who in the world is not afraid? No one dares to do business with Ye Yang anymore! No one buys his stuff anymore! Ye Yang is doomed to fail!"

"They have too deep and too wide influence in the world business community... Are they going to lose?!"

"There are more than one billion people in China, and we support Ye Shenhao together! What you don't buy, we double! We unite together! We are not afraid of these fancy moves!"

"You only have the lowly means of sanctions, which is unreasonable and rude! You also freeze Mr. Ye's property! If you want to rob him, just say so!"

For a while, the situation was turbulent.

The situation is dangerous! ! ! !

(Second update)

Weekly no-prize quiz: Friends can discuss how Ye Yang will break the blockade and successfully counterattack?

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