Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1138 Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You


Ye Yang sneered and shook his head.

These are all conventional means of business war, just find a way to deal with them.

However, the other party is so shameless that he wants to freeze his overseas funds?

What's the difference between this and robbing money openly?

Does this still have any bottom line?

"They probably think they are the most powerful force in the world, and it doesn't matter even if they tear their faces and play such unscrupulous means with us?"

Yu Momo shook his head.

Ye Yang sneered and directly issued a notice: "Business war is business war, and those who dare to rob money openly will bear the consequences. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

The heads of several major financial groups saw it and sneered.

"It's really interesting. This Ye Yang dared to threaten us like this? Who gave him the courage!? We are still afraid of him near China, so what can he do in my European territory!? Just freeze his money for me!"

The secretary general of the Balor Financial Group said directly.

"The other party is also a big shot in the Chinese military and has high-tech weapons. I think we should not push him too far!"

"If we are really afraid of pushing him too far, then we should not fight this business war. What's there to be afraid of? If we want to fight, we should kill him!"

"That's right! He has a lot of military power, but so what? Does he really dare to use force and declare war on us? If the third war really starts... can he bear the responsibility?"

"Hehe, I don't think he dares!"


Many representatives are discussing.

But they all think it doesn't matter. Business wars must be done with all means. Even if Ye Yang is strong, he will not directly use military power to start a war, right?

"I don't think there is anything to say. Ye Yang must not have the courage to really use military power. We can just freeze his overseas assets directly."

In the end, the representatives of the consortium all unanimously confirmed the decision.

However, they could not fully confirm Ye Yang's attitude, whether he was so firm, so they planned to do a pilot.

The next day

Switzerland announced that it would freeze the cash flow of Ye Yang's assets in Switzerland.

A total of 10 billion euros!!!

This is not a small amount!!!

This decision immediately shocked the whole world.

Perhaps 10 billion euros in cash is not much for the overall strength of Ye Yang's consortium, but it is a statement of attitude and a test!!!

They completely tore their faces apart!!!

"Isn't Switzerland a permanent neutral country? Isn't the money in their country permanently safe?"

"I heard that before, why does it seem to be completely different now!?"

"They have committed a big taboo. I think no rich people or countries will deposit money in their bank in the future!"

"Haha, I think so too..."

There was a lot of scolding inside China.

However, outside, the propaganda weapons of European and American consortiums are extremely powerful, confusing many people.

Many people shouted that the Swiss bank was simply executing justice and were very excited!

The cries of ordinary people will not cause much response.

After all, those who can deposit money in Switzerland have at least hundreds of thousands of yuan in deposits.

The core customers are still the giants and wealthy people of various countries.

They originally deposited money based on the promise of Switzerland, permanent neutrality, and the principle and guarantee that private property is sacred and inviolable no matter what happens.

But now it seems that the situation is completely different!

This bunch of things, they say one thing and do another!

If they can rob Ye Yang's money today, they can rob their money tomorrow! ! !

The rich and powerful people from all over the world, except those from Europe and the United States, are trembling, feeling extremely disgusted, and cursing the Swiss company for being treacherous and shameless in their hearts! ! !

Within a day, I don’t know how many rich people and companies considered withdrawing their funds from Switzerland.

Soon, the news reached Ye Yang’s ears.

His face was grim.

Although he had long known that these European and American consortiums were extremely shameless, he still overestimated their bottom line as human beings! ! !

"Do you really think I, Ye Yang, am a soft persimmon that is easy to bully?"

A cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were cold.


Yu Momo shook his hand beside him.

"Let's proceed as planned. This time, I will not only defeat the other party in economy and business... I will make them afraid, make them afraid! Make them obey!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

He must establish his position in the international economic community as soon as possible!

Since the other party intends to spare no effort and use any means to deal with him, he does not need to show any mercy...

Because of the restrictions of European and American consortiums, perhaps the economic scale of his subordinates is indeed far less than the joint efforts of these top consortiums.

However, he has a lot of other cards in his hand!

Since he wants to compete, he doesn't have to endure it anymore!

That day, over Europe, a team of armed aircraft rushed directly towards Switzerland...

Ignoring all warnings along the way, they flew directly over the Swiss Small Bank.


A missile directly blew open the door of the Swiss Small Bank.

The special operations team rushed in directly, without hurting anyone.

Instead, they moved the reserve gold while blowing up the cash vault and moving the cash euros onto the transport plane.

This was until they moved more than 10 billion euros worth of cash and gold.

They just got back on the plane.

Fighter formation clears the way.

Escort the transport plane to fly outside Europe...

Suddenly, many official aircraft flew in, constantly communicating with the Hurricane fighter formation.

"Stop! You are committing robbery! If you don't stop, we will open fire!"

The warnings kept ringing.

"If you are not guilty, why don't you just open fire? We are just taking back what belongs to us. If you are really ignorant and want to open fire, then it is up to you! At that time, we are not here to get the things, but It’s a real war, fight back!”

The captain of the leader of the Hurricane fighter formation passed over with a lazy voice and a calm demeanor.

"You robbers!"

"When it comes to starting a war, you should start the war first!"

"Is Ye Yang really going to be the sinner of the world! Start a real war that he can't bear!!?"

The planes behind chased and cursed, but they never dared to fire because they did not have permission to fire first.

"Haha... We have nothing to do with Mr. Ye, we just don't like helping in this matter. In addition, it is obvious that you acted as robbers and robbed Mr. Ye's money first. Now that we get the money back, you slander us. Robber! Don’t you think you are too shameless?”

The captain sneered. If it weren't for the fact that the mission instructions did not allow active fire, he would have wanted to blow down all the garbage behind him...

Because, in the Alliance Palace.

The heads of several major financial groups have long been frightened.

No one expected that Ye Yang would become like this and send a formation of fighter jets to blow up the door and rob! ?

Didn't you even negotiate with them? !


This is simply incredible! ?

(First update)

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